ok, the gingko is set..I hope
First of all, I would like to thank everyone who helped make this weekend one of the best I've had in a long time...and I am
still going thru party withdrawal...haha
My thanks, in no particular order
To the newbies- it was a pleasure meeting all of you, and now you're not newbs anymore, you're vets, just like us...it was nice seeing all of you blend in like you've been to 10 of them..good job
Bella- my mochalicious little sista, good to see ya again..I miss you so much right now its not even funny... thanks for providing us chillins' a place to play, and for your hospitality...and you can tell Bill the helicopter flying overhead wasn't for me...I didn't have a warrant out..LOL Love ya lots babe, and see ya in Albany, cuz we gon do this one more gin'
Brucetheshark- Adam my man!!! good to see ya again...you helped make this party rock...enjoyed the basement talks, watching you change butts into hamburger meat, and just being an overall good buddy...although like Slacker you have one fatal flaw...you're Steelers fans, but that's ok, nobody's perfect!!! LOL... take care bro
Classy- my squirrelly, stick figure, cawfee lovin babygirl, I miss you lots too, and I love ya..although learning how to give up will reduce the wear and tear that body of yours takes...you makes the weekends fun, and that casserole is aiight.. I am also proud of you in that you learned how to share a bed....ily

Glamorous-finally got to meet you, and I am glad I did!!! those brownies was off the chain, and loved our talks, hugs, cuddles, etc... and we totally rocked Catchphrase!! Never knew such a small bundle could be such a handful!!! gotta get back in the gym!! can't wait to see ya again..ily *blows kiss*
Rhino and Kassi- good to see ya again Pete, enjoyed our intellectual talks, and to finally meet Kassi.. love ya babe!!
Katie- good to see ya again babe, and although you lost the bet, you took a lot of punishment, therefore earning your tuff... miss ya babycakes
Brent and Stacy- good to see again my brutha, and no matter if the jokes we aimed at each other or someone else, good comedy came out of it, and it is a blast tripping with you, and Stacy I loved our talks, hugs, and everything else we dabbled in...although you didn't have to hold me down, didja?? btw, you make a mean alfredo...good stuff
KrazieDog- my N'awlins brutha, good to see ya again, and enjoyed tripping with you..but that 1930 burning thing...thought I was down South for a minute...look forward to Albany for some cajun cooking...promise to leave Mr. Zatarain at home

oh yeah, Doctor
Melanie- good to see ya again chica, my staring partner...the only thing is I still didn't hear a giggle from you...LOL one day soon, I hope...love ya

oh yeah, sorry about the pillow abuse, try to stay still next time
Gin- good to see ya again, and miss our little banter..you still crack me up trying to be all tough...love ya
Mikey- although I should thrash you for helping the ladies hold me down, the fact that you're a Law and Order SVU fan keeps me from doing such.. good to see ya again bro
Skippy- good to see ya again babycakes...loved our cuddles, hugs, humpz, and anything else we did, and yes, even when you cried on me, provided human Kleenex...love ya always

Mark and Corry- good to see ya again bro, although you were scared to bring the video games, I understand, I would've smashed you...and Corry, that tuna casserole was delish!!! miss you and your famous hugs... oh yeah, *poke* HA!
Morgan and Christina-good to see ya bro, and hope that research is successful for ya, lemme know your findings...and Christina, gosh you're awesomesauce!!!! i miss you, our talks, hugs... yush, you did help pwn me, but remember what they say about paybacks....love ya
Kered- good to see ya my friend, and now finally you can put to rest all of these I run from folks theories out your head, I took their best shots and still here...see ya at NEST
Gregg- good to see ya again my friend...the only thing missing was a ping-pong table!!! LOL thanx for the jam-sessions, get that voice fixed
Purrbast- I miss you Purry!!! glad you came out, and I was happy to see that you blended in so well like I knew you would!! and I am impressed how you handled being pwned...told you the intensity is dialed up.. I love ya..HARD
Cassi- my favorite little turtle...good to see ya again, and I loved our talks, hugs, etc, even if some was hinted with good-natured racism...

and you are amazing too, you know that?? You are better than margaritas and taco salads
Mondy- I miss you so much babygirl!!! hope you enjoyed the coloring books and the CD, and yush, I did get pwned, happeh nao?? and thanx for providing a visual of what ground chuck looks like...haha see ya in Albany..ily
LeeAllure- gosh, where to begin with you?? I gotta admit, you got me, and I have come to the conclusion that no matter what I do to block it, you will always find somethin on me, so now I will stop trying...I miss the hugs, gosh I love your hugs...the talks, and the early morning conversations over eggs and bacon.... see ya in Albany, where the switch will be back functioning
Judy- my Kung-fu panda!!! I miss you lots, and I enjoyed our talks, hugs, cuddles, and everything else we did..you are lots of fun, and you are one beautiful lady, inside and out..never forget that...ily
Robace- my Mexican brutha...orderle vato, locos forever!!!! good to see ya again my friend, but try not to take such delight in me getting my ass handed to me...damn, did you hafta take so many damn pics?? wellll, the INS is gonna pay ya a visit vato, so be ready...see ya soon
Jhoti and Knot- good to see ya again my creole sista, and I am glad you are telling the TRUTH for a change...LOL and glad to finally meet ya Knot, you are crazy, my man
Ryan and Aimee- Rook my man!!! glad to finally meet ya...you are greatness personified..keep up the good work bro!!! get better at playing chess so we can get a game in...Aimee. work on those guns...LOL good to see ya cuteness
Filthyweasel- good to meet ya man, and I owe ya some blackjacks!!! hope to see ya again soon
Pokey- the epitome of class and being a true gentleman...good to see ya again old friend...we have got to get together again soon..and we wil
Black Hat, Korastus, ImFAILer, RChello,- good to see all of you once again...you rock!!
to all those I have missed, charge it to my head and not my heart, I love you all, but you see, the gingko has a time lease limit, and it has run out...
NT signing off...because time is of the essence
DISCLAIMER: to all the ladies who watched me get pwned, to all the ladies who participated, I leave you with this: yush I did get pwned, I admit, but this is a one-time only thing....do NOT get used to it.... that is all
And to JoJo, counting down the days until DX is reformed, and the Frosted Flakes is shared...*kiss*