Re: dvnc, sorry if i offended you
areenactor said:
but i was simply telling the truth (as i see it).
maybe my manor of speach was over the edge, but i don't see how?
maybe my preoccupation, and stree at home as affected my judgement?
or maybe i gord your ox? hit a little too close to home, and made you see something you don't like seeing?
listen, in the florida primary that is still being counted, reno is saying she will take the decission to cort if she loses, i feel this has proven my point.
shark, and kurtchitovium said their points very well. i am in total agreement. shinning ice, is correct in his asertation that there are corrupt, and worthless republicans. hell, we have as the governor of illinois!
i don't like nor approve of professional politicians, and have always liked the idea of term limits, for all offices. too many (from both sides of the isle) have been at the public trough for far too long!
lastly, i choose respond, or not to respond to some people, for a variety of reasons, i should think can can be understood, and respected.
It's kind of you to offer an apology, Steve. Offering such with so many defenses for your previous declarations does seem a touch defensive, though. Inspired me to get way more focused in my response, based on your posts in this thread.
I understand that you don't see where your manner of speech was over the edge.
I can guess that your home life is affecting you. Mine certainly affects me, and I see such with everyone I know.
I have already stated, previously, where I saw things I didn't like.
I don't feel your statements hit close to anything, though. You point an accuse an entire political party, millions of Americans, as if it were just one side that caused the problem. Can it be that, within this species we call mankind, there's a predisposition for failure limited to only one's political beliefs?
No. That's irrational, Steve. I figure you're having something going on that helps to influence this most pointed statement. It's just words, though, and not my words. They're yours.
I do disagree with you, as gentlemen will, now and again.
I don't see where Reno taking the current case to court proves anything, yet. In court, it would have to prove something. That's the nature of the US court system.
Clearly, there are folks without ethic, and they don't all have the same political party.
That having been acknowledged, you've statements you've made, that I've addressed, that you don't appear to recognize as I recognized them. Do let me provide examples
"a bunch of whinny liberal dems!"
You said this before. Was it constructive? Nope. Accusatory and derisive? Yep.
"biggles you aren't even american so i'll not address you."
Off the top, you'll only address Americans on America? Do you see where this is interesting, and to me, strange? You posted this to an internationally accessed forum. Biggles *was* contributing. Not so nice, sir. Clearly, Biggles didn't enjoy that, either.
Biggles, I apologize for your treatment, sir. I don't believe that Steve meant to treat you so poorly.
"i'm glad convicted felons were kicked off"
Agreed. Who isn't?
"and fyi; a state wide re-count was finaly done in florida, paid for by a couple of the news papers."
Why? 'Cause that state mishandled their votes.
"the results? bush picked up over 1000 more votes!"
Being that he was already elected by that point, so trivial an amount of votes is less than remotely significant.
"another thing that pissed me off, how the domocrates tried to disinfranchise the military votes. these guys, and gals are over seas doing their duty, and what happens? the liberal democrates try to have their voteing balots thrown away!"
Wait, the recount was a waste of time, when the Democrats wanted it, but you blame the SAME group for disenfrancisement? Steve, what's wrong with that thought? The Republican party wanted that states ballots left alone, as their party's candidate won, but the Democrats wanted it checked. The result? EVERYONE'S vote was seen. No one can legitimately bitch, now, about the president elect, as it was PROVEN, as it SHOULD have been, from the beginning.
AND they're STILL screwing up in Florida on votes, per the story mentioned at the start of this long thread.
"here in illinois we have the same punch system that florida had. and in the 2000 election several 100,000's balots were thrown out due to chad problems, it's what the law says to do! same as in florida. it's up to the voter to make sure their balot is done correctly."
So you, in conclusion, think that, because of a flawed voting system, not used in all states, that without public notification of such, voters should have their votes arbitrarily cast aside for a lack of quality control? Considerate, sir. I do hope more, there and across the US, are interested in correcting what is KNOWN as a flawed system.
"thats the big difference between you whinny dems, and us republicans, we believe in personal responsibility, and you believe in sueing if you don't get your way!
Steve, that's one of the most ridiculous statements in your prior post. BOTH parties suffer litigious tendencies, or don't you recall the persecution of the previous president, for something as trivial as his personal marital failings. The Democrats sure didn't want that raised as a stink (something I question). The Republicans pressed for impeachment trial, suit, etc.
Then there's the obvious use of "whinny" as a descriptor. Steve, no one finds being called "whinny" by any spelling to be an open-minded or considerate declaration. It's unkind. I don't appreciate it, as an observer. I'm certain that the American Democrats here, on the TMF, thought such was insulting. The exception would be any of them that believed themselves to have a propensity for whining.
Do keep in mind that, while I find the posted statement to be poorly done, it in no way reflects on my personal belief that you're neither ridiculous, nor do I believe you have such negative feelings for those folks, here, who don't share your specific political beliefs.
Again, I dig the verbal sparrin' wit' ya. I think you may have been a bit harsh, but as you apologized, I hold no ill will for ya, sir. I can dig not replyin' to all who commented. I'll not sweat ya that.
While I don't think we can all get along, all the time, I do wish we all would get to where we're enjoining head and heart alike, considerin' our fellow ticklephile while we state our beliefs.
Probably about $0.04 this time,