Pot, kettle? Kettle, pot? Bueller? Registered and room reserved... we'll see who's king of McFail, eh ?? 😀
Hey nao!!! Don't make me come over there, Ms. FAIL..... 😛
Pot, kettle? Kettle, pot? Bueller? Registered and room reserved... we'll see who's king of McFail, eh ?? 😀
Hey nao!!! Don't make me come over there, Ms. FAIL..... 😛
excuse me, no one has brought me up on any charges.
As far as you know...
Ok ppl finally chimming in on this thread......just got my plane ticket a few hours ago.....see you there
Ok ppl finally chimming in on this thread......just got my plane ticket a few hours ago.....see you there
WOOT!!! Great news!!
Excellent bro. Glad you got it all worked out.
Looking forward to seeing you again! This is turning out to be a most excellent time.
Oh you guys just wait......the hilarity will ensue when me and my twin are reunited!!!!!!!!!!
you got the right bro....wonder twin powers, activate
woop! Looks like we're making poutine!!
there will be absolutely NO poutine allowed
I will be wanting some poutine so if it is there then I will help pay for the ingredients.
Poutine.....shall never touch my Mexican lips.
Nachos....however, will be welcomed and accepted as proper tribute.
didjoo know that we haz mexican poutine?!
Can not be. No real Mexican would eat that, even under threat of deportation.
Ok ppl finally chimming in on this thread......just got my plane ticket a few hours ago.....see you there
ok, so Foodtv just showed making poutine at this deli in montreal. Now I can dig the pastrami they just made but the poutine...it just does not look normal!
I ain't paying for no stinking nachos.