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Elections 2008

Is it possible to write in Ron Paul's name? I hate politicians (I once compared them morally to child molesters but later took back the comment as I felt it was unfair to the child molesters (the comment was half joking, obviously)), but still support the Texas Congressman 100%. He's the only candidate that supports--TRULY supports--limited government, a non-interventionist foreign policy, the end of the welfare state, the return to our constitutional roots (no more ignoring the Constitution when it's convenient for us in order to engage in undeclared wars, indefinite detention without habeas corpus, domestic surveillance without judicial oversight, etc.), the free market, a sound economic policy that lowers inflation and strengthens the dollar, the end of the income tax and the IRS, and the general advancement of liberty. Other politicians, I feel, only pay lip service to these ideals. Ron Paul is actually serious about them.

Obama says he's for "change". What change? His foreign policy is almost the same as Bush's, which is pretty much the same as it has been since the end of World War II. He, and Bush, support the American interventionism that has sent our tax dollars overseas in return for the ire of terrorist groups, rogue states, and other dangerous groups. Sure, it doesn't SOUND like the same hawkish Bush-Cheney foreign policy, but just because it sounds warmer and fuzzier (and just because he wants to withdraw troops from Iraq) doesn't mean it's a "change". He says he wants sound economic policy, but he supports universal healthcare. The only way to fund that and similar domestic policies, along with the aforementioned interventionist foreign policy, without running the country further into a deficit is to raise taxes. He has the same foreign policy and an economic policy that, at least to me, consists of the same "raise taxes vs. run up the deficit" option that has been so damaging to the American economy over the years.

McCain has the same foreign policy, but his just comes off to me as a hawkish Cold War foreign policy. He seems to be more confrontational with countries that we shouldn't--or needn't--be confrontational with; his animosity towards China and his extremely tough stance on Russia is especially unnerving. I didn't like how he seem to disregard the fact that Georgia was the one who launched the first wave of invasion last month (against South Ossettia), not Russia. He doesn't seem to be interested in getting to the roots causes of anti-American terrorism ("I'm not interested in talking to them. They're only interested in trading burqas."), and (like Obama but even moreso, in my opinion) would continue to engage in a foreign policy that would fuel more terrorism against America rather than reduce it. When a presidential candidate mistakes understanding anti-American terrorism and formulating a proper and appropriate foreign policy around it with World War II appeasement, that tells me that the candidate isn't ready to be Commander-in-Chief. As for his economic policy, well I at least I can respect the (former) straight talker for admitting he doesn't know much about economics. I'd be lying if I said I know much about McCain's proposed economic policies (other than continuing the Bush tax cuts), but the fact that he doesn't know much about economics doesn't sit well with me. Admittedly, the President of the United States doesn't have the omnipotent power over the economy everyone thinks he has, so this may not be as big an issue as we may think. Oh, and McCain's choice for running mate? Don't get me started on the pitbull-in-lipstick hockey mom who thinks being able to see a part of Russia from Alaska that no Russian takes seriously counts as foreign policy credentials. The fact that he chose someone so unready to lead as his Vice President shows me that despite his claim that he'd rather "lose an election than lose a war", he's more interested in winning the presidency than actually being a good leader. Frankly, though, I doubt Obama's all that different.

Wow, I just realize that my anti-McCain paragraph is twice as long as my anti-Obama paragraph. I must be a sleeper agent for the liberal media, huh? Anyways, like I said, I'm planning to write in Ron Paul's name and vote for him. They say our democracy relies on people going out and voting, but I can't in good conscious vote for Obama or McCain. Ron Paul it is then.

P.S. I'm not trying to get on the case of the member who kind of got on Obama's case for being a Muslim (and thinking that, as a result, all women would be forced to wear burqas), but my girlfriend's Muslim. No, she's not a terrorist. No, Muslims aren't out to destroy American freedom. No, a Muslim president would not mean that you'd have to pray 50 times a day any more than a Christian president would force you to go to church every Sunday or go to prison. No, being Muslim is not something to look down upon, nor is it a reason to vote against a candidate. In my opinion, Islam is the same useless, outdated, irrational, dangerous religion as Christianity, Judaism, and all the rest (she knows how I feel and she doesn't care). Er, no offense to anyone here that is religious--it's just my opinion--I just got ticked off by the notion that being Muslim somehow makes you less of a good person when my Muslim girlfriend is probably a better person than anyone I've ever met in my whole life (definitely better than the asshole writing this post).
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I say we all write-in that batshit bastard who strolled down the beach in the bear-suit, disrupting news coverage during hurricane Ike. I don't care who you are: Left, Right, Backwards or Upsidedown, that fucker is the spirit this country is truly made of! :super_hap

Unfortunately, I think you're absolutely right about that.

I dunno. I was gonna vote for Obama, but then I got to listening to the wingnut radio pundits, and his name is just alittle too close to Osama.

And "Osama" rhymes with "Yo' mama!" (Think I'll call up and remind Michael Savage and Ann Coulter of that fact sometime...)
The American election is almost becoming a mix of a crummy soap opera with a bad sitcom... so much damn drama going on. If only our election was a little more dramatic but all we have is a prime minister who is trying to play the nice guy but failing miserably, a Liberal leader that, even though he hopes and wishes it's not the case, is inability to speak fluent English and gets his intentions out properly in English affects his case, an NDP leader who would make for the best prime minister but has a party and a party platform that are both too localized and idealistic and a Green party leader, a woman, who has fought hard to get into the televised debates but should realize she is going up against parties that have been in politics for the extent of Canada's existence and that her platform/plans just do not make sense given the current direction our economy is heading.
The best you can do on election day is vote for the lesser of two evils. All politicians are rotten, no matter which party they are associated with. They're all self serving, two-faced jerk offs.
When talking about the war in Iraq...or anywhere for that matter, it all boils down to the US financial interest. Don't let Washington convince you that it is the right thing to do, to liberate people. That's a bunch of horse shit. We shouldn't be spending scads of money worrying about someone else's county when we have problems galore in our own country. Once we get everyone in the US a decent paying job, get the homeless a home, stop crime and solve all our other issues, THEN we can spend our time and money trying to make the rest of the world run their countries like we run our's, since it obviously works so well here. 😛 Its no wonder no one takes our country seriously. The US needs to mind its own business. Just because one system of government seems to work for one country, doesn't mean it works for all countries. Sorry that got a little off topic.
One more thing...does anyone else find it strange that out of a country of several million, we only get two realistic choices for our leader? Heck, even beauty pagents have more choices. We have a million options of toothpaste, fast food, electronics and all the other consumer bullshit available to our ever-obese America, but only 2 choices for our President. Something's wrong with that. I typically vote third party unless I REALLY don't want one of the other candidates to win. Perhaps if the majority of this country was more concerned about politics than what brand of over-priced cereal they were going to get at their local Kroger superstore, maybe things would be different. I really hate this country sometimes. Can you tell?
I also think it's stupid how divided the whole democrat/republican thing is. Hardly anyone is really totally left wing or totally right wing. The way the two parties and followers squabble and fight, it's just downright tribal sometimes. 😛
The pay attention to the Canadian federal elections: we have 4 parties we all detest one way or another, not just two. 😛
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