Just a few from my twisted mind, pardon if they've already been stated:
"I drank...what?" - Socrates
"You got anything besides Mexican?" - Chevy Chase in "The Three Amigos," eating in a small Mexican village, but dropping everything out of his tortilla.
"Where's Goldfinger?" "Playing his golden harp." - Pussy Galore to James Bond, after Goldfinger is blown out a small airplane window.
"You always were a cunning linguist." - Moneypenny to Bond, while he's getting a lesson in a foreign tongue...
"If I were human, I believe my response would be 'Go to hell.' If I were human." - Spock, end of ST:VI.
"Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun." - Ash, Evil Dead III: AOD.
Just a few, from many misspent hours. ;-)