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DOT (pc computer game, /F, full body, mild bondage)

Thanks, phoenix!

About more girls: I won't say no, but if I do more it won't be anytime soon.

I was hoping we would get some new girls. Maybe even soon.
I do enjoy the girls you picked.

Fun game over all I always look forward to more of your work.
Just wanted to put in my thanks! The game is great! The controls are not for the heavy handed, great challenge on the top level! Thanks for your time you put into it!!
I was hoping we would get some new girls. Maybe even soon.
I do enjoy the girls you picked.

Fun game over all I always look forward to more of your work.

Request noted. But no new girls planned for a little while at the least. (see above).

Just wanted to put in my thanks! The game is great! The controls are not for the heavy handed, great challenge on the top level! Thanks for your time you put into it!!

Thanks, Ticklefree. 🙂 Glad to hear you enjoy(ed) the game.
Ilo. Just curious. When you do decide to make new girls. Is it possible to work out a poll so everyone can vote who will be next?
Ilo. Just curious. When you do decide to make new girls. Is it possible to work out a poll so everyone can vote who will be next?

When I feel like it. And I am not sure if I'm going to ask for translations for those so they may come only in English but of course you can make your own language files.

As for who will be next... I'm not going to do any polls. You're free to make suggestions in this thread and I will consider them, but there's no guarantee whatsoever that a certain girl will be done at all, not even if they seem to be most popular, most requested. On this project I'm going to do what I want to do, when I want to do it. That may also be as little as 'nothing'. You'll just have to wait and see and be patient.
Oh i understand fully. I was making any sort of demand. Sorry if it came across that way.
Whenever if you ever feel like it. I look forward to seeing more. As for a suggestion. Id have to go with Hinata of Naruto. As she is my favorite.
Ladies and Gentlement, here is my latest game:


Please read before you start playing!

- - - - - - - - -

First of all, I want to tell you how to install this game correctly and get it working, because it's different than what you're used to. There are some (optional) girl packs that you can choose to download and insert, but it is required to have at least one, otherwise there's nothing to play!

1. Download the game base (dot.rar) and extract it to a folder of your choice. It will create a subfolder named 'dotdata' and put a few files in there.
2. Download the girl pack(s) that you are interested in (at least one!) and unrar it INTO THE DOTDATA FOLDER.
3. Run the executable.
4. IMPORTANT: Before the game starts you will see a couple of shapes appear at the top left of your screen. They will stay there for a short while and be replaced by different shapes a few times. It is critical for the correct working of the game that you do not cover these by other windows (if you like multitasking) because it will cause the game to initialize wrongly and prevent it from working. Depending on the speed of your computer this process may take a few moments.

1. After the initialization finishes you will see a selection screen. If you installed (extracted into the correct folder, see above) one or more of the girl packs correctly then you should see the girl(s) listed on the top right. The format is "girlname_language.ini". The languages available are depending on what's been pre-created and what's been added by yourself (if any). You can read up on how to create your own language files (or modify existing ones to your liking) below.
2. Select the combination of girl+language that you prefer. You might like to play in English, your own language, or for fun just see how the girl talks in German, Spanish, Italian, etc. It can give an exciting different twist to things.
3. You can use the selectors on the right side to do some customized settings, but it's recommended to leave them as they are when you play for the first time. This gives you an idea of what features you may want to switch on or off later. PS: you can select a trail if you want, this can make things easier for you if you want to keep track of the DOT while it's airborne.
4. Select 'Practise game'. You'll want to start with practise to get the hang of the game first. You can't undress the girl but you can tickle her and change her position (normal, arms raised, eagle spread). More importantly, you have unlimited DOTs and you can freely play around by trying different angles and speeds. Selecting a difficulty button (or practise game) starts the game.

