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Deadly's Question-Palooza

Oh dear God in heaven!! How did this happen!?!?! :panic: :bugeyed: :gonao: LOL. You guys got me, got me damn good! I must admit 😛. This is a thread bomb to behold indeed, but I hope you all know you've opened a Pandora's Box! :mwahaha: No-one is safe, no question is off limits, no thread will be left un-bombed! One by one you will fall. Deadly will strike again. I am swift......swift like NINJA!! 😀 :bwahaha:

Good job guys! Revenge is a bitch, why is it such a bitch!! :jester:

Deadly, are you going to kill me for creating this thread? :neenerneener: :twohugs:

Bwahaha! You go squish now! :bonk: 😛. Yes Leafy boy, I must admit that was my first thought. You better sleep with one eye open from now on lol. This is gunna be tough, I think I can do it though! :fingerscrossed: :woot:
Bwahaha! You go squish now! :bonk: 😛. Yes Leafy boy, I must admit that was my first thought. You better sleep with one eye open from now on lol. This is gunna be tough, I think I can do it though! :fingerscrossed: :woot:

:rowfull: Sorry, couldn't resist! It's a historical day indeed! :neenerneener: LOL... wub ya! :pounce: And good luck... you can do iiiiiit! 😀

Props for this thread, Leafs!
It's what I had in mind too.. she can't ignore her fellow TMFers now can she?! 😛

So deadly ...
What's your favorite type of flower? [question #1 of MANY]

Just so you know I totally *gulped* when I saw this ----> MANY :jester:
My favorite flower would have to be Bird of Paradise. Awesome flower. So pweety!

Have you / would you do gymnastics for a living?

If i was any good at it I would in a heart beat! Unfortunatley I've had bad experiences with gymnastics equpiment, like smacking my crotch on a beam, cartwheeling into a brick wall and headbutting my mate when attempting a forward roll! So gymnastics kinda scares me now :bwahaha:

Do they have a Payless in Australia?

We have Payless Shoes. Close enough? :shrug:

What do you think you'll be doing in April of 2022?

I dunnoes. Hopefully I'm still alive!

Can you snowboard?

Nope, always wanted to try though

Did you go to Prom? Did you have fun?

Yup, went to prom! :woot:. It was my 18th birthday the day after so I wasn't allowed to drink which was a bummer but we had soooo much fun. It was a highlight of my life for sure! 😀

What is your favorite kind of chips?

Corn chips

Have you ever broken any bones?

Nope, not a one! 😀. Which is surprising because I'm very accident prone :jester:

Are you a fan of the Olympics?

YES! Whenever they come around I'm glued to my television set. Love em! They're awesome

What is your favorite color?


Favorite type of pop aka soda?

Pepsi Max

Do you call it pop or soda or coke or something else?

We call it coke mostly. Or "soft drink" LOL

Do you own a trampoline?

Indeed I do! It's my favorite outdoor appliance! 😛

Do you like photography?

Yeh, not the pro stuff though. Just taking daggy pics with my friends 😀

What's your favorite girl name?
Boy name?

Boy: Luke/Scott
Girl: Sophie/Alexis

How many times a day do you smile?

I dunno, dont count it. I smile more than your average person though, I'm a smiler!! 😀

Favorite band?

Band: U2/ABBA
Singer: Robbie Williams maybe?

what is the difference between a duck?

LOL! I dunno, is that a trick question? 😛

Where all have you traveled?

Never been overseas 🙁

Where do you want to travel?

America, Canada, Europe, Dubai, South Africa, Greece/Cyprus and New Zealand

Do you ever plan on going to NEST?

One day, hopefully :fingerscrossed:

What's your favorite breed of dog?

Border Collie!! :redheart:

How's the kangaroo's?

They be doing well. Under my command they thrive! :jester:

What's your scariest memory?

Probably being forced to watch Scream when I was 7 at my friend's brother's party. I had nightmares for years, it was terrible :shake:

Do you like swans or crows better?

Swans, they remind me of that Ugly Duckling story :aww:

Which decade do you think fits your personality the best?

The 80's baby! Wild, whacky and out of control! :woot: 😛

What color is your room?

It's an icky beige/white color lol. Our house is the same all throughout, never been allowed to tamper with it. It's plastered with posters though 😀

What color looks best on you?

I dunno actually. The darker colors

Do you like the Wizard of Oz?
If yes, who is favorite character?

I love the Wizard of Oz! My fave character would have to be Toto, or the scarecrow 😀

What's the most embarrassing thing you've done in the best week?

I fell over my own shoelace playing indoor netball the other night 😀

Did you know a doe is a deer, a female deer?

