Ok, what did you two do with my Deadly??? I may not agree with her Skittle (yuck) love, but you can't hide her like this! You aren't studying all the time, are you lady?
Wish I had an answer for ya, Pokester

Ok, what did you two do with my Deadly??? I may not agree with her Skittle (yuck) love, but you can't hide her like this! You aren't studying all the time, are you lady?
Have you ever eaten a bologna sandwich?
WE are at war. Yet a fine civilian establishment like the HOG should be neutral ground! First chance I get, I am coming out there to tickle the Skittles right out of you. Are you ready for me?
LOL!! Grey haired guy was as useful as a paddle in a sinking canoe!Loved his last appearance... "Um it really doesn't want me here guys, seeya!"
So now that you're in the 6000 post club, what ya gonna do to celebrate?![]()
Let me know when you watch "My Boomerang Won't Come Back".
I heard Australia had a typhoon, was it near you or on the west coast?
Do you know the answer to this question?
If a woodchuck can chuck wood, can he chuck ground chuck or chuck roast? Maybe chuck a rock at another woodchuck named chuck?
Did you notice that I have not bombed you this week? Do you know we are missing you around here?
I hope that you're not laughing to hard from watching "My Boomerang Won't Come Back".
Many of our friends birthdays are coming up, mine included!Should we throw one hell of a bash?
We'll drop the Skittle VS. M&M's in favour of Beer, jelly shots and Jager bombs
Hope school isn't weighing you down too much, pardner!![]()
I think you need a good tickle! Can I do the honors? It could be an early birthday present to me!!!!
I think Tex is on to something here... it's my birthday soon too!What a fantastic present, thanks for volunteering pardner!
She is awesome!
D'awwww... we wubz you SO much!So when do we get started?
ASAP! Right Deadly? Can we run it through Leafs Birthday. You can handle a week and a half right?
Hey! 😀
My parents returned from their trip to the Dominican Republic tonight.... they got me a bottle of Dominican Rum!Wanna shot or two?
Do you hate bright neon office lights as much as me?
You had better bring your turkey butt in here today or there will be a serious rain of M&M's in this thread!
Have you noticed that this is the hundredth page in your thread? 😀
Have you noticed I am having Turkey Withdrawls? Leaf and I started eating metal shavings last night to try an cope. Not pretty!!!
Did you have family moments like this when you were a kid?
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Where are you???????!!!!!!!!!!! You are sorely missed. I am crying in my beer! Salty beer sucks!!!!!!!!!
What are you going to give me for my birthday?????😀
Ummmmmmmmm...... Did you get food poisoig again? What did I tell you about eating raw lizard and brown snake! Not good! Please make and appearance so we know you are still with us.
Are we still on for April Fool's?😉
Do we need to get the Armada to send out a search party? 😱
We love ya and hope you're doing well, pardner!![]()
Ok, what did you two do with my Deadly??? I may not agree with her Skittle (yuck) love, but you can't hide her like this! You aren't studying all the time, are you lady?
Wish I had an answer for ya, PokesterBut it sure isn't the same round here without her 🙁
Hey Deadly!!! What size shoe do you wear?Hope things are well with you
We are missing you, do we have to callto find you?
*filling out a missing person's report*
Anyone seen deadly? Young girl around 20, brown hear, wearing feathers?
Seriously, hope you are well! 🙂 We miss you.
Did you pull any epic April Fool's jokes?![]()
OK! I understand! You are just no longer interested in us! No worries. I found someone I can call chicken little. It is not the same as Turkey but I guess that is all I have!😀 We miss you dammit!
LMAO!!! This post cracked me up Sweed!God, I've missed you guys
Thanks for brightening my day!
You poor little thing, get a beer into you stat! Becoming too mushy for DeadLeaf standards
Jkz, jkz! 😛
I gave it a fair crack Leafy, thats for sureHere is a synopsis for your reading pleasure 😛
Turkey is back baby!! Who's chicken little?? I'm interested now! lol
Haha, glad you like it.![]()
And you cracked me up with the post beneath...xD Gosh, I LOVE the fact that you take April's Fool Day that seriously! 😀We need more of you in this world! 🙂
Had you planned all those jokes before, or were some of them spontaneous? xD
Well look who's back!
LMAO... those were great gags, Deadly!![]()
And yeah.... what the hell got into me eh? 😱 Beer... I need beer... STAT!
Good to see you back and happy all is well, pardner!So how about that bon fire party, eh? Let the good times roll!!
Enough smilies for ya? LOL 😛
Have you ever had green eggs and ham?![]()
OK. First of all. IT is about time you brought your turkey behind back here!!!!! Now that we have established that.... Chicken litlle was going to be Hyper_Ticklish. Still might be I am not sure. Heres the thing. I know you have school and I respect that! Do me one favor, twice a week, send leaf or I a message so we know you live! Even a good smoke signal would be ok!Stop making your TMF family worry!!!!!!!
On another note,,,, Nice to see you posting Turkey! 😀
LOL. More Deadly's!?! 😱 You'd never survive. Most of the pranks were pre-planned, I literally spend weeks picking out the right pranks for the right people 😈
The glue one and the beer one were spur of the moment though. Just got bored 😛
At least us TMF people would, since many of us are on a safe distance away. Haha, kidding.😉 Of course we would!
Hahaha. xD Love that!THAT'S how you should spend the weeks before 1st April. 😀 I might consider doing the same next year. 😀 X'P
I see. 😛
Did the people instantly knew it was you, or could you blame the jokes on someone else?![]()
I do believe you need a severe tickling for making this old guy worry! Do you agree????![]()
Did you know that you have a chicken on your turkey head?
Can someone tickle you without even touching you?
Good question!. It never tickles, but if someone even threatens to tickle me or makes an advance towards me trying to get at my spots I get all giddy and cant stop laughing. I spose its a weird ass defence mechanism or something? lol.
I also LOVE doing this to other people. Its so satisfying 😀
It is indeed dear turkey! Thanks for the fun BTW. I was Bored. How is Vacation thus far?
Ahh, no problemo Tex! Twas rather fun wasn't it 😀. Vacation is going swimmingly! I feel so energetic again, school was really zapping all of my energy for a while therelol
I understand! Do me a favor! Never go away that long without taking five minutes to send a essage saying you are OK! We were worried!