(These instructions are written for using the keyboard, not the mouse)
1. The game exists of three areas: top view, side view and close up view. The latter is the most interesting, but the others are very important too.
2. In the left area of the screen you see the DOT launcher at the bottom. Then there's a river above it and somewhere on the grass on the other side you see the location of the girl. The wind direction, speed as well as the distance from you to the target is displayed.
3. Use the keys A and D on your keyboard to rotate the launcher sideways. You can use SHIFT in combination with these two to rotate faster. Without SHIFT you're in fine-tuning mode.
4. When you're satisfied with the sideways angle, look at the lower part of the screen. There you see the launcher on the left and the girl somewhere on the right. This screen allows you to change the steepness as well as the launching speed of the DOT.
5. Steepness is changed by S and W on the keyboard, again you can use SHIFT in combination with those to change the steepness in bigger steps.
6. Speed of the DOT is changed by using Q and E on your keyboard. You can use SHIFT to make bigger changes.
7. So basically you use the 6 top-left letters of your keyboard (assuming you have a QWERTY keyboard). If you don't have a QWERTY keyboard you're out of luck and you may want to switch to mouse controls instead. They clutter the screen more but are in that situation easier to use. If you DO have a QWERTY keyboard I would recommend at least trying to get used to the keys, because with them you're able to act and correct the angles faster. But again, if you get constantly confused which key is for what then you're better off with the mouse.
8. For starters, I would recommend a medium angle (something between 40-60 degrees) and a speed somewhere between 60 and 80. As you get more practise and feeling for the game you will get better at estimating what values you could use or might get your DOT close to the target.
9. LAUNCH the DOT by pressing the space bar or enter key. It's a good idea to keep track of the path the DOT travels so you can correct the angles (and speed) if needed in the next swing. If you have the trailing (see 'starting a game') switched on, you'll find it easier to do this.
10. After a DOT has landed you can adjust the angles and speed again, or simply launch the next DOT right away.

1. There are 8 targets. The most important and interesting one is the girl herself, and then there are 7 'bulls-eye' targets. 2x red, 5x yellow.
2. Whenever the girl is hit, she's being tickled by the critters. They will tickle a body part where they have landed, or crawl over (and if the girl talk is switched on she'll make appropriate comments). The critters will not keep tickling her indefinitely, the shivering of the body makes them want to move off it after a short while. But they may take a long route and walk e.g. from chest over the legs until they 'step off', resulting in extra tickling in extra locations.
3. The RED targets are for changing the girl's position. She starts out with her arms along the side and legs closed. Hitting a red target raises her arms up, of course making the armpits more accessible. Hitting a red target once more will spread her legs sideways so she's in a so called 'eagle spread'. During the practise game you can hit the red targets over and over again, but in other modes they get 'disabled' after one hit.
4. The bulls-eye targets do not get triggered when a DOT crawls over or onto it, they really have to LAND on it after you launch them to be activated.
5. The yellow bulls-eye targets are for undressing the girl. There's one near the feet (for taking off whatever she's wearing on her feet), two near her crotch and two near her chest. In practise mode all of these are disabled (indicated by having a grey centre) but in the real game modes you will be able to hit them to undress a piece of clothing. Only in the 'expert difficulty' all yellow targets are enabled and they are always one-time-use so you can only fully undress her in that mode.
6 Hitting a (any) bulls-eye target will refill the amount of DOTs you have back to 10. If you had more than 10 DOTs to start with it will not do any such thing. So if you want to get the most out of it, you can try to plan hitting the bulls-eye targets when you start to run out of DOTs and aim for the girl in between. Also, replenishing of DOTs does not apply to practise mode as you have unlimited DOTs. In the other game modes the amount of DOTs is shown on the right side of the screen.

1. Practise mode: Shoot as much as you want, practise angles and play around with speeds. The wind is pre-set at the start and does not change. Red targets are perma-enabled, the yellow targets are disabled. So you can't undress the girl, but you can keep changing her position.
2. Normal difficulty: The wind sometimes slightly changes, but not so drastically that it should be a problem. The wind strength is also not so high. Three yellow targets are enabled in addition to the two red targets, which allow you to take off everything but her underwear. All targets get disabled after they are activated.
3. Expert difficulty: The wind is much more irregular and can be a lot stronger too. It's important to keep track of it and adjust your next shot accordingly. All targets are enabled and the girl can be fully undressed.

