BigJim said:
The ironic thing is Mike, it doesn't have to be that way. You can have as many different idealisms, goals and religions in the world as you like. All it would take is for them to respect each other and hell, stop the press and shock horror!!!!.........appreciate each other for it. If people could (and one they day they will) take that philosophical jump, then it would all fall into place remarkably easilly.
I'm certainly not dissagreeing with this, and you're right, there are so many people out there that do get along, or -at least- leave each other alone. I live a few miles from churches, synagogs (sorry about the spelling), a mosque, a Buddist temple and a house of worship for Wiccans. A little north of me there's Hindu & Sihk temples as well, and there's never been any kind of problem or issue around me that might occur somewhere else in the world. And subsequently there's a lot of great restaurants.......
Literally across the street (or, highway) is the Scientologist Celebrity Center - I keep watching for Tom Cruise or Lisa Marie Presley but so far nothing.
But I also realize that while you and I might agree to this, there are plenty of humans who don't. Not just don't agree, but actively would join in making sure the the things you mentioned would never happen. There are people in this country that have kids - lots of them - becuase that's what Hitler would want them to do, it's their job, a way of protecting their race and one day having enough 'soldiers' to make their dreams become reality by force. They are DEDICATING THEIR LIVES and reproduction processes in a serious persuit of this. And they're not "tools of the government" because they don't like the government and will have as little to do with them as possible. Then you add those people to the people who want to ignite dirty bombs in cities, whose liftstyle is dictated by their trade in illegal drugs not how they respect or feel about others, blue collar con men who bilk old folks out of their savings for home repair, white collar con men who tamper with their pension plans, people who want to undo history by instilling new codes of behavior now, Branch Davidians who have sex with 10 year olds and beat children into seiziers in a "whipping room" while teaching parents how to kill themselves and their kids in case the government comes for them - and their supporters who feel that these people are VICTIMS, well, when I see folks like this, no matter how strongly I see your point, THEY don't, and don't want to. Then add a few thousand people who have similar values or apathy and multiply that by the countries on the planet, and the possibly of current reality changing looks pretty bleak.