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How many of your friends know about your fascination with tickling?


TMF Novice
May 21, 2003
I've told ONE of mine. I've another that found out when we dated.

How many? I'm curious.

I've not told anybody about my little secret. I'm afraid I'm too private about that sort of thing. Besides that, my friends and I don't really have discussions pertaining to our respective "urges".
Just my husband & a couple of my most trusted on line friends. If they knew how deathly ticklish I was, I'd be a constant target :wow:

I do have to add that under the right circumstances, that wouldn't be such a bad thing 😉 but I know that there would be a certain amount of ridicule going with that & that's not cool😡
ex-husband and sister. but I’ve made a point of making new friends who have the same interest.
Lessee, now... it gets easier when you don't care to hide it anymore...

The Ex-wife, of course, knew. (part of the reason she's the ex now)

One of my older brothers (whom I've always suspected, given the benefit of hindsight, is a tickler)

Three of my closest friends. (they don't "get it", but they've all got their own things that trip their triggers, so it's all good)

Plus, everybody I've dated since the divorce. (I get it out there right away so they can either be scared off or intrigued right off, don't waste any time anymore)

Jordan, I can't IMAGINE what it'd be like for my parents to know! What's that like, and how the hell did that happen? Did you just TELL them? Or were you "outed" by somebody? Yikes!
I can still count them on one hand...

Well, my current girlfriend knows, naturally. So does an ex-girlfriend of mine (in retrospect, I wish I hadn't told her).

Two other friends of mine know, too. One is a pen-pal who's completely separate from the rest of my life anyway, so I wasn't afraid to tell her (and I needed to tell SOMEONE). The other is someone I used to work with but is now also completely separate from my life. I told her for that reason, and also because I thought she might be one of us, too. So, four people, total.
friends, and others

i've told every girl i ever dated. like another said, i get it out there right away, so there's no wondering.
of friends ,i've only told 2. one of them has become one of us, lol.
i told my parents as part of a long story, about 3 years ago. they were very cool, siad something like, ok, what ever makes you happy.
AffectionateDan: When I first got into tickling, I didn't hide it very well. (internet) you know, Well one day I printed off a story from one of the tickling site, not sure which one. Well dad found it and read it... Anyways, he checked the computer and saw even more. Pretty bad, dad was pissed. And my mom found out when after I told my best friend. At first my friend didnt' take it right and called me weride and said I wasn't normal. Well I got pissed, and told mom my troubles and that blurted out. Anyways she took it alright and never brought it up again.
No current friends know

None of my current friends know I'm a tickler. One male friend with whom I lost touch knew - he was a tickler, too. We used to comb the beach, Ren Fairs and so on seeking girls to tickle. About five or six years ago our friendship drifted off.

Otherwise, only women I've dated knew I like to tickle. One of them became a close friend after we stopped dating but several years back our friendship also drifted off.
All of you know, and an ex-girlfriend, and my cousin.... I think.

If things go right in the next coupla weeks, someone else too... but I'm not gonna jinx it!! 😀
I've been reasonably open about it, though the Freshman year has cured me of the urge to be up-and-in-your-face about it. Since then I don't think I've lied or evaded a question to hide my fetish, but I don't usually bring it up in conversation unless it is really appropriate and on topic.

Most of my Freshman dorm floor (about 50 people) had the opportunity to be exposed; about 20 know for sure (were present while I was trying to explain it to a casual inquisitor, who was more interested in teasing me than actual understanding).
I mentioned it in passing to one of my Sophomore year roommates.
My current (post-graduate) roommates/good friends know I have some interest in tickling, but I am not sure if they know the depth of it (not surprising, considering it's pretty damn deep).
I've told three other friends as well.

My parents might know or guess, though I've never actually told them or discussed it in any way, nor will I.

Then there's a lot of people on the net, but I'm pretty sure those don't count for the original question.

One significant time I didn't indicate an interest in tickling (that I haven't made up my mind yet whether to regret or not) was with one of my parents' friends, who I suspect is one of us. While my parents and their other friends were partying in the next room, she pretty much up and offered to tickle me, in a way that would seem quite obvious to a tickling enthusiast, and rather obscure (or at least perfectly deniable) to anybody else. I didn't respond, because I was concerned that my parents would find out, and I really didn't feel like dealing with that. I did feel a bit indecent, though, like I hung her out to dry. *sigh*
As far as tickling as a 'thing' goes... nobody. I havn't really had the chance to tell anyone.

