thank you aussiemonkey
for saying america is such a great country. believe me, i do scorn those that do nothing but tear down this wonderull place.
america is not just a country/political entity. america is an idea/ideal. it is a belief system. we are different from anyother country. we are the only nation state, that has in it's laws, a regress for it's states to actually with draw from the union! (the civil war not withstanding).
if we have internal problems, it is because we also have so many freedoms, and divergent people. all here are free to espouse their ideas, and to knock the ideas of others. we have a majority rule system, but it is heavily offset by protections of the minority, right in our constitution. the fact that we are a capitalist system, is because that is one of the top reasons we fought for our freedom from the british crown rule. the ability to earn all that we can, is no less important to us than our freedom of speach. notice the use of the term earn. that is one place where our society is boloxed up. we think nothing of a sports figure making millions a year for playing kid games. but let a skilled neuro surgon make half a million a year saving peoples lives, and we have an entire political party, and various others screaming for government intervention, and controls!
i do love my country aussie. and the same as i love my children, when someone, anyone, attacks either, i respond with anger. esp. if the attacker never remits, and never has anything possitive to say, or offer a better solution.
you are free to dislike MY president, and if you lived here you would be free to say the same things that you feel safe in saying from thousands of miles away. but i must say in response, your opinion of president bush is so off base ,as to be laughable. when you go to the same schools, and pull the same grades ,then come back and talk to me.
p.s. see, i can be calm, and reasonable.