Shout-outs and words to remember, recap to come later in Blog
Well, well, well.
What it is, what is was, what it always shall be. A fantastic weekend that reminds you how great it is to be alive.
So without further delay, some shout-outs and random words that will mean different things to different people. I shall make a FULL recap in my blog you all can read later.
Glamorous--First off, thank you for your hospitality, conversation, kindness and introducing me to your family. You are all great. I could never put enough words to cover everything, but here are a few....
TACOS!!, Car-ree, SNORE-REE, Hair Dying, in front of TV argue-ree, LONG DRIVE, ears popping, scary bridges, SANDWICHES, Navigator, photo journalist, Buttermilk Pancakes!!, 100 miles of nothing.
You were the perfect person to enjoy a long drive with. And the fact you didn't want to jump out of the car due to your ears bleeding from my talking says more about you than anything I could. You took me at face value and gave me change. WOW. That drive went by so fast and was the easiest drive and was because of you. THANK YOU! If I ever need to make a drive like that again, I want you as my Co-Pilot.
Bella--Nothing I could say could do justice to your endless love of all of us there. You opened your home and your heart. You receiving that paddle, the look in your eyes you had showed the appreciation you had for us which you returned on everyone 10 fold. Unforgettable, that IS what you are. Amazing, you always shall be. You have my undying respect, gratitude and servitude.
Bill--You have the patience of a saint. It was great to meet you, talk and get to know you. You sir have a wonderful outlook and I look forward to seeing you again. I could not say thank you enough times to cover it all.
Skippy--I promised you and I came through. I did not get enough time to hang with you all at NEST from my running around, and this time I spent more time alone with people. We had time to chill and have fun. I OWE YOU for the border, trust me it will be coming. Miss you already. See you soon.
Knot--It was great to finally meet you in person. Great too see you happy and hanging out. Can't wait to do it again. PS. Thanks for backing me on the shirt man. And I love your wardrobe. I must have!
Jhoti--I missed you!! Sorry no shoe shopping this time, but we were both busy, busy, busy. Great meeting your and your friends. Hope next time we can chill out more.
Mondy--ILY ILY ILY!! I was soooo happy to finally be able to spend more time with you, we were both missing our halves of our teams, so we had to become "MondyRob". Sorry about the trial though, but you know it was out of love. You are more special to me than you know!! I feel so close to you now, and you are among the nearest and dearest in my heart. I miss you so much now, I even tear a bit writing this. I hope to see you very soon!!
Lee--Always a great time whenever you are near. You are also a fair and competent judge. Love the fact that NT couldn't run this time.
kered--Things are always better with you around. Your calm and relaxed attitude are a benefit to all when the craziness ensues. Proud to call you friend.
Korastus--Finally getting to just hang and chat with you was great. Thanks for not talking about that McDonalds manager, and waiting until we left to laugh. Pizza was good. And watching you suffer was epic. I know you enjoyed every minute of it. You were the official "boy-toy", that I know for sure.
Laffy Daffy--It was great that you made it, and even better once I got to actually talk with you. Hopefully next time Ill get to talk with you some more. But Dinner was a great freaking time.
FireGuardian--So sweet you are!!! I finally got to really hang around you and it was fun, I can't wait to do it again!!
Capnmad--Brother Morgan!! Always a pleasure sir. I always seem to find you no matter the gathering, NHLee, NEST and now at BBB. We have this natural bond being able to relate. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Talk to you soon man.
Slacker and Stacy--First off, I promise I will not call at 1am Stacy, you gave me a pass this time and I am thankful.
OK, great to finally meet you Stacy, but it seemed like you were always around. I hope I get to see you more often.
Slacker, even though your team lost you never showed it. Always there and always smiling no matter who was getting crushed. Great to see you again my friend, and also Ill be talking to you soon (11pm Tuesday nights...TMF Radio Sports..) Take care bro. One more thing....SPARKLE!!!
KrazieDog--Ill start off with you like I ended with Slack....SPARKLE!! Thanks for being there when needed, ready to pounce and having everyone's back. Also....nice catch, you proved that a big white man can still jump! Just work on throwing uphill now. Oh hell, one more time.....SPARKLE!!
Subtle Feather--DUDE!! Awesome to finally meet you after months in a video chat with you in Japan. By the way, you move well for a big guy....big guy! Thanks for playing the tunes and sharing a meal. Big ups man.
PurrBast--SOFT!! SOFT!! SOFT!! I was happy to be a part of your first Pwning at the door Sat. night. You are a wonderful woman, and an absolute delight to be around. I never saw anyone smile so much. I can not begin to tell you the honor it was to meet you. I really hope I get the honor of doing so again.
BrucetheShark--I didn't know what to expect, but you overshot anything I was thinking. You sir are the billboard of ultimate. I would take a bullet for you, just not a paddle from you....I saw how that turned out time and time again. I really hope I get to hang out again with you. If your ever in GA look me up.
RChello--Great to finally meet you after all these years. I was happy we won our case, as easy as it was. You are a class act all the way. Thanks for believing in me!!!
Pokey--You are a scholar and a gentleman. So quiet, but at the same time unforgettable. It was a pleasure to see you again. Thanks for all you do.
Classy--Let me rub you down!!! LOL. You are one spunky gal! And we all love you for it. Although calling out Brucetheshark may not have been your brightest moment. Thanks for hanging with me, got to spend a lot more time with you this time round and I look forward to spending more. Love that lotion, and my goatee misses your midriff. I still have a few raspberries for you

