Scanning quickly this thread, I have to put in my measly two cents.
1.) I think no one should be made to feel bad about their sexual preferences as it is something we have very little (if any) control over. I think this board has completely surpassed all expectations from when it began (I was here when it started so I'm talking from that perspective). We have a female contingent (which is growing)....and who would have ever thought that way back when? Most boards of this nature are usually hetrosexual males.....but if someone has an interest in m/m tickling and wants to post about it, who am I to stand in their way? I have found that the more the merrier, even if our interests don't always intersect exactly! Which brings me to....
2.) Kujman, who has been a true pioneer in the tickling community since as long as I have been online, has from time to time written some really REALLY offensive, snotty, condescending posts that have enraged me enough to furiously type out angry responses, only to then delete them because I knew this wasn't a place for flames. I never saw the posts in question but I don't have to stretch my mind very far to know that he is capable of being flat out nasty, which I do not appreciate, I don't care who the fuck he is. I happen to agree with him that posting about m/m tickling is completely fine....but I also have seen him look down his nose on other areas of tickling, belittling them and other people for being interested in areas of tickling that don't seem to interest him. One thing I know was regarding mainstream material.....he made some snide comments about that which I took major offense to. Especially since I'm not into itching powder one bit, nor do I care about the art of bondage, the girl can be completely free as far as I'm concerned, I like them both, but I'm not fetishistic about ropes and knots. But hey! Who am I to squash someone elses fun?
So let's not think ONE MINUTE that Kujman wasn't capable of being intolerant of other's proclivities.......I've seen it with my very own eyes, and have even gotten so majorly pissed off about it that I actually stayed away from the Forum for a little while. More than once!!! Totally soured my experience on an otherwise friendly (though admittedly, growing a bit bitchier and immature by the day!) message board. I also think that the idea that Kujman was "the best moderator this forum ever had" (which is pretty funny since the forum is not even that old!) is ridiculous. Jeff has gone above and beyond the call of duty many a time. Mia has organized the few females on the board and have really met the needs of that very specific community (I hope it continues to grow, flourish and take on it's own, unique character!). I can go on but you get the idea. Kujman was a great fountain of info, etc etc....but I could really do without the attitude, I don't care how long you've been around and I know people who know him personally have nothing but nice things to say about him, but when it comes to writing it down and posting it, that just doesn't come through.....I mean, next to my name it says TMF Master or something......but it means absolutely nothing to me as far as being some source of personal pride! I don't think that gives me any special rights or anything!!!! "Listen to me, little people! I am Nontkl, TMF Master!!!" I SHOULD be thrown off the board if I put on airs like that!
and let's not be quick to jump to gaybashing and homophobia or even "er....when I came on the board, I thought this was for straights only....I don't want a gay man to drink out of my cup and I don't want him on my TMF either!". Just go to another post! There's plenty of stuff on this board and all you new people,all you've got to do is keep going back to the beginning of the board to catch up on all the posts you missed! You've got hours of great stuff to go through without ever having to subject your sensitive little eyes to m/m material! I mean,we don't seem to care if ladies tickle ladies or if ladies tickle guys (more of a minority, sure, but still there...), if some guy wants to tickle another guy, be he straight or gay, I don't see what the big deal is....especially when I can always skip the post if I'm not too into it (everyone marks their posts usually anyway....and what's the worse that can happen? I happen to glance and see something about a man tickling another guy? I start to question my own sexuality? I start thinking evil thoughts? I go crosseyed with lust? I mean....really! Come on! Let's be adults in the real world!)
Enough from hard feelings Kujman.....I'm sure I'll get some seething email soon from you...perhaps containing a virus!