Level of Lemon Feather
- Joined
- Dec 29, 2006
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What was your favorite school subject in high school? 🙂
Sport Science or geography 😀
And what was your least favorite? 😛

Are you a vegetarian? Or have you ever been a vegetarian? 🙂
I have never even tried being a vego! lol. I love my meat and seafood way too much 😛
If you had a time machine, what decade would you like to travel to and live in? xD
The 60's lmao. Sounds like a fun time
Do you think I've gotten my revenge now?
Well, I think. xD Have fun answering the questions! 😉
Lol. Very well done! Your first thread bomb was a great one!

Have you ever eaten a crayon?
Nope. I watched a kid do it once. Disgusting! haha
Have you ever gone bungee-jumping? If you haven't, do you want to?
I've never been. I've always wanted to though, so, it'll happen sooner or later 😀
What is your favorite animal?
The shark! I'm literally obsessed with them, ever since I was a kid

Have you ever gone camping?
Yep. Camping rocks!
Do you wear perfume?
Sometimes. Not everyday
Do you have a lead foot?
Yes, my gramps thinks I do! LOL
If you had been born a male, what would your name have been?
My mum says it would have been Hunter. I never knew that, thanks Nem!

Were you named after anyone?
Nope. But my mum forced my dad to call me Rachel lol. She thought Rebecca was too common.
Do you get along with your family?
Yes, very much so!

Are you a country girl or a city slicker?
More of a country girl. I love the outdoors and getting down and dirty!