Yes i did! Sound of Music taught me that :cheesy:

What do you look for in a guy?

Great smile, goofy personality, takes care of his body :happyfloa

Do you like bangs?

Hell no!

What sports do you play?

Lacrosse, hockey, netball, basketball, Oz tag, soccer. I love sport! :excited:

Do you own a lava lamp?

No, unfortunatley!

Have you ever considered becoming a vegetarian?

I tried for enviroweek. i lasted 4 hours, then I accidently ate a ham sandwhich :rowfull:

What's your deepest, darkest secret?

That I have a tickle fetish. No-body in my personal life knows about it :paranoia:

I see things are proceeding as planned.... :evilha: Excccccelent! 😀

If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?

The ability to walk through walls. Would be insane! 😀
What's your favorite restaurant to go to?

Lonestar. Me love a good steak!

Have you ever been the star in a play?

Noooo. I was a shearer in a school performance one, that was epic!

Do you like to sing? :lalala:

In the shower, where no-one can hear me. YES

Have you ever read any of the Twilight books?
If no, any particular reason?

Nope, never read them and never will! I hate twilight hype, I think its ridiculous! plus I hate reading lol

Is there any trend you refuse to follow?

Smoking socially. When my friend's do it I think they are idiots. No offence, I just read that you are a social smoker! lol. It just irritates me

Would you consider yourself creative?

Yeh, i do actually. Im very resourceful, like MacGyver!!! 😛

Are you good at math?

Not terribly. I always hated it at school, but i can do it when i try lol

What do you want to be when you grow up?
And has that changed since you were a youngster?

I want to be a sports physio therapist/massuse! 😀. Its changed drastically since i was a youngster. Back then i wanted to be a: farmer, spy or zorro! :rowfull:

Do you drive?

I CAN drive. Haven't got my full license yet though :banghead:

How many times do you go to beach in a week?

Not as often as I would like! I go about once a month if I'm lucky, in summer breaks I go alot more though.

^Epic, Aimee!! :woot:

If you could travel in time, past or future... where would you choose to go and why? 😀

I would travel to the future. Just to see what I look like when I'm older 😛

Do you like to wear plaid?

I have no idea what that is! lol

Would you ever accept gum as payment?

Hellz yes, i love gum!

Do you have a job?
If you do ... what's your job? Do you like it?
If you don't ... do you want a job? What kind of job would you want?

Yes i certainly do! I work in a video store, hiring and shelving dvd's!! I love my job, its great fun 😀

What is your favorite snack food?

Malteasers!!! :drool:

When did you realize boys don't have cooties?

When i pashed one in the 2nd grade! :cheesy: LOL jkz! I've always been a bit of a tomboy so I realised they didnt have cooties preety quick, coz we hung out together so often 😀

Can you keep a secret?

Yep, ppl tell me eveything. It is hard though!

What's your favorite board game?

Hungry hungry hippos! :rowfull:

Did you ever have a secret club house?

Yep, it was this little wooden hut at school :aww:

Have you had the chicken poxs yet?

Yes, got them in pre-school. It was hell but im glad i got em early!

Do you believe in love at first site or lust at first site?

Lust at first sight. I dont believe you can love everything about a person the moment you meet them. As a relationship develops you learn more and more about each other, that makes your feelings grow and change in time. 🙂

What are some of your pet peeves?

Smoking, ppl who only talk about themselves, high pitched voices (lol), power switches that are left in the "on" position when nothing is plugged in to them!!

If given the chance, would you climb Mt. Everest?

Yes, definatley. It would be a great challenge

What is your favorite clothing store?

I dont really have one to be honest. Just Jeans, TEMT or Sportsgirl maybe?

Do you go shopping often?


What's your favorite flavor of smoothies?

Passionfruit and Mango

Favorite fruit?


Can you play any musical instruments?

Yes indeedy! Guitar and I'm a wizz on the xylophone! :bwahaha:

Do you wear a watch?


Do you have an arsenal of feathers for safe keeping? 😀 XD

Only for emergencies! LOL. I do have a small collection, yes

Have you always wanted a pet koala? 😀

Kinda, all they do is sleep and eat gum leaves though! lol. I'd much prefer a roo or a platypus to call my own.

Who was your favourite Sesame Street character? 😀

Oscar the grouch. What a crack up he is! 😛

Are you more ticklish on one foot than the other? :feets: :tickle:

Yes! My left foot is twice as ticklish as my right, very strange!

:hello: Deadly .. you didn't think I was done, did you?

Have you ever crowd surfed before?

