RECYCLED GEMS from leaf!!!
Would you consider yourself a picky eater?
Yes! Hugely picky
😛 I never noticed it myself, until one of my friends pointed it out. I have now seen the light LOL
What's something you've done in the past that's gotten you in a lot of trouble with the folks?
I went clubbing in the city with my gang one friday night. I was supposed to be home and in bed by midnight, preferrably sober, seeing as we had a wedding to go to the next day
😛. When I returned I was NOT sober by a long shot and I had missed the last train out of the city so made it back around 5:30 in the morning

. The folks flipped out when they found me and my bestie asleep in the backyard round 6

Needless to say, I spent the whole wedding day repeating the events of the night before, wasn't gunna let all that FREE booze go to waste!
I was very sorry after wards though, I'll never do anyhting like that to my parents again, they deserve so much better
How do you feel about afros?
They trip me out. I hate em. Good for hiding things in though!
Do you wear belts?
Sometimes I do, other times I don't. I'm partial to belts
Jeans or sweat pants?
Oooo! I'm guna have to go with sweat pants
😀 Always been a bit of a tomboy, so I mostly like to get around in comfort rather than style
Ever had family fun night?
Nope, never a planned one. Our family get togethers kinda turn into them though
What's your favorite TV show?
I watch so much it's hard to decide! LOL. Probably Dexter?
Do you have calbe or satellite?
Do you like to go on roadtrips?
Seriously, you have to ask that question!!!
😛. Hell yeh! Love em. Some of my greatest memories come from road trips
Do you like Spaghetti O's?
I dunno? Is it like spaghetti in a tin? Coz i like spaghetti in a tin!
😀 I've just never had spaghetti O's though
What kind of socks do you wear?
Anklets, sports socks
What is your shoe size?
7 US
What color are your socks?
mostly white. Some pairs have a bit of color on the bottoms though, neon blues, greens, yellows and whatnot
How high can you jump?
Not exactly sure tbh. I have been likened to a cricket by my team mates though, so I guess I'm not half bad at it
Who is the last person you called?
Student hotline for info about a new course!
What time did you go to bed last night?
2:30am...ish LOL
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite number?
17 or 28
Will you ever go sky diving?
DEFINATLEY!!!! I'm always up for some extremeness! LOL Hoping to do it for my 21st
Did you ever take a hot air balloon ride?
I never have actually
Did you play any sports in high school?
Oh yeh, practically everything
😛. Hockey, netball, soccer, oz tag, basketball and volleyball too
Will you go to your 10 year high school reunion?
YES! I can't even wait that long! LOL. It will be so good to see how much everyone has changed and what they've made of their lives

. Hopefully I'll be rich and have a shit hot sports car by then!
Do you wash your hair or body first when you shower?
My hair
Do you floss every day?
Nope. Only when I have something caught
Have you ever gone camping?
Yep, was a massive part of my childhood. I love it so much! Campfires and ghost stories, it don't get much better than that!
Can you light a fire with two sticks?
No, its never stopped me from trying though!
Have you ever been in Girl Scouts?
Ewww, no! LOL. I was above Girl Scouts, I stuck to sport
😛 😀
What three possessions could you not live without?

TV, Laptop and xbox!
If you could invite any three people to dinner, who would it be?
If i
could only pick three...hmmm so hard.... Leafy, Tex and Taryn! Coz you guys are awesome!
But honestly, I'd rather have a massive bonfire party and invite Pokey, Rook, Aimee, T, Cars, Angel, K-Dog, Maniac, McNoodle, Vlad and K-Skate along with us too!!
Who would you love to meet?
Someday....all of you guys
How many crackers can you eat in a minute?
I will test this and return with my exact count! LOL, seriously stay tuned people!
What did you have for lunch yesterday?
I actually can't remember! It musta been that good
What is your least favorite food?
Two words. MEAT. LOAF!

. God damn! Don't even think about bringing that stuff near me!!!
What is your favorite Girl Scout cookie?
The ones I dont have to buy
What is your favorite dessert?
Choc honeycomb bavarian
What is your favorite restaurant?
Lonestar! Me love my steaks!
What is in your refrigerator right now?
BEER!, milk, ham, cheese, eggs, bacon, pizza, garlic, water, powerade, butter, pancake batter, roast lamb, carrots, lettuce and coke/pepsi!
😀 That was off the top of my head too!

What is your favorite kind of ice cream?
Choc mint
What is the last movie you watched in a movie theater?
Surrogates with Bruce Willis
What is your favorite reality show?
Yet again, I watch so many I can't choose! LOL. Tie between: The Amazing Race, Survivor, The Bachelor/Bachelorette and Beauty and the Geek
Can you sing?
Not too well. Better after I've had a few
Who is your favorite singer?
Don't have one really
Do you enjoy comedy?
Sure do! I love a good laugh
Have you ever been to a comedy club?
Have you ever been to an opera?
Bleh!! NO! Don't try taking me either, I'll never sit still!!
What the worst performance you ever saw?
The Jamaican bob sled team
What kind of movie do you like to see?
Action baby. All the way!
What is the first movie you ever watched?
I have nooooo clue. Possibly something disney?
How much television do you watch a week?
I calculated it once for a school project, roughly 42 hours!!!
Are you allergic to any food?
I think I'm allergic to mushrooms! Everytime I eat them my stomach turns into knots, alas, I never learn!
When was the last time you took a vacation?
Schoolies 2008. Its the Aussie equivalnet to spring break!
Have you ever left the country?
🙁. I will though, veeeerry soon!
If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
Dubai, South Africa or New Zealand
How many vacations have you gone on?
Quite a few. Mostly back when I was a youngster
What was your best vacation?
The ones spent with my family at the Gold Coast theme parks
Do you prefer to travel alone, with your family or friends?
Family and friends, no doubt!!
What was your longest vacation?
2 or 3 weeks??
Have you taken a cruise?
Nope, hope to one day though!
Have you ever driven cross-country?
YEs! It was a great experience. Saw the outback and everyhting in between!!