WOW! The end.
Seriously, that rocked! It was my most fun weekend ever. This party rocked the gathering's foundation. I REALLY needed a recharge of my internal batteries and this hit the spot in a huge way, by getting to see my old friends and making a few new ones. Yay first timers for coming out! On to the love fest:
Jo - You weren't there, so it wasn't complete. That is all. <3
Bella and Bill - Honestly, you've outdone yourselves. Thank you "Mama B" for allowing us to crash your house, your town, and your party. You are the most gracious hostess and really treat everyone like they are yours, thus living up to the "Mama" moniker we bestow on you. Bill, thanks for your patience in being a silent force that allows it to happen, and for cooking for us like no one else can. Both of you are epic and I'll gladly continue doing anything I can to make this continue to happen.
Brucetheshark - Good to see you again, and as always you respect all of our ladies, even when beating them. Expect a pm this week with a little something for you.
Paul Blart Hotel Security Cop Version 2.0 - Eat me sideways you playcop halloween costume you. Third time you came to the door, I actually told Adam to chop you up in pieces and stuff you into the air vents, since according to him, that's how sound travels through hotels.
BlackHat - Good to meet ya my man, and thanks for sharing your car ride with me!
FilthyWeasel - (in my best Sean Connery voice) It's good to meet ya, Laddy! Serious bud, you are a very kind guy and I think you did just fine for your first gathering. Trust me, the next you go to you will feel 100% more relaxed and social, because you already know everyone. It was a pleasure to meet you.
Darkhand - Really great to meet you Sean. While a little quiet, I enjoyed your company buddy and I appreciate you taking care of our little turtle most of the weekend. You are a great guy.
Korastus - Kev, it was a pleasure to both share the car ride with you to and from Cincy, but also get to visit and talk with you more. You've got a huge heart in a little body! So you are susceptible to was worth it just to see the smiles you put on people's faces when they destroyed you. Stay cool little bro.
Jpie - Judy it's always good to see you. It's even better seeing every guy you talk shit to, hold you accountable for it.
Kered - My curator of the Lean! Always good to see you, but never see enough of you. I'm stoked you were able to get in on a Lean pic, and I can't wait to see you at the next gathering.
Mark and Corry - Good to see you guys again! Mark, great job on the paddle, it came out sooo good. Corry it's always awesome to hear your giggle in a room.
Christina - Always so fun to see you babe! Seriously your squealy "Kraaaaazieee" when I walked in and your fullback run through the traffic of the living room to hug me helped make my day.
Morgan - Always so good to talk to you Morgan, however briefly, but its always just briefly. We need to make a food run together (you dainty eating SOB lol) at a gathering and talk more. Keep roaring our Yeti!
Pokey - You are a gentlemen and have a smile for everybody always. It's always fun to BS with you whether just in passing, from across a room, or actually taking time. You are a good man my friend.
RChello - You actually came you goof! So good to finally to put a face and give a hug to the man behind the screenname. Thanks for helping me co-destroy Classy on Sat night at the party.
Rob - What can I say Rob, you border breaking Mexican you. (Seriously, there are pics to prove it) I'm glad your back gave you reprieve to enjoy yourself for once. Thanks for taking so many pics my friend, now get me a link to see them!
Lee - You are a wonderful woman. I too, am glad we have become the friends we are from where we started. Thanks for the talk Sat morning and I look forward to seeing you soon. Your hypnosis really took off and made for some very funny happenings.
Katie - My little herna and sister. It so good to see you again, for the very brief minutes it was.
Chris - You still fail Toolman, and hope you got yourself right, but it was soo great to see you again. It had been too long my friend.
Lyz - WICK!! You orange creature you!

