Kale is good. 😀
Do you like pasta?
Love it!
What's your favorite book?
Much like other favorite questions, mine fluctuates. I travel with at least one book of the Harry Potter series at all times. Sometimes the entire series is in my back seat!
Kale is good. 😀
Do you like pasta?
What's your favorite book?
If a wood chuck could chuck wood how much wood would a wood chuck chuck? 😛
Favorite color? What's the last song you listened to? (Yeah, I know that's two. Lol)
Which causes me to ask, do you like math? 😀3.1415927 metric tons.
Which causes me to ask, do you like math? 😀
Okay, but you seem to like pi, which is a Greek letter.I do like math, though I tend to enjoy basic computation more than anything else. Once they started telling me that letters could equal numbers, I checked out. That's some BS right there! LOL
Okay, but you seem to like pi, which is a Greek letter.
What was your favorite subject in high school?
That was the biggest pi that I could find. 😛
What instrument or instruments do you play? 😀
That is quite a lot of musical talent that you have! 😀
What is your favorite song to play?
Ah, that was a multiple part answer for different instruments, very interesting. 😀
And what is your favorite song to listen to?
Have you visited a lighthouse yet?
Have you taken a boat tour?
Basic math problem...
If Joe is heading north from A-ville at 73 mph to B-Town and Fred is heading South to A-ville at 65 mph from B-Town
and A-ville and B-Town are 745 miles apart then the question is.......... does anybody really care? 😛
Ever stick carrots in your ears and pretend to be a periscope? 😛
Do you wuv widdle baby trees?
(the future of humanity depends on this answer)
I love trees of all shapes and sizes. I'm pro-dendro.
(Correct answer. Humanity thanks you 🙂 )
Now for something completely different..... Whats the speed of an African Swallow?