As far as my tendency to tickle people...
My sister knows it, all my younger cousins know it and enjoy it... my parents know I seem to tickle those cousins a bit... and theres one (maybe two or three) of my feminine friends that know it... pretty much cause I tickle them when the opportunity presents itself... often (and one of them is quite proud of being ticklish... the Tickle Queen she called herself once)
Interesting thread.

I always felt that this was a private, sexual thing so the only people who needed to know about it were lovers. I did tell a few female friends, and most recently, I confessed it to my neice (who is in her 20's). That was interesting. Our conversation just took a turn one night and it all poured out.

But the most devastating piece is that my ex-wife knew and, during the divorce, probably everyone that we ever knew found out since she was keen on spreading my misery as far and wide as possible. Even my divorce attorney knew.


Max :firedevil
Since my own interest in tickling is more playful than sexual, nearly everyone I know is aware that I love tickling. But, most don't know the full extent of it. Very few, for example, know about my web sites or involvement here.

Yeah Max, I can relate completely.

My ex-wife had a little more class, she didn't tell everyone, but she told several people, including her attorney. I figured it could have been worse, because I don't feel that tickling is all that wild a fetish. Besides, in the case of her attorney I wasn't sweating it at all. Here's why:

We lived in a town of about 6,000 people, and I was a member of our volunteer fire department. About ten years before our divorce I responded to a fire at her attorney's combination office and residence. The fire started in an electric outlet and destroyed most of his library. After we had extinguished all visible flame, three of us were moving books off the shelves to open the wall behind the bookcase, to make sure the fire had not spread inside the walls. (We were tossing books into the center of the room, no time for neatness.)

Anyway, one of the books contained four polaroid pictures tucked inside, because they flew out in a cloud as the book sailed into the pile. After we finished our task we gathered up the polaroids and checked them out. They were pics of the attorney dressed in drag. After the initial shock (and a little smirking - he had knobby knees,) we agreed to say nothing about it to anyone. This is a small town; no point in ruining this guy's life. We put the photos back inside one of the books. (We hoped it was the same volume they'd been in, but we couldn't be sure.)

That was twenty-five years ago, and to the best of my knowledge all three of us have kept that secret. Still, when my ex-wife told me that she'd told her attorney of my little secret, it didn't bother me very much. Not in light of what I knew about him!
Well, tickling is plain weird to the mainstream world, so given that, I have no need to tell anyone. All my past girlfriends thought I just loved tickling them, but I'm sure it never really crossed their mind that it excited me sexually. Some of them knew that I love feet because I would constantly suck their toes before sex, and most of them knew I was into bondage because I loved tying them up, but none probably thought that my constant tickling was more then just flirty fun. Many people don't even KNOW about this crazy thing that we call a "tickling fetish" and the thought would never cross their mind.
MaxSpeer said:
But the most devastating piece is that my ex-wife knew and, during the divorce, probably everyone that we ever knew found out since she was keen on spreading my misery as far and wide as possible. Even my divorce attorney knew.


Max :firedevil

Max, that is my worst nightmare.

