Ah there you are. Well, I know it's been a while but what the hell, eh? I'll just have to labour the point once again: I'm not asking you to bite your tongue, Jaguar. If you're going to take a bite out of anything then how about that enormous chip you carry on your shoulder ? You know, the one with "All white men are racists until proved human" written on it ?
A child can see that the comment I made that prompted you to call me a "racist asshole" was nothing more than a simple play on the words "black feet" and "gangrene" with no racist intent whatsoever. I know that all this happened a while ago, but as I've not really been using this site recently and that when all this happened in the first place you too were absent for long periods of time, then I'll just have to take this opportunity to respond to your dumb ass.
I've just done some skimming through the site, having been away from it for a while and I see that a few people have said some pretty disgusting things about all people of African descent looking the same and you've quite correctly pulled them up on it. Well, that's cool in my eyes.
But this particular "racist asshole" was raised by a man who certainly does fit the description your paranoid mind decided to tag me with. I wound up moving out of home at the age of 17 because (amongst other things) I couldn't tolerate living with someone who freaked out when I asked about bringing a black girlfriend home, and referred to black people as "niggers" and "wogs".
I managed to get a firm grasp on the concept of racism as a child, when I wound up on the receiving end of a good beating when I was out with some other kids for repeating what I'd heard at home. And rightly so. If that's what it took to stop me from turning into a moron then I'm cool with that too.
So I'll be damned if I'll sit here and put up with hearing the same old crap from you, whatever the colour of your skin. That isn't cool by by me and it never will be. The only "racist asshole" here is you, Jaguar.
And as for your "Said it, Meant it, Bite my tongue for no one" attitude, it just shows that the one thing you certainly don't possess on this subject is an "open mind" as I've seen you claim to in other posts.
I tried to send this to you via PM and email, but as you've opted not to receive either of them then I had to put it here, which is a damned shame. The last thing this site (and particularly this thread) needs is more tension and people at odds with one another washing their dirty laundry in public. I felt bad at being dumb enough to get sucked into it on this thread the last time around and decided to "bite my tongue" rather than keep carrying on with a load of destructive squabbling. But I'd have to bite clean through my tongue and choke on what was left before I'd let a fool like you get away with that sort of slur. You should be bloody ashamed of yourself.