Nope, always dreamed about doing it though!

What's the first concert you ever went to?

Carols by Candlelight for Christmas one year. LAME!! hahaha

Can you do a cartwheel?

Yep, but my landings are never smooth :rowfull:

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

Not anymore! I used to have a whole army of them with me though 😀

If you could be anywhere right now where would you want to be?

In Disneyland, having a blast 😀

What are you most proud of?

My sporting awards

Would you ever dress up like a guy and be in a drag show?

Yep, you only live once! 😛

Ever gone skinny dipping?

No, but i have been pantsed in the surf by a friend, does that count?? LOL

Favorite type of bird?


Favorite type of hairstyle?

Ponytail! 😀

Favorite type of cookie?

M&M cookies are my weakness!!

Favorite type of shoes?

Joggers or my adidas classics :redheart:

Do you own an IPod?

Nope, store all my tunes on my phone

What is your sign?

Have you ever danced naked on a bar table?

Nope......not yet! :woot: :jester:

Do you slide around the floor in your socks? 😀

Yes i do! How did you know! :twohugs:. One of my fave things to do

Am I total pain in the ass? :punt: :jester:

I wouldn't say total, mighty close though 😛. You know I wub ya! :wub:

Do you have any scars?
If yes ... what's the story behind them?

I have TOO many scars. Im extremely accident prone lol. At last count I had 22 :bugeyed: but they're not horrible, ugly ones. Just minor blemishes 😀. I typically get them from wrsetling with my friends, immitating jackass stunts and after drunk nights out 😛. My best one to date is from having a staple in my leg!!! 😱

Favorite alcoholic drink?

BEER!! :beer: Or cruiser blacks. I dont mind a tequila shot here and there either :woot:

Do often remember your dreams? Have you ever dreamt about living in Quirk-ville? 😀 lol

I remember my dreams for about an hour after waking, then they disappear again lol. Sometimes certain events in my day jog my memory and it all comes flooding back, but only rarely. To date I have not had a dream about quirk-ville. It'll come soon though, I know it will 😛

Will the questions ever end?!

If there is a God, surely they will!!! 😛

Most embarrassing moment?

Ummm, i tripped on a step exiting the stage on my graduation night that was pretty embarrassing! LOL. I saved it though and avoided plunging into the crowd, my mum still has it on video! :bwahaha:

Are you going to party like crazy when your exams are finished? :woot: :yarr:

Hellz yes! I've already made plans with the girls and we're gunna stir up a storm 😀. We're taking a road trip too!

What's one time you've been most nervous?
Why did it make you so nervous?

I can't pin point one specific time. I always get hella nervous before I have to make a speech or class presentation though. I get really sweaty palms and I shake like a leaf! I hate public speaking!! 🙁

I already asked her this!!! :thumbsup:

What's something that makes you feel completely dumbfounded?

Logging on to find I have a question thread!!!!! :bwahaha:. And the stupidity of Paris Hilton
Was your reaction to this thread similar to this? :bwahaha:


Major props to Meangry for this image 😀
Favorite song to chill to?

Some James Blunt or Maxwell

Favorite song to dance to?

Lady Gaga, Cascada, Kesha- up beat stuff....obviously :doh: lol

Favorite song to sing to?

Anything rock! :headbang:

Favorite song to headbang to?

I stopped headbanging a long time ago, after an incident involving my forehead and a coffee table :rowfull:

What's something you're looking forward to?

Putting up my christmas lights!!! And my upcoming girls roadtrip 😀. Gunna be great!

Do you act like a smart ass in the hopes of getting tickled? 😀

Sure do, isn't obvious by now 😛

How does it feel to have 3 pages of question to answer [and then some!]?

Feels amazing. All this attention is flattering :bwahaha: jkz. Its hurting really bad atm. My tiny brain can't handle much more, its alot of fun though 😛

Oops! You've asked so many already, I've lost count! :couch:

Deadly, if you could compete in one Olympic event, what would it be?

The bobsled!!! :rowfull: With you Leaf!! 😀 we'd make a great team, dont you think lol

Deadly! Dirty Dancing is on right now!
Do you like that movie?

Speaking of movies ... what is your all-time favorite movie?

Not a fan of dirty dancing, I like the song that eventuated from it though 😀. My fave movie of all time would have to be: Deep Blue Sea!! :fish:. Best shark movie ever!! 😀

Favourite beer in Aus? :beer:

Toohey's Extra Dry. We call it Super TED down here :bwahaha:

Do you have to shave your legs everyday?

