Can you name 7 Canadian cities from the top of your head? 😀
Lemme see!
Did I fail Mr Noodz? Did I fail?
Did you know that I will be gone a whole week? Gonna miss you Turkey! I will be by tomorrow for a brief visit before heading to Cali!
Oh wow! Have a good trip Goofball
😀. i will miss you too!
Did you have a good Australia Day?
😀 How did you make out with your fire pit? No casualties I hope!
Btw... awaiting the Federer match... sucks that Hewitt and Nadal didn't make it
🙁 But the Henin Express is still motorin'!
How did I make out with my firepit!?!?! Do you realise how wrong that sounds!!! LOL
Aussie Day was awesome!! We had a massive bbq (no shrimp! *shakes fist*) and a few drinks. We basically just chatted all night about tennis and food and played with the dogs
😀. The fire pit was a flaming success

so we roasted some marshmallows and called it a night around 3AM

. Was great fun!
Where in Australia do you live? 🙂
(or which state in aus)
Why? Are you planning on hunting me down!?

You are aren't you!!
😛 jkz.
I live in Sydney!!

. One of the best cities in the world
Who is this life person and why does he keep throwing lemons at people?
Lol. Who cares, all you need to remember is.....when life throws you lemons, reach for the tequila!!

did you get seats on center court? Was that you that ran out on the court dressed like a male dummy?

. Lol, that was a hoot to witness though!
Are you still gloating over beating Leaf in your wager?

. I'm not letting it go, not for a while yet
Are you pumped about the Henin VS. Williams match on Saturday? And assuming Federer makes the final... do you think Murray has a good shot?
And do you know how much you are missed when you aren't around?
Omgsh! Super pumped!!

. Well i was super pumped, its now Sunday over here

. It was an awesome match, pity about the result though
🙁 She fought hard and is still a champ in my eyes
I think Murray will give Fed a run for his money!
😱. Hoping federer will pull through though, he's a good guy
Do you come from a land Down Under?
Lol, why yes! Yes I do
Do you think Tennis players sometimes do lob shots so the audience won't carpal neckal syndrome from following the ball? 😀

I think they do, if they dont....they damn well should! We pay good money to watch them play!
I'll bet you're relieved that song isn't playing in your sig now, eh? 😀
Lol, so damn relieved its not even funny!
Can't you hear, can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run! You better take cover!

(or us, lol!
Take cover indeed, you two!!
Hey, where you be?
I be hidin. Youz cant see meh?