1. You should know that the launcher is not extremely precise. You cannot tune it to be millimetre-accurate. If you shoot very direct (in a low steepness angle), the DOT may reach the girl fastest, but with that much direct horizontal speed it is very hard to fine-tune your DOT to land just a little bit earlier or later. Therefore steeper angles are highly recommended. You can reach better precision that way.
2. The drawback of taking a steeper angle is of course also that the DOT is longer in the air and thus more influenced by the wind. Take this in mind, especially when the wind changes!
3. SPEED is not everything! Don't try to only correct the location where the DOT lands by changing the speed. Often fine-tuning works better when you slightly modify the steepness instead of the speed. Of course you can also modify both at the same time but it takes more skill to do that right. Again, practise helps.

1. The gravity used is the same as the gravity on Earth.
2. There is a tenfold error in the target's size. In fact, while the girl would be something like 1.8 m tall, in reality it's 18 m in the game. This only works at your advantage however, because it's already hard enough to shoot accurately at a distance of 400+ meters.
3. DOTs come in different colours but they behave the same way and you don't get extra points or bonus or whatever for hitting something with a multicoloured DOT.
4. When a DOT lands, especially if launched under a low steepness angle, they may bounce once before they hit their final spot. This is most apparent when you have trailing switched on. It is not a bug if you see them land slightly further than what the trail suggests.
5. No DOTs were harmed or killed during the making of this game.
6. No girls were harmed or killed during the making of this game.
7. There are some minor glitches (stray pixels, lines, etc.) but they should not distract from the fun too much (hopefully).
8. There is one SERIOUS glitch, in Chun-Li's 2nd stance, where a part of the animation is a 2-frame animation instead of a 3-frame animation and it also looks 'broken' while not animating. I tried to fix that and only made it worse (making her flap her arms up and down quickly when tickled) so I reversed that and you'll just have to live with this problem. At that point I was really past 'done' with making these animations so bear with me. The other stances should be okay I think and there is still fun to be had with her.

1. Huh? No, you don't 'win' this game. It's more of a demo than an actual game with winning and losing. You get to tickle the girl and you get to undress her (if you can and even if you wish to). Providing a little challenge along the way and testing your feel for the dynamics of physics. But the main goal is to have fun and to see the girl tickled. Yeah. There's no 'you win' unless you had a good time.

A critter that looks like a ball and is covered with little tentacles. They're bouncy and happy and when coming in contact with your skin they are great at tickling.

Finally, thanks to all those who provided translations for the girls! 🙂 For those who planned to but weren't able to, you can still make the ini files and just post them as attachment to this thread, so people can add them to their /dotdata folder.

Note: These are all scanned for viruses before uploading (and none were found, otherwise I wouldn't upload). The games were created for you to have fun, not a nightmare! Please do NOT play these at work or in another environment where you might run into trouble. By downloading and installing these games you take all responsibilities for effects it might have on your system or personal environment. I take no responsibilities whatsoever to caused damage or other negative effects.
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Certifique-se de que todas as palavras estejam escritas corretamente.
Tente palavras-chave diferentes.
Tente palavras-chave mais genéricas.
Tente usar menos palavras-chave.
Ladies and Gentlement, here is my latest game:


Please read before you start playing!

- - - - - - - - -

First of all, I want to tell you how to install this game correctly and get it working, because it's different than what you're used to. There are some (optional) girl packs that you can choose to download and insert, but it is required to have at least one, otherwise there's nothing to play!

1. Download the game base (dot.rar) and extract it to a folder of your choice. It will create a subfolder named 'dotdata' and put a few files in there.
2. Download the girl pack(s) that you are interested in (at least one!) and unrar it INTO THE DOTDATA FOLDER.
3. Run the executable.
4. IMPORTANT: Before the game starts you will see a couple of shapes appear at the top left of your screen. They will stay there for a short while and be replaced by different shapes a few times. It is critical for the correct working of the game that you do not cover these by other windows (if you like multitasking) because it will cause the game to initialize wrongly and prevent it from working. Depending on the speed of your computer this process may take a few moments.

