ticklingfeet4fu said:I didn't assume anything. I am telling you what goes on at our gatherings. We deal with things in a classy manner.
Frankly, I doubt my gatherings are any different than your gatherings. I go to gatherings because I enjoy spending time with the people there, and its good for me to reaffirm that yes, there are normal, interesting people who enjoy tickling like I do. Plus, its one of the few places where you can tickle the same person for an hour without them giving you the 'wtf?' face 😛
As far as you Lindy: Maybe everyone would have a better time at your gatherings. But then again, the last thing I want to do is to change the sheets after everyone has left because because twelve couples were in the same bed. So if that is what you consider a better time then you are right. Your parties are more fun. But I will stick with the classy people who don't feel the need to have sex to have a good time.
Who said anything about rampant debauchery? I'm simply talking about an environment where people are open with the sexual aspect of the activity. You seem to be equating this with people fornicating in the bedrooms, which is exactly the kind of black and white thinking that causes people to repress these emotions.
I remember a few nights back I was chatting with some of my very close friends. We were discussing relationship issues when someone mentioned a study with findings along the lines of "the only reason people maintain relationships with the opposite sex is because they are sexually attracted in some way to them." To me this seems a logical evolutionary result - the purpose of life is to create more life, etc etc. We sat there contemplating this for a second, and someone says "Yea, I'd have sex with dave." In reply "sure, I'd have sex with you." "Sex with John might be awkward though, because I'm short and he's tall 😛"
I'm never, ever going to sleep with this woman, and she would never sleep with me, for many reasons. However, the feeling is always going to subconciously be there. I don't see why its so difficult to simply acknowledge these feelings, be open with them, and move on.
Furthermore, this is twice you've made mention of class in your post. I take offense at this attack on both lindyhopper's character and my own. While I obviously can't vouch for myself, and at risk of sounding trite, lindyhopper is a kind, welcoming, funny, classy woman, and I'm sure anyone who has met her will echo those sentiments.