Gotta say...that was boss.That is if you're implying everyone is a pedophile.
Don't post stuff like that please.
Gotta say...that was boss.That is if you're implying everyone is a pedophile.
Don't post stuff like that please.
That is if you're implying everyone is a pedophile.
Don't post stuff like that please.
There were tickling scenes on Winx Club that was on the tickling forum, but I couldn;t see them because the youtube user removed them.
Could someone find the episodes and post them here? I hear there are like 4 tickling scenes.
Its just the one scene in different languages, saw it last year, not very good, the post got necrobumped. armpit tickling or something.
Kare wa Diablo - vol 01
Photo Kano - ch 04
The World Only God Knows - ch 185
Don't know
Don't know
Pft... she's not even a loli. Her breasts are too large. The poor girl is stuck between categories and now nobody likes her. XD
As for you Xtreme09, a lolicon and a pedophile are two different things. I would recommend doing a little bit of research before posting such accusations.
With all the other stuff that I like about hentai, I also happen to like lolicon, but that doesn't make me a pedophile. Real children can never be so cute and smart as an anime loli. I don't even like ''real'' porn at all. I fap exclusively to hentai, watch good anime rather than some hollywood movie, and play a japanese game rather than an american one. My ''preference'' lies with japanese products, and lolis happen to be a part of it. If it was ,for instance, Americans the one who invented lolicon, and have drawn it in their style, I wouldn't even glance on it.
Bottom line: Despite the fact that pedophiles would probably also like anime lolis, lolicons are not necessarily pedophiles. And I know that it's hard for you to accept it, but then thrust me. I know what I'm talking about here.
This coming from the person who breached the Tickletheater rules posting what you're trying to defend.
They are the same damn thing. People can like loli, but this is loli in a hentai. And they're still under the freaking age. It's stuff that even TMF is strictly against. Say what you will defending this, it doesn't make it any better. And it's something I will never come to accept.
And if you don't like what i'm saying and will continue to post these things as goes for anyone else then for goodness sake, put a damn warning on those kinds of pictures from now on and make it your problem because I don't want to see that schlock.
Can we not discuss this stuff here anymore?
Please guys, if you have issues with each other deal with it through PMs and leave the thread for tickling.
So curiosity took hold of me and I must ask, despite the obvious hate being tossed around right now, what are your opinions on the curveballs Japan likes to throw around? Example:
Shinobu Oshino. A nearly 600 year old vampire who had her powers sealed.
True form (pre-sealing):
Current form (post-sealing):
Girls, girls, girls. Small tits, big tits... no tits. Don't fight, there is enough TickleWizard for all of you.
Whether they look it or not is subjective, especially when your dealing with this kind of art style.
To avoid future confusion I have compiled a list of good and bad tickling picture criteria.
Under the age of 18: Bad
Over the age of 18: Good
Under the age of 18 but looks over the age of 18: Good
Over the age of 18 but looks under the age of 18: Bad
Remember kids: It's not about whether the character is legal or not, it's about if they look it or not.
To avoid future confusion I have compiled a list of good and bad tickling picture criteria.
Under the age of 18: Bad
Over the age of 18: Good
Under the age of 18 but looks over the age of 18: Good
Over the age of 18 but looks under the age of 18: Bad
Remember kids: It's not about whether the character is legal or not, it's about if they look it or not.
So remember: characters that claim to be 9,000 years old but look like 8 are nu-uh.
Characters that are magically aged to be legal are a-okay!