Oh I can completely understand, let's face it Asuka may be 13-14ish in the anime, but she's nohohooooo where near drawn like she's that age even in the source material lol
Speaking of Shinji... have you ever seen the joke Eva opening called "If anime were honest"? XD
This is what I mean. For all this time, I thought she was at LEAST 18. The way she acts and moves, the way she talks, it just didn't scream young girl to me. And as mentioned, she was drawn in a style that looks more like a young woman than a girl in her early teens.
I suppose I need to state my actual stance on this kind of thing lol XD
I don't care about either of the images mentioned, the Touhou ones or the one of Asuka don't bug me at all.
What does bug me however is people trying to whiteknight and be all "pedophile art!!!!!" when they see any anime girl that doesn't have breasts, yet they seem to blatantly ignore the 13-17 year old anime girls that they have saved in their fap art folder. A great example of this kind of thing would be with any of the 18 year old girls from Lucky Star. They're 18 in their respective media, but if these people saw a sexual picture of them, these people would have a coronary because the art style makes them look younger then their depicted ages.
It's just a simple case of "don't throw rocks when you live in a glass house" kinda thing. lol
Millions of ≥A-cup women everywhere thank you for that.
I don't know if this is actually tickling, but...
Sankarea M\F 8:22
Hrrmm...unfortunately, I don't think this is tickling. No laughter, no giggling, just continuous crying like she is getting molested - which she is. I think it's either groping or him just latched on to her. BUT! My goodness what an interesting opening~ thank you so much Screamer! I have a new anime to watch now
So I must assume this 6 years-old-like-gilr (or children?) is 14 or even 18 just because that's an anime??
Men, you can try to convince me of all you want, but the fact it's a manga doesn't change the fact that some of you seem to be attract by drawn where little girl, or even children, are tickled... now, you can say "it's just a manga! The author claims she's 18"... that doesn't change the fact SHE LOOKS LIKE A CHILD, AND THAT YOU LIKE IT.
Pretty simple, huh??
I wish I could read Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Whatever this is. Without that knowledge, I can't tell you what the context of theses images are (it may be when Marisa was a child, it may be her now). Though don't go by the illustration and say "It's A-OK just because it's anime?! How stupid!" - the truth is, everyone in the fanon, just like with their ideas and information on the lives of the characters, draws each girl in the Touhou universe differently. Of course, that may be moreso the artist's own fetishes than his or her art style.
Example 1,
Example 2,
Example 3. Just look at the above 3 - each girl looks like a different age (and her breast size noticeably differs).
I won't argue with you on the portrayal of Marisa in that doujin as being too young or too old (because she does look ridiculously small/young in that one), I just want to point out that each artist has their own spin on the girls. Hell, I could show you the original art of many of the Touhou girls - even the obviously adult ones look like little girls with two water balloons stuck under their dress...because the artist had that awkward of a style (and perhaps it could be said he is a terrible artist too lol).
If you don't approve of an image, do remember you can report the post. The mods will take a look, talk to the creator of said post, and if need be ask them to remove it (before they do themselves).