I'm not sure if you see the trend but all of your personal threads go this way. Could it be that the ten or so people that care enough to post might be right?
Criticism isn't a bad thing when you can change things and grow. Saying "get a license"...good criticism. Saying "grow five inches"....bad criticism.
Of course the forum only knows what you tell us...and we only tell you what we think when you invite us to. Just like coldneck said.....beating a dead horse, many members just stay out of your threads now because their advice falls on deaf ears.
Next time you want to start a thread complaining about something...ask yourself " If I had or was working towards:
It's tough for you to see but readily apparent for everyone else that this thread is not about your 73 year old assistant. It's about you and the amount of control you have over your own life. You complain....yet you choose this life with no change.
Let me sum up responses you'll get from the forum on various issues:
Your assistant: Get your own car/license
Dad: cut him off if he upsets you. Pay your own rent.
Women: Get a car/license/job/own place.
Mom: Get your own place.
That may sound harsh....but this is how the rest of us live our lives. It's not like we're being hypocrites...we practice what we preach! It's the same advice I give my own younger brother. He complains about things that stem from living at home...he complains about the symptoms of living with mom and dad. But he is reluctant to cure the disease...moving on his own and getting a job. I personally think my brother deep down doesn't want to leave home. That's why he shuts me off whenever I say he should...just like you put Leo on ignore.
I think everyone wants to see you succeed man. Damn! You're likely the only guy on the forum that could get a 3 page thread by just saying "I got a job, a license and my own apt". Who else can say the same thing and get as much love?
Criticism isn't a bad thing when you can change things and grow. Saying "get a license"...good criticism. Saying "grow five inches"....bad criticism.
Of course the forum only knows what you tell us...and we only tell you what we think when you invite us to. Just like coldneck said.....beating a dead horse, many members just stay out of your threads now because their advice falls on deaf ears.
Next time you want to start a thread complaining about something...ask yourself " If I had or was working towards:
would I still be complaining about XYZ? If not........you won't get this kind of response.A career, independent living, transportation, a meaningful relationship (w/ someone besides his mother).
It's tough for you to see but readily apparent for everyone else that this thread is not about your 73 year old assistant. It's about you and the amount of control you have over your own life. You complain....yet you choose this life with no change.
Let me sum up responses you'll get from the forum on various issues:
Your assistant: Get your own car/license
Dad: cut him off if he upsets you. Pay your own rent.
Women: Get a car/license/job/own place.
Mom: Get your own place.
That may sound harsh....but this is how the rest of us live our lives. It's not like we're being hypocrites...we practice what we preach! It's the same advice I give my own younger brother. He complains about things that stem from living at home...he complains about the symptoms of living with mom and dad. But he is reluctant to cure the disease...moving on his own and getting a job. I personally think my brother deep down doesn't want to leave home. That's why he shuts me off whenever I say he should...just like you put Leo on ignore.
I think everyone wants to see you succeed man. Damn! You're likely the only guy on the forum that could get a 3 page thread by just saying "I got a job, a license and my own apt". Who else can say the same thing and get as much love?