as now that you are combining the spanking with the tickling fetish, you think that would make you more well-rounded, and how long do you think it would take for you to be fully comfortable with the tickling fetish??
I'm comfortable with it right now, I suppose. I never really thought about being "well-rounded" or more "complete" when playing.
how do they put the cream filling in those Twinkies??
YOU don't know? I thought for sure that you would by now.
have you ever solved a Rubik's cube??
Yep! My fastest time was 45 seconds. I've solved the Rubik's Revenge as well.
how do you feel about wearing white after Labor Day??
am white, but that doesn't mean I
wear white.
why did Jimmy crack corn and no one cared??
you didn't care. Sing the song again.
why haven't you participated in the hot dog eating contest in NY?? you would win easily
Thanks. Can't say I haven't thought about it.
What's the best meal you've ever eaten?
There have been
so many memorable ones...I would have to say the "China Cottage Carnage" meals were as good as any. And, the time I first did Atkins and ate two or three large bowls of salad and 48 ounces of porterhouse steak. Yeah, that was a good time!
Hershey's Chocolate.
None. Ask anyone close to me. I don't order soft drinks when out or when I eat at home.
Flavored water or plain ol' wata?
Water if possible. But, ha!, the Crystal Light Green Tea is an awesome change of pace.
Gatorade, when I wasn't on Atkins.
Can you be bribed with cookies or other delicious baked goods?
Nope. Especially when a young lady is in need of a spankin'. So, I wouldn't try this in November when I see you.