Wow. I forget to check the site for a few days, and wow. A huge thread, with an excellent comic. Props Umojar, nice job. Yay for the Batcrew.
And props also goes out to the fans of the comics. Glad to see mention of Cassie and Stephanie. Would love to see some art with them in it (especially Stephanie as Robin!).
And to whoever said it was stupid Bats fired Steph...DC has already decided it kill her off in War Games, so Willingham decided to set her up as Robin (however briefly) before her untimely demise. As a huge Batfan, I was heartbroken to see her die. She was a perfect Robin (much more so than Jason Todd and Tim Drake). She had motivation, determination, and a great balance to the ultra darkness of Bats. Robin was supposed to be, as Tim Drake said, a lighter contrast to Batman's darkness. Batman needs Robin so he won't get too dark. Stephanie provided just that, and she had reason to be Robin (especially unlike Drake).
Uh oh, unnecessary rant! But if anyone would like to do a Cassie and/or Steph pic/comic...might I make one tiny request? If their feet are the focus...could for just a little bit..they be in socks? That would rule so much. Anyways, upstanding work once more!