Thank you!TKpervert said:Beautiful response there Icycle. Really.
You're not the only one. Pretty much all of us do this without question. I've heard our automobile dependancy compared to addiction before, and the anaology seems very apt. We'll do whatever it takes to keep on driving our cars. And just like addiction, people deny there's even a problem.TKpervert said:But it still blows me away how we all pull up to the gas pump, swipe the credit card, go wash the windshield, then accept the $46.22 charge to the credit card to fill up the wheels. Gotta have them wheels.
I do this weekly and don't question it. I've been conditioned.
If you really want to, it is possible to reduce your dependance on gasoline. The next time you are the market for a vehicle, shop around for one with better fuel economy. Consider buying a smaller car that meets 95% of your needs, and use the money you save to rent a larger car the once or twice a year you drive up to the mountains. The next time you move, consider a home that is closer to work, mass transit, and the services you use on a regular basis. Then next time you change jobs, look for job opportunities close to where you live. For trips under two miles, consider walking or riding a bike.
When LindyHopper and I bought our first home together, we looked for a place that would give us short commutes. Her commute is only about one mile and she can walk or ride a bike. My commute is about five miles, which I can do in 10 minutes by car, or 25 minutes by bike. Doing this saved us a lot of money in gas, and we get to spend a lot more time together since we don't have to spend much time in the daily commute.
It is true that ANWR probably has about 2 to 15 billion barrels of oil. But as of 2002, the United States consumes 19.8 million barrels of oil per day, which is about 7.2 billion barrels per year. At that rate, we consume the entire eventual output of ANWR in anywhere from 3 months to 2 years. Even if drilling were approved, it would take years before the oil started flowing, and it would take decades to extract all the oil. At realistic extraction rates, ANWR would hardly make a perceptible dent in our oil imports. Similar arguements apply to other remaining conventional oil sources in the United States. They just aren't enough to meet our insatiable demands for oil.TKperver said:1. there are still billions of barrels of oil out there for the taking. The Western coast of California offers billions, Alaska more billions.
If we really want to reduce our oil imports, we will have to do it through improved efficiency, demand reduction, and alternative energy sources, including unconventional oil, coal gasification, and biomass.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Unconventional oil sources, including tar sands and oil shale, have been experiemented with for years, but they have not been economically viable when oil prices have been low. Biomass, in the form ethanol, butanol, and biodiesel are already commercially viable in many locations, though American corn ethanol is heavily subsidized, and it is unclear whether it is a net energy source or not. I expect coal gasification and liquifaction via the Fischer-Tropsch process will end up supplying a large portion of our liquid fuel demand. We have enormous coal reserves, so coal gasification could meet our liquid fuel needs for decades to come, although at a higher price than we have been historically accustomed to.TKPervert said:2. alternative energy sources are a political joke.