1. After the initialization finishes you will see a selection screen. If you installed (extracted into the correct folder, see above) one or more of the girl packs correctly then you should see the girl(s) listed on the top right. The format is "girlname_language.ini". The languages available are depending on what's been pre-created and what's been added by yourself (if any). You can read up on how to create your own language files (or modify existing ones to your liking) below.
2. Select the combination of girl+language that you prefer. You might like to play in English, your own language, or for fun just see how the girl talks in German, Spanish, Italian, etc. It can give an exciting different twist to things.
3. You can use the selectors on the right side to do some customized settings, but it's recommended to leave them as they are when you play for the first time. This gives you an idea of what features you may want to switch on or off later. PS: you can select a trail if you want, this can make things easier for you if you want to keep track of the DOT while it's airborne.
4. Select 'Practise game'. You'll want to start with practise to get the hang of the game first. You can't undress the girl but you can tickle her and change her position (normal, arms raised, eagle spread). More importantly, you have unlimited DOTs and you can freely play around by trying different angles and speeds. Selecting a difficulty button (or practise game) starts the game.

(These instructions are written for using the keyboard, not the mouse)
1. The game exists of three areas: top view, side view and close up view. The latter is the most interesting, but the others are very important too.
2. In the left area of the screen you see the DOT launcher at the bottom. Then there's a river above it and somewhere on the grass on the other side you see the location of the girl. The wind direction, speed as well as the distance from you to the target is displayed.
3. Use the keys A and D on your keyboard to rotate the launcher sideways. You can use SHIFT in combination with these two to rotate faster. Without SHIFT you're in fine-tuning mode.
4. When you're satisfied with the sideways angle, look at the lower part of the screen. There you see the launcher on the left and the girl somewhere on the right. This screen allows you to change the steepness as well as the launching speed of the DOT.
5. Steepness is changed by S and W on the keyboard, again you can use SHIFT in combination with those to change the steepness in bigger steps.
6. Speed of the DOT is changed by using Q and E on your keyboard. You can use SHIFT to make bigger changes.
7. So basically you use the 6 top-left letters of your keyboard (assuming you have a QWERTY keyboard). If you don't have a QWERTY keyboard you're out of luck and you may want to switch to mouse controls instead. They clutter the screen more but are in that situation easier to use. If you DO have a QWERTY keyboard I would recommend at least trying to get used to the keys, because with them you're able to act and correct the angles faster. But again, if you get constantly confused which key is for what then you're better off with the mouse.
8. For starters, I would recommend a medium angle (something between 40-60 degrees) and a speed somewhere between 60 and 80. As you get more practise and feeling for the game you will get better at estimating what values you could use or might get your DOT close to the target.
9. LAUNCH the DOT by pressing the space bar or enter key. It's a good idea to keep track of the path the DOT travels so you can correct the angles (and speed) if needed in the next swing. If you have the trailing (see 'starting a game') switched on, you'll find it easier to do this.
10. After a DOT has landed you can adjust the angles and speed again, or simply launch the next DOT right away.

1. There are 8 targets. The most important and interesting one is the girl herself, and then there are 7 'bulls-eye' targets. 2x red, 5x yellow.
2. Whenever the girl is hit, she's being tickled by the critters. They will tickle a body part where they have landed, or crawl over (and if the girl talk is switched on she'll make appropriate comments). The critters will not keep tickling her indefinitely, the shivering of the body makes them want to move off it after a short while. But they may take a long route and walk e.g. from chest over the legs until they 'step off', resulting in extra tickling in extra locations.
3. The RED targets are for changing the girl's position. She starts out with her arms along the side and legs closed. Hitting a red target raises her arms up, of course making the armpits more accessible. Hitting a red target once more will spread her legs sideways so she's in a so called 'eagle spread'. During the practise game you can hit the red targets over and over again, but in other modes they get 'disabled' after one hit.
4. The bulls-eye targets do not get triggered when a DOT crawls over or onto it, they really have to LAND on it after you launch them to be activated.
5. The yellow bulls-eye targets are for undressing the girl. There's one near the feet (for taking off whatever she's wearing on her feet), two near her crotch and two near her chest. In practise mode all of these are disabled (indicated by having a grey centre) but in the real game modes you will be able to hit them to undress a piece of clothing. Only in the 'expert difficulty' all yellow targets are enabled and they are always one-time-use so you can only fully undress her in that mode.
6 Hitting a (any) bulls-eye target will refill the amount of DOTs you have back to 10. If you had more than 10 DOTs to start with it will not do any such thing. So if you want to get the most out of it, you can try to plan hitting the bulls-eye targets when you start to run out of DOTs and aim for the girl in between. Also, replenishing of DOTs does not apply to practise mode as you have unlimited DOTs. In the other game modes the amount of DOTs is shown on the right side of the screen.

