I've played both. I enjoyed both immensely. I feel guilty; I have a bunch of games in the Disgaea series that I've barely scratched the surface on 🙁. I did however beat hte first Disgaea and thought it was great.
Anybody play Final Fantasy Tactics? That game is effing HARD
Big FF Fan here! The first one I played was FF9 when I was 13. My boss introduced it to me and lent me the game. I couldn't get enough from there. I played 10 next, then x2, then a little bit of 7 and 8, THEN acquired some of the older games for my gameboy. I don't have access to the new one though simply because I don't have a PS3. 🙁
Hey just wanted to bump up the thread:
1) Because FF is amazing and nobuo uematsu is a musical genius
2) Because FF14 has an official release date of 09/22/2010
You can check out the website at http://www.finalfantasyxiv.com/
I played all of the FFs save for the japanese 3 and 4.
And I know I'm late so I wanna catch up by saying 6 is my all time favorite. Kefka is THE most psychotic villain ever. I mean he murdered thousands with glee, practically destroyed the entire world, and then played god in a tower!
8 being my least favorite. The job system to get money, the battle system. Just all around not my cup of tea.
You got into the beta?!?! I'm so jealous!
I've been racking my brains trying to think of a lalafell name. I got a couple of good ones, but I'll tell ya after it opens. Tarutaru was so much easier. like Johntravoltaru and such. though my name on FF11 was Toth. Cause that's the BLM's name in the instruction booklet for FF1.
I read an article on IGN with the lead designer for the FF games saying they dont really know where to take the series after XIV, Could possibly be the beginning of the end for the series..