milagros317 said:I will trust Lee's report on that, after her road trip to Connecticut. 😀
LeeAllure said:I'm making a road trip to CT this Sunday.
Ray has some 'splaining to do about this
whole ticklish/not-ticklish thing going on.
I've been promised assistance, should be
milagros317 said:she did seem enthusiastic about it: 😛
Yeah!ticklkitten said:nope ray, I do believe that you are mistaken... I think that YOU are going to get it... not us...
venray1 said:I will believe it when I see it...... 😎
Ann....LOL..we will start on YOU on Saturday night.....
You tell her Golas! Tell her to show us what she's got and come to the party...
Laurie my dear, my wiggling fingers may not work, but I have a brush with your name on it.....
As for you Mr. armpitlovr.......I believe you assited enough at NEST...however, the next time you find yourself tied down in the presence of several of our lovely ladies I shall be glad to be the one to provide the "special equipment"....You Tom did at a certain SBG gathering....
venray1 said:That's what they all say, hon.....
(and I am not ticklish)
ticklkitten said:Oh my goodness gracious! Ray was trying to lie... I simply cannot tolerate the audicity of such a heinous situation. I demand a trial by your peers!
venray1 said:I am quite content right now in fact as I had the pleasure of being the lee to "LeeAllure for a little over an hour today...
At one point Shygal and venraya were "helping" quite a bit....
venray1 said:I am a good actor who likes to please my "lers".......
That's my story and I am sticking to it!!!!
(I will let the ladies post their version of the events today...)