Mitchell, it's kind of easy to see why you are criticized so much on here, sometimes fairly, sometimes unfairly. Just in this thread alone...
Not that it's anyone's fucking business, but,
Additionally, I don't think its anyone's fucking business to judge,
Some of the comments by certain people in this thread...are none of anyone's fucking business but my dad's and mine.
If you don't want something to be "anyone's fucking business" you really have to stop posting about it. No offense, but nobody ASKED about any of this. It's important to you, and you obviously need to get shit off your chest, but it's not working out very well posting it for you here.
Anything you post on the internet is other people's "fucking business". You can't expect privacy or for other people not to respond when you post anything. You really need to save this type of stuff for your therapist... for your own good.
I'm going to tell everyone something that just dawned on me.
I'm going to tell everyone something,
I'm going to tell all the mavens on this forum who are ripping me something.
Something else.. I don't know if people can understand this.
I'm going to tell everyone something,
I want to make one thing perfectly clear:
Now.. as if I don't already have enough problems.. I have another issue.
Just... stop. Step back for awhile, because it's not good for you. I understand you have a lot of stressful influences in your life right now. You really have to stop consciously adding to it, and this is obviously making it worse for you. Nobody is out to get you, but by telling everybody your problems that they didn't ask about, it makes it easier for others to offer advice and criticism, even when you didn't ask for it.
From now on, you don't have to tell anybody anything. Just stick to non-dramatic threads. There are hundreds of those already. Talk about sports or weather or those nonsensical game threads. Relax man.
Say whatever the fuck you want. I seriously don't care.
You do because you keep responding. Look at how many times on this thread alone you replied to yourself when NOBODY ELSE commented on it. Just let it go, this thread and all these hostilities. It's NOT worth it.
It would help you and everybody else if you take your own advice:
From now on, no matter what happens, I will not post it.
The only thing I really can do.. is post nothing on the forum.. so the attackers will have no information with which to attack me.
You already know the solution, so make a conscious effort not to post about it anymore.
I wonder when or if I will reach my breaking point, that enough will be enough, twelve year history here or not. Maybe. I've had so many changes over the past four years, with my mom being sick and dying, moving to NY, reconnections with relatives I hadn't seen in years, and then the Aflac position that is now over, I wanted some familiarity with Jim Gardner and this forum. I personally think the attacks allowed in this thread are disgraceful, and not just because I'm the recipient of them.
While taking a break from the forum could benefit you and lower your stress level, you don't even have to do that. Just stay away from making or responding to threads like this. NOBODY is keeping score... nobody asked... nobody cares in the big picture.
Relax and have fun on here.