1. Practise mode: Shoot as much as you want, practise angles and play around with speeds. The wind is pre-set at the start and does not change. Red targets are perma-enabled, the yellow targets are disabled. So you can't undress the girl, but you can keep changing her position.
2. Normal difficulty: The wind sometimes slightly changes, but not so drastically that it should be a problem. The wind strength is also not so high. Three yellow targets are enabled in addition to the two red targets, which allow you to take off everything but her underwear. All targets get disabled after they are activated.
3. Expert difficulty: The wind is much more irregular and can be a lot stronger too. It's important to keep track of it and adjust your next shot accordingly. All targets are enabled and the girl can be fully undressed.

1. You should know that the launcher is not extremely precise. You cannot tune it to be millimetre-accurate. If you shoot very direct (in a low steepness angle), the DOT may reach the girl fastest, but with that much direct horizontal speed it is very hard to fine-tune your DOT to land just a little bit earlier or later. Therefore steeper angles are highly recommended. You can reach better precision that way.
2. The drawback of taking a steeper angle is of course also that the DOT is longer in the air and thus more influenced by the wind. Take this in mind, especially when the wind changes!
3. SPEED is not everything! Don't try to only correct the location where the DOT lands by changing the speed. Often fine-tuning works better when you slightly modify the steepness instead of the speed. Of course you can also modify both at the same time but it takes more skill to do that right. Again, practise helps.

1. The gravity used is the same as the gravity on Earth.
2. There is a tenfold error in the target's size. In fact, while the girl would be something like 1.8 m tall, in reality it's 18 m in the game. This only works at your advantage however, because it's already hard enough to shoot accurately at a distance of 400+ meters.
3. DOTs come in different colours but they behave the same way and you don't get extra points or bonus or whatever for hitting something with a multicoloured DOT.
4. When a DOT lands, especially if launched under a low steepness angle, they may bounce once before they hit their final spot. This is most apparent when you have trailing switched on. It is not a bug if you see them land slightly further than what the trail suggests.
5. No DOTs were harmed or killed during the making of this game.
6. No girls were harmed or killed during the making of this game.
7. There are some minor glitches (stray pixels, lines, etc.) but they should not distract from the fun too much (hopefully).
8. There is one SERIOUS glitch, in Chun-Li's 2nd stance, where a part of the animation is a 2-frame animation instead of a 3-frame animation and it also looks 'broken' while not animating. I tried to fix that and only made it worse (making her flap her arms up and down quickly when tickled) so I reversed that and you'll just have to live with this problem. At that point I was really past 'done' with making these animations so bear with me. The other stances should be okay I think and there is still fun to be had with her.

1. Huh? No, you don't 'win' this game. It's more of a demo than an actual game with winning and losing. You get to tickle the girl and you get to undress her (if you can and even if you wish to). Providing a little challenge along the way and testing your feel for the dynamics of physics. But the main goal is to have fun and to see the girl tickled. Yeah. There's no 'you win' unless you had a good time.

A critter that looks like a ball and is covered with little tentacles. They're bouncy and happy and when coming in contact with your skin they are great at tickling.

Finally, thanks to all those who provided translations for the girls! For those who planned to but weren't able to, you can still make the ini files and just post them as attachment to this thread, so people can add them to their /dotdata folder.

Note: These are all scanned for viruses before uploading (and none were found, otherwise I wouldn't upload). The games were created for you to have fun, not a nightmare! Please do NOT play these at work or in another environment where you might run into trouble. By downloading and installing these games you take all responsibilities for effects it might have on your system or personal environment. I take no responsibilities whatsoever to caused damage or other negative effects.
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Certifique-se de que todas as palavras estejam escritas corretamente.
Tente palavras-chave diferentes.
Tente palavras-chave mais genéricas.
Tente usar menos palavras-chave.

About TickleTheater.com:

The TickleTheater.com web site is an adult tickling community meant for tickling enthusiasts, fetishists, and any visitor with an open mind who is at least 18 years of age (21 years in some areas) or older. You will find literally thousands of media files available to you once you register a free account with us. Come join in the fun!
Does anyone have a working version of this game that they can upload?

I remember it fondly, but the computer I used back then has since been disposed.
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