In response to the last paragraph you wrote, I am sure if someone saw the spankings you got as a kid, they would probably say the exact same thing. That is was brutal. That's no way to discipline a child. Think about it. Spankings were not some easy, peaceful interaction where a kid just stood there and took the hits and the parents had a stern voice. Hell no. Parents were yelling and you were trying to get out the way.
I agree, spankings never look good. You have an upset, usually crying child, because they know they are going to get hit or have already been hit and it hurts, and usually a parent who is pissed off, hence why they spanked the child. As i already have shown though, there are reasons people are seeing this as beyond a simple spanking.
Let's be real here. This whole things reeks of blackmail of some sort. I know people do not like the way the judge handled the punishment. I get that. I know when you watch the video, it looks brutal. But to those who experienced spankings, you know it was never a pleasant interaction when it happened to you. I just hope people think about the perspective. This judge did not beat his daughter for no reason. He was disciplining her for her trangressions. It wasn't like she ate an extra cookie and getting hit for it. It's not like she was watching cartoons when she wasn't supposed to. She was downloading music illegally. Father said stop, especially a father who is a judge, and she didn't listen. She had other behaviors that helped lead to this interaction. This daughter is not all that innocent. Whether people disagree with me or not, I do not think what we witnessed was child abuse. Disagree with me all you like, it still won't change my mind. My only goal was to have people look at it from a different perspective. I guess some people can't...
it's entirely possible that this is some sort of blackmail attempt, though as we've yet to see anything that even remotely shows up as evidence that it was blackmail, this is all speculation. If the father makes a statement, then we can at least get his side. However, even if it is blackmail, it doesn't change the issue of what he did. Motive for her release of the video is one thing, and what he did is another issue entirely.
The fact that she was downloading music is also a moot point. Perhaps you don't know much about the internet, Prime, but on the scale of internet crimes, she committed jaywalking, or doubleparking, or not signalling before she turned. Yes, she commited a crime, but it is a crime which occurs on such a scale, that it needs to be taken into prospective. If the judge insisted on punishing her, simply taking away the internet would have been a much more effective and less violent punishment. After watching the video, one gets the impression though that this is a man who enjoys inflicting violence. After all, he does come back for a second helping.
As for you not changing your mind, that has been made very clear, and hey, we all feel strongly about something. As for getting others to change their mind though, part of the problem has been you really haven't brought forth any really good arguements that i've seen, personally. You've meantioned the fact that her father was a judge and how it would look on him if she got caught, but given how he disciplined his daughter, it seems like the fallout was much greater for that one. You've talked about her having alterior motives, but that doesn't change what he did. He chose to hit her with a belt 18 times and threaten her, she didn't do those things. You've meantioned about people not being spanked not understanding, but plenty of people who have been spanked or in some cases, beaten, have responded, and they see a difference as well. If this was a black and white issue, it would be more heavily devided, but it's not. Perhaps it's time to take a moment and re-evalute your own stance. If the only answer you can come up with is "Well, it happened to me and I turned out ok", you might want to think about things.