Page 404 - Your tickles could not be found..... So here have some other tickles instead!
(Hey fans of my game! Recognise the green hair chick?)
Those are cute. Do you know who the artist of the second one is?
Great work with the Dark Elves manga. Every translated tickle manga is a treasure. 🙂 (Though I personally are not so much into muscle women the blonde elve Girl would have been more my type).
But is there no interest in translating this manga too??? (At least the first Story???The first 18 pages.)
I mean the drawing is beautifull and so and the Story could be too. (I am interested to know for quite some time whats Happening in the first Story.) If somebody feels like doing this I personally would appreciate it very much. :drool
I'd like to see that one, too! I love the art.
But, uh, what about this one?
It's a bit more... risque.
Well if there won't be a translation let's just jump to the finishing line. What is standing in the two black boxes on this last page please? I understand this much that she is trying to make a joke to save her ass but it is probably only funny for Japanese. Therefore the boxes seem to be more important.
I'll do you one better, here's the page!
He's done a few cute tickle pieces
Can anybody have the translation of this .....???
They actually aren't that important. The last one literally just says "And so her tickling continued for a little while longer."