I finally have some down time to reflect on the weekend and to do my dedications. I wasn't sure what to expect of the weekend, but it turned out to be amazing. There was warmth and love all around. Friday night was perfect. It was exactly what I needed. So, Friday night crew (you know who you are...) thank you...so much.
Bella - Once again, thank you for having me out and letting me crash in your home. You accepted my boyfriend without question and made him feel so very welcome, as well. And that means so much to me. The weekend couldn't have been any better, and you were a big part of what made it so wonderful. Thank you for checking it and making it as pleasant as possible. I've always cherished our friendship and will continue to do so for as long as I live. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Happy birthday, Mama. You're gorgeous and amazing.
Bill - Even though we don't talk that much (because you don't talk that much), I always feel welcome. You give some of the bestest hugs.
🙂 I already miss your dry humor and deadpan stare. Lawl. You're weird. ily. Thank you for once again having the patience to host a batch of crazies in your lovely orange home.
Mini-Bella's - Bop It! will never be the same. Neither myself, nor Josh, can match the love that you two possess for Cat Flushing The Toilet, Boogie Woogie Hedgehog, or the crazy, screaming cat. I dug your makeover on Lyz's monkey. And always remember, "VIOLENCE!" is the answer.
Adam - I really, really love you, monkey man. I hope to goodness that you and Miss B can come and visit me in Louisville for a volleyball game soon... And thank you for that time on the bed. It was one of the funnest parts of the weekend. I like giving you shhhhi...err crap...and wrestling around with you. One day I'll be big enough to win.
Lyz - My God...what is there to say? You are the BAMF to my 13, the Cobra Commander to my Snake Eyes, part of the IFD (Talk shit, get hit - we'll do it next time!) and always the best part of my weekend. You are my best friend. You know me in ways that no one else can touch on. I can tell you anything and I know you'll understand. The absolute two best moments of the entire gathering were made that way because I shared them with
you. Late Friday night hilarity and reading The Book...words just can't describe. From sharing the light-hearted giggles in marrying Krys and owning Zach, to the more serious talks of Sunday night/Monday morning and you easing my way into the setting Friday night...words just can't describe. And I love you so much, baby girl. ALWAYS.
Rob - Another person who made this weekend endlessly amazing for me. You were always by my side. Always there to give me a word of encouragement, a hug, a kiss, a foot massage
🙂D), or a good laugh. I meant everything I said Friday night. You mean so very much to me. Getting close to you this weekend was a blessing. You were my rock and one of my closest companions, and for that I cannot articulate how appreciative I am. I'm happy that I made you feel young...you made me feel secure and beautiful. Thank you for being part of the Friday night crew. Thank you for your cuddles. Thank you for your dedication and love. I will never, ever really banish you to the other side of the Mexican border, Papa. I LOVE YOU!
Manda - Getting close to you this weekend was unexpected and incredible. Even if we're bonded together by less than ideal circumstance, I'm happy for it. You're absolutely beautiful, Amanda, and I'm so proud by how far you've come since a year ago when I first met you. You're a dedicated and amazing friend, and the weekend meant so much to me. Thank you for being part of it...and for "letting" me totally own you. Zach had fun, too. xD
Kevin - Aww, honey. It was so epic getting close to you again this weekend. I've missed you.
🙂 I'm glad you spent so much time with Zach and I Friday and Saturday...and you know I appreciate you being part of the Friday night crew.
😀 May you always have a tiny dinosaur to throw at the faces of your enemies! And always remember: Are...are you a Yoshi?
Purrbast - Zomg! You were my absolute favoritest present EVAR!! Teehee! You were totally my favorite pwn-ee of the weekend. Glad to have initiated you into IFD status -- we're all married now.
😀 And don't worry - even though Zach and Greg are only using us for sex now, it's okay. We're way cooler and cuter together. We can only get closer from here - comic book lovers unite!!
Subtlefeather - You. Ah, you. Despite you trying to off me to hook up with my boyfriend, I GUESS you're pretty cool. I guess. I mean, you
teach me about "Best thing, worst thing, most random thing"...and you kept me and Zach entertained at Steak n Shake...and I guess all weekend, too. Soo...fiiiiiine...I
guess we can be friends.
But only if you take me to pet tigers!!! O.O
Rhino - Holy shit. You ALWAYS have me rolling hardcore! Honestly, I think we should co-host forcedcheezburgers.com. I've been plotting some hardcore YOU WILL HAZ ever since that weekend. I can't think of a cheezburgar without thinking of you owning someone in the face with it.
😀 And The Best Book Ever...well, it just wouldn't be without your hysterical readings. I really hope your forming a loving relationship with your llama and stroking your genitals with glee right now. And remember to please watch out for the toilet monster.