It is always sooo good to see you and just laugh with you to our own brand of humor. Congrats on leaving the orange shirt at home, even if your brought the orange shirt in its place. It's always soo good to see you.
Mike - The man rape was kept to a bare minimum since you weren't actually sick this time. After the last two gatherings, you earned some down time. Good to see you buddy.
Ryan - Sooo good to finally meet you my brother. I felt so close to you already, that actually seeing you in the flesh was just a formality. You are a cool to hang with as you are just to bullshit with on the phone. Continue to take care of my little sister.
Aimee - My little sister, you have got to make more time next gathering for us. You, me, and catchphrase must reunite. I'm proud you've hung in there all year, and watching you now watch it pay off is sooo satisfying. You deserve it and we're all happy for the both of you.
Kayaker - Keep smiling Todd! That it is all.
Natural - "The DARKNESS everybody!" Man it was so good to get to just cut up with you again. So much funny shit happened to us this weekend, I just wish I had a 24/7 recording of it all to watch again. Thanks for being the great guy you are my brother, and I'll see you in Albany, this time with cajun food. Promise.
SubtleFeather - Greg you are such a great guy man. Seriously, I'm so stoked you came. Thanks for the rides everywhere and coming eat with us, and Catchphrase, the guitar and singing on the back deck. It's a pleasure to call you a friend and wouldn't have been the same without you there this weekend.
Purrbast - Babe, you rock so hard it's ridiculous. You're more stunning than even your photos can show, you are so easy to talk to, really fun to hang out with, a fucking AWESOME lee', and are a total supergeek which I love! BUT..."we still ganstas son!"

Me, you, and Mel have a Catchprase psychic link. You are amazing, and I can't wait to talk to you more soon. Come to every gathering, period.
Rhino - My enforcer and Doctor colleague. You are always so awesome man. You are just comedy in a bulldozer frame. Always stay the great guy you are, and I'm honored to call you a friend. *tugs your weenis*
Kassi - Hai cutie patootie! You are such an adorable person babe and I'm soo glad you came. It was always funny to walk by and give you tickles in passing you and vice versa.(stop turning it off
😀) You are an awesome cuddler too. Can not WAIT to see you again.
Classy - Nicki, you are sunshine in a bottle and one of my closest friends. You make life better just being in it. Thanks for help making anytime we're together a blast.
Cassi - My cuddlebug...we didn't get to do our thing this time around, but I did get to spend quality time with you. Thank you so much for picking me and and dropping me off in Cincy (and not leaving me
😀) I'm glad you had a great time, and can't wait to see you again soon babe! Thank you sooooo much for the present! It kicks 3 tons of ass. <3
Glamorous - Cindy you are a shining star. Albany and now Bellas, anytime we hang out is so ridiculously fun it's a crime. It you hadn't been able to make it, this gathering would not have been nearly as fun. You damn well better leave all that "ler'ing" at home next time too. You and Nicki got me pretty damn good Sat night. Love ya babe!
Brent and Stacy - Man I can never say enough about you two. My brother and sister, period. Brent you know it all man. You are a fucking standup man, and friend. Stacy, getting to meet you finally after talking to you through Brent for almost a year was epic! You are an amazing woman, and loving beyond words. I knew we were the same person when we gave an Eskimo kiss at first meeting. It's an honor to have you both in my life.
Melanie - I don't even know where to start. You took my weekend over the top. We were like Tweedel Dee and Tweedel Dum this weekend. Where there was one, there was both of us, and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Anyone who tells you that a 6 hour session is bullshit, you tell them Jay said "they are eff'ing high!". You are an amazing person on so many levels, I won't bother listing them all here. Thanks for the laughs, the stories, the talks, the cuddles, etc. Love you <3 *pokes nose*
A couple funny things I remember off the top of my head:
Bella's kid (on top of a dogpile of bodies while hitting people with a pillow) "Yaaaaaay violence!!!"
Purrbast (at Steak n Shake after being tickled by her other half while in a corner) "hey I'm stuck in my little corner:it USED to be such a friendly place"
- (also Purr to Lyz when I told Lyz I would set her ass on fire there on the spot) "OMG wife!!!! YOU HAVE A WICK NOW!!" *pointing at the her new orange scarf she knitted for her*
Rhino (at Trader Joe's when I asked if this was "all natural" water like everything else they sell) "Why yes it is Jay. This is harvested by worker's hands from seaborne glaciers"
Glamorous (All weekend) "I HAVE HERPES! WANT ME TO SHOW YOU!?!
Me to Natural (during the distraction phase of Catchphrase) "I will burn your black ass in the fireplace!!" To which he responded, "WTF, is this 1930? Will you be lynching me in the backroom too!"
Bill (about the police helicopter in search mode above his neighborhood) "Someone let Natural know they are looking for him again."
Glamorous (answering me as to where the FUCK did her becoming such a ler come from) "I know right!?! I was cleaning the house the day before the gathering and I picked up some clothes from the floor and and there was a big box of LER sitting there, so I figured "I'll bring it to the gathering""

Can we go back and do it again please? Epic weekend.
p.s. I'm the one that usually takes a ton of pics and shares with everyone, but this is the first time my camera never left my bag,
so picture takers, please share a link to yours with me by pm. Thanks!