Nope, once a week is preferable though lol

Have you secretly always wanted to be a Ninja or a Samurai? 😀

Shhh, dont tell anyone! 😛. Ninjas are the bomb!! But I'm a clutz so I'd never be able to creep around like they do lol

Are you a romantic at heart? :redheart:

Indeed I am 😀 I love surprising people with special things that make them feel loved. I think romance is so underated though, we need more romantics in this world!

Do you know how much we wub you? :wub: 😛 :twohugs:

:aww: Yep, i have a fair idea!! lol. I love you guys even more :grouphug:

Have you ever gotten pulled over? What for?

Never! I'm a good girl :innocent: haha

What are your thoughts on the creature known as the octopus? :jester:

It's the only random question that hasn't been posed. :shrug:


Octopi are coooool! I would totally poop my pants if I ever saw one under the sea, but I like it how they shoot ink at enemies! So cool! lol

What time is it?

Time for you to get a watch!! 😀. Nah, its 5:20 pm

If you could be half human, half sausage, which way around would you have it? 😛

Oooo! Good question! Id want my bottom half to be sausage, I can just see the mental image now and its hilarious!! :woot2:
What song are the following lyrics from...?

"Tell me whyheeee....ain't nothin' but a heartache."


I have no idea, but google told me it was "I Want it That Way" by the Backstreet Boys!! :rowfull: 😀

High five or low five?

Favorite scene from a movie?

High five's, nothing beats a good high five! Fave scene from a movie would have to be.....She's the Man, when "Sebastian" arrives in his dorm for the first time. Frickin hilarious!

Cheese balls, or cheese puffs? :cheesy:

Cheese puffs!

What two animals would you need to mate to create a duck billed platyroo?

A platypus and a kangaroo!! Meet me in the alley later and we'll set this in motion 😀 :jester:

Vanilla, Chocolate, or Strawberry?

Simpsons or Family Guy?

Strawberry fo shiz! 😀.
Simpsons hands down!

Favorite Comedian?

Ross Noble or Rhys Darby!!

Why is my room the hottest room in the house?! :ranty:

Because I've actually wrapped your walls in tons and tons of blankets, it was the least I could do after all these questions you've left for me! :neenerneener:

Do ya think everyone realizes you are never gonna answer any of this stuff?

LOL. I should have done that, shouldn't I. Would have been a great laugh!

ROFL! 😀 I was just gonna ask, are you going to pretend this thread doesn't exist? :bwahaha:

I was thinking about it lol. But its all in good fun and these questions are awesome!! 😀

You wouldn't ignore your TMF friends, would you Deadly? 🙁

NEVER!!! Thats blasphemy! 😛

OK little missy! You are so in for it now. I will bomb here for a bit. You had better thank Aimee. She convinced me not to send you to your Stocks. Should I be bombed again, you will not be so fortunate. :pounce:

What is your favorite animal?

Thank-you Aimee, thank-you! :bowing:. My favorite animal would have to be the shark! I seriously just love learning about them 😀

Are you beginning to fear this Texas Santa Tickler?:xmas:<<<<----

Yes! You make some very intimidating posts Texey 😛 :twohugs:

What is your favorite flavor of chewing gum?

Grape or watermelon

What is the best thing about living in Australia?

The sun, the people and the booze! 😀 :rowfull:
Will the Timberwolves make the playoffs this year?

I hope so, haven't seen them play a game yet so I have no idea what they're form is like this season, but :fingerscrossed:

Are you insane or are you just plain nuts?:redheart:

Im just plain nuts! What tipped you off?? LOL

What are you studying in school? Anything Interesting?

Im studying physiotherapy and massage/health science! Its awesome, just love it! :woot:

How does the color green make you feel?

I like green! Green is good. Makes me think of freshly mown grass and frolicking in the fields! :bwahaha:

What is your favorite person to person interaction?

Banter. I love it when I can have a good vibe back and forth between a person. Its great!

If peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Who the Hell cares?

PETER DOES!!! :neenerneener:

What is your absolute favorite beer?

Coronas! :drool:

Do you think you can have your cake and eat it too?

yep! Who's gunna stop me!! 😛

Have you ever been to the opera?

No, i think I would die of boredom! I have a very short attention span as it is, the opera would be an immense challenge for me

Does Santa shave his beard the day after Christmas?

I think he does, then he heads down to the HOG and has a nice cold beer with his reindeer!

How many Kangaroos does it take to screw in a light bulb?

2, seriously it does!! 😛

Are you enjoying your questions little missy?😀 What would happen if you woke up and you were a guy? Would you be a handsome man?

Enjoying them is an understatement! LOL. This is great fun, getting a little tired now though. Hope I haven't missed any!

