"ys memories of celceta"... a great game.
You wanna know what I hate? Exclusives. Seriously, who's brilliant marketing idea was it to DELIBERATELY restrict the consumer base of their game to those who own a certain system?
Just because the game is ONLY available for a single system, won't entice more people from that system to buy it. If you don't want to buy a game, the fact that the game is :super_hap EXCLUSIVE :super_hap to your system isn't going to make you want it any more than you already don't, and it sure as hell isn't enough to get someone who REALLY wants the game to shell out hundreds of dollars on a new system, only to play a single fucking game.
No, all it's going to do is prevent people who have a different system from buying it; I.E. Restrict profits.
To top that all off, whenever I find a really cool-looking game that's exclusive to another system, I end up spending hours looking for a place where I can download the ISO for the game, and possibly jury-rig it to run on PC. Of course, I always hit dozens of results. All of which end up taking me to the internet equivalent of absolute hell... surveys... After I wrestle with those for the better part of 45 minutes, I try looking for ways to bypass the surveys. You wanna know where that takes me? MORE FUCKING SURVEYS
That's usually the point that I realize my blood pressure is high enough for my eyes to start bleeding, and I spend the rest of the day in a foul mood.
(as i'm currently demonstrating)
So... I'm gonna let the internet take care of cussing out the concept of exclusives FOR me.
Pleas pretend that all of the insults generated here are directed towards the concept of exclusives, and have a nice day.
*puts rage into bottle to be used at a later day*