Kassi - As determined as you were to force cheezburgar me, I still really liked you.
😛 It was epic times meeting you...and watching you get OWNED IN THE FACE BY CHEEZBURGAR online.
😀 😀 😀 While you may not be safe, you are most certainly loved and I hope to see you again very soon.
Lee - It was really nice getting closer to you this weekend. Thank you for your attempt at hypnotizing me. I really hope we can do it again soon. I think it'll work better next time. Thank you for your continued patience and for making me feel loved. Can't wait to see you again.
Morgan - We didn't see each other much this weekend, but I wouldn't have been there if it weren't for your encouragement and love. Thank you so much. And you were right.
🙂 I wish you were there to complete the Original Four as far as The Best Book Ever goes, but definitely next time, yes? As always, I miss your great hugs and your
amazerful smell! I love you. Call me whenever. We should catch up about the weekend. xoxo
Homer - You are SO TOTALLY a "sphincter" -- but fuck if I don't love you so hardcore! You are endlessly amusing and always have love to go around. You're epic, sir. But I will never pass you the salt...or ketchup...or whatever it was you wanted.
Glam - D'aww. Baby girl. It's always nice to see you.
🙂 You're so much fun to pwn, and you're always so sweet and loving. Thanks for spending time with me this weekend and for being part of the epicness that was the Friday night crew.
Knot - I didn't see much of you this weekend, Jeff...but you were part of the Friday night crew and that was easily the best part of the weekend. You're absolutely hilarious, and everything I thought you would be. I wish we had spent more time together, but there's always next time. Try not to burn your hand on Rob's lava lamp dildo anymore, okay?
Jhoti - Another I didn't see much of this weekend. It doesn't change much, though. You'll always be my gorgeous Egyptian Goddess. The time I did spend with you was AMAZING, though. You were the one I chose to help me break Zach into this new world...and it was everything I wanted his first time to be. Thank you so much, baby. Come around more next time, okay? I love you.
Natural - Always nice to see you get owne...err...see you.
😛 I'm sorry I missed your birthday! And I do have a tuff!! I'm actually a vicious tiger - I just don't want to scare you, that's all. Remember: You Are My Sunshine!
Imfailer - Your disappearing act left me heartbroken - I didn't get to pwn you at all that weekend!! But it's okay. I'll always have fond memories of you yelling for your son.
😀 Hoo-ha, love...hoo-ha. I can't wait to see you again, my Failer. I love you so much.
Aimee - Thanks for that time we spent one on one Saturday. It was refreshing. You're absolutely gorgeous and I loved seeing you again and getting to know you even better. Hopefully we'll hang out more next time.
Ryan - Gosh, you're so formal and polite. Silly boy. We must break you of this!! You're an absolute sweetheart and I definitely approve of you dating our dear Amy. Keep on being awesome and I'll see you again soon.
filthyweasel - "Say something with a lot of 'r's' in it!" You were freaking adorable. It was super cool hanging out with you at Steak n Shake and throughout the night on Saturday. Welcome to our group of friends.
Viper - We didn't get to do our photo shoot, so definitely put a raincheck on that! Always great seeing you again, Mark. Even if we do go head to head sometimes. I'm a brat. You're an asshole. And I love you.
JPie - Auntie!! Oh my gosh, I love you. Your boobs are the best things in the world! And you looked FABULOUS Saturday night. Fucking hot. Srsly. You always make me smile and give me a happy inside. Keep on being precious, Miss Judy.
Classy, Christina, Sapphire, Katie, Kayaker, and anyone else I missed - Though I didn't see much of you all, you all make the parties special. I miss all of you already. Thank you for being sweet and being part of the reason I keep on coming back.
Paul Blart 2.0 - Get fucked. If you hadn't been pressing your creepy ear to the door the entire time you probably would have noticed the retard that broke into Lyz's car and stole her GPS. Stop sucking cock for a while and do your job.
Artoo, Snail, and Jo - It wasn't the same without the three of you there. You were all missed and talked about. Hope to see you all soon. xoxoxo
And last, but under no circumstances least,
Zach - Baby boy, thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart, for coming with me to Bella's. You came with an open mind and an open heart, and left with a new understanding, a new appreciation, and a new group of friends. From sharing Friday night with me to letting myself and Jhoti give you your first real experience in tickling to our own special moments together...it was beyond what I expected for the weekend...and I can't thank you enough. I know how you feel about the people and the experiences, but I want you to know that this weekend wouldn't have been nearly as special and absolutely perfect as it was without your constant support and love near by. You threw yourself head first into this world with very little understanding and you did MARVELOUSLY. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I love you so much, Zach. You're incredible.
So, people with cameras --