Thanks for the warm welcome!
I always knew I liked being tickled, and when I got old enough to be interested in boys, I fantasized about them tickling me instead of ... other things. My first boyfriend tickled me accidentally, then apologized. No matter how much I told him I liked it, he thought that was weird and wouldn't do it anymore. 🙁 Luckily, I left for college shortly thereafter and discovered the internet and the fact that I wasn't alone.
I learned about that magic little area around my side with a boyfriend I had in college. We were sitting on the couch under a blanket (so his roommates couldn't see what he was up to). He started slowly untucking my shirt on the side next to him, and just the feeling of the fabric made me giggle and squirm. Luckily the movie we were watching was a comedy, but still, there was the challenge of trying to sit still and be quiet so no one else would be the wiser. That worked pretty well for a while, but as soon as he got my shirt loose and ran his fingertip against my skin, right on my waistline, it wrecked me. 🙂
That stands out as a perfect tickling moment -- the anticipation, trying to keep still, the prolonged build-up, and a guy I trusted and was attracted to. We're not together anymore, but it's still a good memory.
When my current boyfriend and I were getting physically acquainted (we were friends for a long time first), he "accidentally" tickled me while we were kissing. When I giggled and squirmed, he stopped kissing me and asked if I was okay. I smiled and said it tickled, and he looked right in my eyes, gave a little smile, and said "Good."
He didn't have the long-standing interest in it that I did, but he was really accepting. He thought it was really neat when I opened up to him and showed him a couple of my favorite web sites. I had never invited anyone in like that before, so it was a little scary, but I trusted him, and it paid off.
Well, this is getting long, so I should probably sign off. Thanks again for the warm welcome!