the only two people in my life who know (outside of the folks I have met here) are my sister and ex-husband. the only reason my sister knows is because during my campaign to get my husband to understand this... I mentioned that I would love to attend a gathering. to be around people who felt the same way and feel a little understood. our marriage was all but over at this point... we just didn’t have the courage to make it official. well anyway, he decided that he should tell my sister all of this. because he was ‘concerned’. I felt like I was going to die. thankfully I have a very cool sister who saw it for the betrayal of trust it was and didn’t ask questions.
I agree - this is an interesting thread. Anyway, I have never discussed the depths of my fascination with tickling with anyone outside the online community – not even my wife. Don’t get me wrong. She allows me to play with and tickle her feet fairly often. (I never get tired of her feet.) She also knows, by my actions, that I have a more intense than normal fascination with her feet and tickling them. I will kiss her feet and suck her toes when the opportunity presents itself, and she occasionally allows me to tie her up, where I use feathers and brushes, in addition to my fingers, to tickle her feet. So if you ask me if my wife knows about my “fetish”, well she’s by no means stupid, so I’m pretty sure she knows, even though we have never discussed the HOW’s and WHY’s. She has never teased me about it or put me down for it. The worst that has happened is that she will occasionally turn me down when I pursue it. She often looks at it as “a waste of precious time”. We have 4 young kids – two with disabilities – so time is a valuable commodity at our house, so she often likes to get to the “down-n-dirty” quicker without the footplay involved. She does let me “indulge” often enough to keep me from frustration, and I do think she gets more out of it than she would like to admit. So, I guess it doesn’t really matter that much whether we discuss it or not. She has no idea I visit forums like this and I do not think that she would approve too much of it. Once again it is a time thing. I do most of my surfing while waiting for things at work. In some ways, I am glad that I have never discussed it in depth with her because when I “tickle play” with my wife, it is very sexual. It always turns me on. I love, and lust, for her completely. I also love the look of her feet, and I love to tickle them. But, I do love to casually tickle women’s feet for fun too, even though I seldom get an opportunity. For instance, my wife has 2 older sisters. One of my sister-in-law’s is incredibly ticklish. I have no real attraction to her and would never consider anything other than foot-tickling with her. Her feet aren’t even very pretty. But she is damn fun to tickle. She often likes to play tickle games with the kids, where she is the chief tickler. What ends up happening is that my kids and her kids will enlist my help in getting her back. I usually pretend that I really don’t want to play, but I’m eventually “convinced” that their aunt needs a good tickling. It is usually a lot of fun for me. She hates it. Anyway, I feel that if I had ever talked about my fetish with my wife beforehand, she might have looked at these tickle incidents with her sister as flirting, and possibly gotten jealous. It might have caused some problems. When I tickle my wife, it is flirting. When I have casually tickled another woman, it never is the same. I can tickle a woman’s feet that I have no emotional attachment to, and enjoy tickling her and still have no desire for any more physical contact, or connection with her. The tickling is fun by itself. I think a lot of us in this forum feel the same way. I’ve seen this sentiment expressed again and again here on this board. Is this something unique to our fetish? All I know is that the way I have decided to handle my foot/tickling fetish has worked out okay for me so far. I do believe that if I had all the online resources that we have now when I was in college (1979-84), I would have been a lot bolder with the girls I was dating. Like a lot of you, I thought at that time that I was quite an oddball – all alone with my fetish. Opportunities were all around me, and I let them pass because of the fear of ridicule. I know I would be a lot more assertive if I was attending school now. Hell I’m 10 times as assertive with my fetish now as I was then, and a lot of it has to do with the comfort I feel from being part of a much larger-than-I-thought minority.

Sorry for rambling,
les secrets 😉

Well, my bf knows... oh boy does he know 🙂

And my roomate... I would have had to explain things eventually, seeing as she would wonder what all the screaming was about...

Other than that, no body knows, and I can't say that I'm all that eager to share it with the world. I mean, I get more than enough tickling out of my relationship, he's a very satisfying gent 😉
And I have my leagues... alrite... well maybe 5 or so, hehe... good friends on the TMF whom I get to chatter with.

Of course, if there's anyone who knows me who ever orders a vid from Jeff and peruses the models section... *grin* but then they'd be in my boat anyhoo, so it wouldn't matter.

Nancy. Lisa, Janet, Annie. Judy, and Paige. I just hope I can get all of us together sometime! That would be AWESOME!!!!!!!
I've never had any problem sharing the tickling "secret" with any of the women in my life, as it's simply another piece of intimate information. It usually debuts itself in that part of the relationship where late night "pillow talk" or telephone conversations into the wee hours of the morning starts happening. You know, when you start feeling comfortable having conversations about fantasies, what turns you on, limited sexual history sharing, stuff like that.

It's never really bothered me to share it with ex-girlfriends, as one thing I've learned over the years is that we're all wired differently--and some of them have had their share of secret turn-ons that would give tickling a run for its money anyhow.

Rule of thumb--don't consider yourself a freak when it comes to fetishes, as women can be just as "freaky". And the ones that aren't simply haven't found the buttons yet.😉
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