Hello, you all, it is good to see your rhymes!!!! Thanks for all of them!!!
I wish you all a very good vacation and swim a lot, get suntanned and take care!!!
I came home yesterday.
In cold wind and pouring rain
It is a bit
So hard to sit
On a broomstick all the way
Cause you can be swept away.
Magic is not so easy as you all imagine
Only those things fulfill in which you can believe.
This gift of mental power can be used for good
And it doesn't depend on someone's mood!
One thing I also have to ask from thee,
I have the power, or the power has me?
Today here?
Tomorrow there?
Please, tell me where
You will be, dear,
The day after
Tomorrow? Here?
This is the way
When I can't sleep,
When I can't sleep,
When I can't sleep,
This is the way
When I can't sleep,
I write silly things in here.
Hush, little baby, don't say a word
Cause I'm gonna take you around the world
We 're gonna fly to Wonderland
Our sweet dream will never end.
We 're gonna fly to the land of Oz
Don't ask me why, I say just because.