If i woke up a guy...hmmm....hopefully I would be! that would be soooo trippy! :jester:

I will be back but first, What would you love to do right about now?

Fly to america and hunt you bombers down to tickle you stupid!! :neenerneener:

Oh. By the way. If you find a fly with no wings do you call it a walk?

:rowfull: Yes, there should be a law that states it to be so!!! 😀
Now that I've served out my punishment 😛, I have but one thing to say......You can't out bomb me dweebs!!! I'ma comin for you!!!! :evileye: :jester:

Wub you guys! :wub: :pounce: :twohugs:
Bwaahahaha!!! YES, almost exactly the same!! 😛. Omg that image cracked me up!!! Way to go Meangry! :thumbsup:

:roflmao: I almost died when I saw that! :bwahaha:

Well done, Deadly!!! :woot: :clap:

What are you going to do to celebrate this epic victory? 😀
Well done to you babe! Answering it all is impressive enough, but more so, a lot of your answers made me laugh out loud. 😀 The only thing I thought would have rivaled actually answering it all, which is what they'd expect you to do while they are asleep, was actually not answering any of it and use all the time, bombing them further. :rowfull:
:roflmao: I almost died when I saw that! :bwahaha:

Well done, Deadly!!! :woot: :clap:

What are you going to do to celebrate this epic victory? 😀

:aww: Thanks Leaf! I'm about to crack open a beer and go watch the Simpsons!! LOL. I needz a good rest before I return later tonight. Hopefully old DeadLeaf will be reunited and we can show these noobs a thing or two about thread bombing! :bwahaha:

Well done to you babe! Answering it all is impressive enough, but more so, a lot of your answers made me laugh out loud. 😀 The only thing I thought would have rivaled actually answering it all, which is what they'd expect you to do while they are asleep, was actually not answering any of it and use all the time, bombing them further. :rowfull:

Thanks K-Dog!! Glad to hear I got you laughing, and kudos to you for taking the time to read them!! That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! 😀 :pounce: LOL.

In hindsight, I totally should have done that! That would have been hilarious!! :rowfull:. All is fair in love and war though, it was a great experience. They think they've taught me a lesson, but little do they know....... :mwahaha: :evilha: 😛
Thanks K-Dog!! Glad to hear I got you laughing, and kudos to you for taking the time to read them!! That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! 😀 :pounce: LOL.

Was my pleasure. It's always fun to get to learn something new about ya! :harleyhugsjoker:
^^LOL! DeadLeaf shall strike again! :mwahaha: You bet, go enjoy that beer and relax! I'm gonna get some shut eye soon, hopefully we can pick it up later this morning/tonight, lol 😀 Awesome job, your answers are terrific! *high fives* :twohugs:
Good morning!

Great job on those questions .. you ready for more?!

What is your favorite subject in school?
Good morning!

Great job on those questions .. you ready for more?!

What is your favorite subject in school?

:wavingguy: I would have to say either PDHPE or geography. I had a natural knack for both of them 😀

Can you not wait until Taryn finds this thread???? :shrug:

Oh dear god, I hope she doesn't!! :fingerscrossed: 😛. She owes me ALOT of questions, too many to even fathom at the moment! LOL. The moment she finds this thread, I'm gunna be in a world of pain! :scared: :jester:.

Do us a favor and not tell her?? Pweeeese! :pweese: 😀
A morning gift... 😀

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/IggwnFoUO30&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/IggwnFoUO30&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Do you know how to survive being bombed by Aimee, Ryan, leaf, Tex, and Taryn, if they put their minds to it? :bugeyed:
A morning gift... 😀

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/IggwnFoUO30&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/IggwnFoUO30&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Bwahahaha!! :rowfull:. I think I can see you swooning over them in the background!!! :jester: 😛

Do you know how to survive being bombed by Aimee, Ryan, leaf, Tex, and Taryn, if they put their minds to it? :bugeyed:

:yowzer: Nope! I think I would start by assuming the fetal position and then take it from there LOL
Bwahahaha!! :rowfull:. I think I can see you swooning over them in the background!!! :jester: 😛

:yowzer: Nope! I think I would start by assuming the fetal position and then take it from there LOL

You've assumed correctly! I'm the one with the arrow pointing at my head.

:jester: :neenerneener:

^ROFL!!! I knew it, your undressing them with your eyes! 😛

What kind of watch do you wear?

I never wear a watch actually. If i ever do it has to be digital though, my 2nd grade teacher never bothered to teach my class how to read analog!! So I still find it hard to do quickly
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