YesLOL, night man! 😀 I guess I already told you about the Metallica thing, lol
Do you like roller coasters?![]()
YesDo neighbours who keep their dogs barking in the yard for hours on end irritate you?![]()
I have never been hung over once. Before you go to bed drink a tall glass of water. You will not wake up hung over.What is your "cure" for a hangover? 😀
Nope, Nope and Nope.Do you own a telescope or a microscope? Are you a "sciency" kinda guy? lol
I am a ler. So it's never happen.In a tickling situation, have you ever had to yell "red"?![]()
Deathwhat would it take to turn you from being a Bruins fan? 😛
NopeHave you ever seen "A clockwork Orange"?
I have no idea."The Owls are not what they seem"... what series did this come from?
NopeDo you like 80's retro?
Nope.When you saw Pulp Fiction, were you craving a Royale with Cheese? 😀
MarioBest video game ever?
YesGeneral Zod seems to REALLY hate celery.... do you find this odd? 😀
Week on the beachIf you could take a cruise around several islands of the carribean for one week or spend that week on one fantastic beach.... which would you choose?
Don't have oneWhat is your favourite movie of all time?
NCISFavourite show?
Yes.Do you have a green thumb?
NopeCan you hula more than one hulahoop at once? 😀
BeakerFavourite Muppet character?
Shunt malfuction in 2001 which nearly killed me.Most fearsome experience you've ever had??![]()
Hasn't happen yet.Most epic experience you've ever had?![]()
NopeHave you ever been hunting?![]()
No and yes.Were you a fan of The Twighlight Zone... and did you see the movie?
TrueT/F: Elvis Costello is a dweeb 😀
Yes, i lose them all the time.You have had to buy more than one pair of sunglasses in one season? 😎
7How old were you when you first realized girls didnt' have "cooties"? LOL 😀
250 is only half way there!This is post #250... you know we are determined, right?![]()
Yes.Have you ever danced down an escalator?![]()
Never really a fan of his.What is your favourite Monty Python skit?
Yes.Have you ever heard a real laughing hyena? 😀
Nope and nope.Did you ever see the movie Parenthood? And would you want to be "Cowboy Gil" for a kids party?![]()
Yes, i am a great swimmer.Have you ever attempted the "butterfly" stroke in swimming?![]()
Mystic River.Your favourite movie featuring Sean Penn?
No and no.Have you ever bungee jumped? Would you?
Sure, but that just means it'll take longer to reach 500.Can I take a break? 😛 😀
Today is going quite well actually. Currently watching Ghost Lab.You're a tough nut to crack, I'll give you that Vlad 😀But this isn't over... not by a long shot!
How's it goin today anyway? 😀
Have you ever gone skinny dipping? 😈