Fairy Maze ver 5.0 is finally out!
The translation, or the original version?
How do you access the new area? Every time I try it does the capture/pee animation sequence but never advances beyond that. I have a feeling the game does tell you, but I can't read japanese.
Can someone share a save to the new tower? I lost mine:scared
I'm on a part where I have to fight 3 purple snakes to continue, but for the life of me I can't seem to defeat them. They always tie up Lena, the attacking character, so I can never do enough damage with the fairy character and I get killed every time. Any tips?
I lost all of my save files 🙁
i've shared mine on the previous page, if you like 😉
its done, go to 8chan tk forums they have a link there.
So does anyone know what to do with the cracked floor where the horteculture pot on floor 10?
Once you beat the boss on that floor, the crack opens up a path to the "EX" version of that boss.
The flower starts in its full form, and has crazy high stats. Blind is amazing early on in the fight, but once he goes down to about 80% health, he'll start SPAMMING aoe sleep, paralyze and blind. That's as far as I've been able to get. He just keeps fio and lena asleep, paralyzed or both until his blind wears off, then murders me.
Also avoid letting him "grab" lena. If he does, he gets an instant 2000 HP heal.
(35,000 HP max)
A popular game creator,
灯火, http://noircastle.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-50.html
has recently released a game for purchase. However, I cant find a site where I can get any of my cards to work? Any help?
Any updates on fairy maze? Also has anyone played Spectoria yet?