Strelnikov said:
It appears to me that Hal and Jim oppose the death penalty because it offends their sense of justice. You're uneasy with the idea of the State killing someone on your behalf, am I right?
No Strel, you're not right. You obviously didn't read a lot of the posting I did above. The idea of dangling someone like Thomas Hamilton from the end of a rope, would'nt make me loose any sleep, is what I said. I even said that I would'nt feel guilty if I pulled the trapdoor lever myself. My reasons for opposing the death penalty are....
1/ It isn't a good deterrant. The United States has a higher rate of slotting it's prisoners (quite a few of whom are minors on both the date of their crime and the date of their execution! How fucking warped is that!!!!??!?) than any other country in the developed world. It also has the highest crime rate and the highest murderrate of any country in the deverloped world. The state with one of the highest murder rates per capita is Texas, which thanks to George W. Bush has slotted more prisoners than the other 42 states who have the death penalty put together. If the death penalty really is a good deterrant, then America must have a very high percentage of suicidal criminals.
2/ It's a waste, whatever perspective you look at it from. If you say it's religious/spiritual thing, then it's a waste of a spirit that might be redeemed. If you look at it from an indignant point of view, it's a waste of labour that could be done. Human rights bods might complain about it, but we can always fantasise about an ideal world can't we?
Strelnikov said:
Lately, I've seen organized letter-writing campaigns where Europeans try to educate us ignorant colonials about the evils of the death penalty. In this country, about 70% of us favor the death penalty under at least some conditions. That's reflected in our laws. With all due respect, that's our business.Strelnikov
LOL I wondered when that little gem would come out. America, much as I love it's people, is a right wing society (despite the presence of those oh-so hated liberal human rights groups) with a collective right wing philosophy that a huge percentage of the population subscribes to and agrees with. I mentioned a saying earlier; "If you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you've always got". Right wingism such as that espoused by Dubya is direct, painful and quite often violent. It also leads to fanatical groups (quite often based on extremist religious philosophies like the KKK) find a home, because too many judges and senior state officials sympathise with them to make them totally extinct.
Until it's collective political mind is more balanced, America will be riddled with yet more violence, crime, poverty and racism. When the state replies to it's problems with direct action of the most violent nature and draconian laws that border on facism, the problems will only get worse. Like begets like, violence and hate beget more violence and hate. If overtly right or left wingism is applied in any society, then it's in for protracted misery.
Sure it's your business Strel. I hope you're happy living in a society where even though you personally may be untouched; crimes like murder and rape are leaping from strength to strength. You might say it's only Americans business to decide on what happens in America. You're probably right. Just don't complain about "whining Europeans" when you see the rest of the world treating you like a medieval society, despite your financial and technological superiority.