, Ill bring them to the next gathering
😀 Miss ya lady, and love ya lots! And the footie pajamas were AWESOME! With them, I would not have known that you liked raspberries so much.
Natural--YOU GOT DESTROYED!! AHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!! And I still waiting for my chom-chom ese. Not only did you run from Lee, but you ran from me. I aint scurred. For all that you went though no wonder you fell asleep so fast and early Sunday night. I hope you had half the fun hanging with me as I did with you. If so, it worked out. And McDonalds....yeah. MC RIB!! You know you wanted it. Nothing else happened. End of story.
Rhino--NOM NOM NOM NOM, NOM NOM NOM. AHAHHAHAHHAHHA! Epic. Your always there. In the middle of it all. And I thank you. I have a video you may be interested in. But all in all, it was great seeing you again man. No matter how misguided you may be at times, it is a bonus for me to have a friend like you. Also...change that freaking HONK while I'm driving. WORST DRIVE TO THE AIRPORT EVER!
Kassi--One great lady you are. You fit in so well and had so much fun, it was a blast being in the same area as you. I hope to do it again, and it was an honor to pick you up at the airport, thanks for helping me find Bella's...because I would have gotten us lost.
tklee88(Katie)--You haz NO TUFF, because you have POWER!! You go girl!! You have really proven yourself on every level possible. You are a stack of power with a side a BOOYAH!! I feel safer knowing your in a room.
Homer You entrance was made even more grand by me having to step out of the way for fear of being trampled on by Slack and K-Dog running to get ya. Even though inept security guy could have ruined your weekend, you still were in great spirits and that is a testament to who you are. Great being around you dude, honor truly.
MusicRoxs (mel)--You are too cute for words. You really opened up and had a great time, and that made everyone else have a great time. I can't wait to see you again.
Jpie--Miss you!! Loved the outfit, and finally that we were able to hang out and stuff
😀 Awesome, wonderful lady you are. And nice karate kick, too bad that the shoe flying off would have hurt more than your kick. LOL. Hope too see you again soon.
Black Hat--Dude, black hat less!!! Great meeting you and hope your first was as memorable as mine. Food run was great to have you along for the ride, and chilling with you that night. I hope too see you more often.
Tortuga--Mi corazon. What can I say I haven't said before..except WOW the Mini-Bella's really do look like you! You looked to be having a lot fun, and as always you were loving every minute. Glad you had sometime to relax from all the rush-rushing you have been doing lately. Take care, miss you.
Rook--Ryan, my friend...and I can happily say that now. Just stop with the damn SIR!!! LOL. Polite, pleasant and a stand up guy all around. You have a great attitude & it was indeed great to share the lighter tribute as the birthday song was sung for Bella while we stood outside "clearing our lungs". I look forward to talking to you soon and catching up again. You have a friend in me, for sure.
Aimee--AIMEE!!!!!!!!!! Darlin, you are the smile on a cupcake! Your smile is something I can not get out of my head...that along with the horror in your eyes as I stabbed my hand

messing around. You decorate so well, I think I can get $5000 now for your styrofoam work. Till we meet again! Which hopefully will be soon. Miss ya.
Kayaker--Todd....thanks for sleeping with me!! <wink> <wink> Good to know that I don't scare off everyone. Always a delight to hang with you man. I look forward to many, many more.
Filthyweasel--YOU ROCK!! Simple as that. Great sittin around late night making you say things just to hear them. An honor being a taxi for you on an occasion or two. And I am so glad I could be at your first gathering. Keep on keepin on man. Hope to see you at more.
Darkhand--I am easily impressed...true. But it takes a lot to blow me away. And you did. Your professionalism, your demeanor, everything. Whether or not it matters, you made an impression on me that will last a lifetime. It was a highlight of my trip to meet you.
Viper--FINALLY!! We got to actually do things for once. WOW! It was great to collaborate with you on the Bella Gift, and it was even better just working with you. I look forward to many more years, many more surprises, and many more gatherings with you. About time we got to hang out, and when you get my'll be lucky to still LOOK LIKE ME!!
Sapphire--Another person I finally got to just sit and talk with. About time I know. Thanks for being you and being yourself. You make it so easy to get to know you. Remember, mi casa es su casa.
Zack--Zack, I don't have the words. Your my first TMF Man-Crush. Our bromance will only get stronger, next time Ill bring a ring. I know wont mind. From talking, hanging out, eating, and pampering Gin.....sitting on your lap for an epic pose, and commenting how good peppermint tastes. You made this experience an even better one. I have indeed found another lil bro amongst the forum. You need anything...ANYTHING, never hesitate to ask. Talk to you soon, and take good care of Gin.

You make me feel young. You are a delight to have around and motivation for all things Mexican! Unlike NEST and as with others you and I really got a chance to connect this time around. Now understand I'm not under any delusions of grandeur, I know how things are, but you truly....truly made me feel special. Even if we never get to be as close and hang out again, this weekend you really helped me with a lot of things. Even if it was just this time and the next time you barely get to see me, just a wave or a look will remind me how you if nothing else, for 1 weekend you made me realize that even a 37 year old man like me can feel like a kid again. THANK YOU!! I mean that. We shall chat soon.
Random Words & phrases some of you will know:
No not a bus!!
Isn't that a woman's shirt?
People danced when you played this??
Put your pants back on.
Red, red!!
Your head looks like a shiny marble.
Say "Get in my belly"
Someone should put a bell on Shamwow.
You have a good night...good bye.
She wont help you.....
More to come. Love and miss you all. Check my blog later in the week for hopefully a full recap.