At the up and coming gatheing we will be auctioning willing ticklees to defray costs and contribute to charity. I have posted in the "Tickling Discussion" section regarding this and an email will be sent to all attendees. Proposed rules are as follows. Please PM me with any feedback.
Tickling Auction Rules:
Michigan Tickle Party
As a new item this year we are trialing the idea of a “Tickle Auction”. Yes, you have read about them in the “Stories” Section and perhaps even contemplated such an event on your own, but at MTP it will become reality. We are not aware of anyone actually trialing this at a gathering in the past, but we have contemplated this for a while and are willing to give it a go.
We already have some volunteers who have been willing to donate access to their ticklish spots to the highest bidder. Yep, that’s right: you can bid on a private tickle session with your own personal ticklee amongst the party. We intend to utilize any proceeds for the following purpose: 1) to assist in defraying the cost of putting on MTP to make it more affordable for all of us, and 2) to make a charitable contribution to some worthy cause (Katrina relief, Make-A-Wish Foundation, etc.) Suggestions will be taken from amongst ticklees and a decision by either vote or acclamation will determine the charity of choice. Should you have any charity suggestions, please let us know. Charity proceeds will be announced in sum to the gathering attendees. Half of the proceeds will be put toward defraying costs and half to the charity chosen. Should amount of costs be exceeded by this fifty percent of proceeds, only that portion needed to cover expenses shall be put toward this end and the remaining funds shall be added to the charitable contribution. In this way the only one to fiscally profit from the proceeds of the auction is the charity.
We are hoping this will not only enhance the quality of an otherwise already fantastic gathering, but allow some tickling opportunities for gathering attendees that might not otherwise be had.
The auction will be a silent auction: slips of paper with bids in increasing order will be on a table under a lee’s name. Should you wish to bid the amount listed on that slip then you tear off the paper, write your name on the back and put it either in the bid box or hand it to the auctioneer. Bidders will enter the bidding area one at a time to ensure bidding privacy. Bidding will begin at $20.00 for a 15 minute session and go up in increments of $5.00 per sheet. Should a competing bidder see the next bid for that lee and wish to put in that higher bid then he/she may do so leaving on the pad the next highest bid and so on. Should you wish to place a bid higher than the one showing, remove all lower bids preceeding it. For example if the latest bid on Jane was $30 and you are wiling to bid $45 then remove the $35 and $40 sheets as well as the $45 sheet writing your name on the last one, handing them all to the auctioneer or placing them in the bid box. At the end of the bidding time (from noon until 2:00 PM on Saturday) the bids will be collected, winning bidders will be announced and the ticklings will begin. Cash must be presented for the bid prior to the beginning of the tickling session. Ticklees will be identified during the bidding time by either introduction or some other form of identification. The following information will be furnished up front about the ticklees at the time of bidding (posted on the front of their bidding pad or on the bidding table):
Who they are (Screen name and first name)
Where they are willing to be tickled (feet, tummy, all over, etc.)
How long they will be tickled (15 minutes as a standard)
What restraint if any will be used (stocks, overhead restraints, tickler’s choice,etc.)
If the lees is not willing to be ticked by certain devices (toothbrushes, feathers,
Gender of ticklers who can bid (male, female, both)
So for example one entry on the table may say:
bare feet
15 minutes
This means a bid on that paper is for Jane, known by screen name “Ticklish_Jane”. She will put her bare feet in the stocks for 15 minutes for tickling and that both men and women may bid to tickle her. Lees may have two or more bids as well, perhaps one for the feet and another for the upper body, perhaps one for a male tickler and another for a female tickler, depending on the number of ticklees available for auction. This way the tickler knows EXACTLY what they are bidding on. The lee gets to pick what spots they are comfortable putting up for auction and that is a rule to be strictly respected by all ticklers winning bids. So if you win the bid for Jane’s feet and she is in the stocks, while most people would consider tickling her ankles to be in that same realm, that does not mean you can reach over and tickle her ribs – unless of course she gives you permission first in which case Jane almost literally asked for it!.
For ticklers here are a few rules you must follow:
1.Respect the lee’s choice of gender (lees pick the gender of their bidders)
2. Be discrete about your bid, this is a SILENT auction
3. Respect the rules about what is offered to be tickled and tickle nothing else
without permission
4. Unless you and your lee arrange otherwise, DO NOT tickle or touch in any way
your lee in the groin or buttocks area and in the chest area for female lees.
Should your lees give you permission to do so behind closed doors, that is
your arrangement and should stay behind closed doors.
5. You are to tickle your lee with your hands (OK, feet too!) and agreed upon tools
unless previously arranged otherwise (ie no licking your lees toes without
permission). And BTW, a “no” first time is enough to suffice – have the etiquette to not ask twice! Should a lee report discomfort with a tool or tickling technique then that tool or techniques need be abandoned immediately. Should you cause three “ouch” type remarks from the lee the session may be immediately terminated by the moderator.
Respect the lee’s safeword and allow him/her to recover when they use it
6. No recording of the tickling in any way without explicit permission from the lee
7. All tickle sessions are private unless you and the lee wish otherwise (see below).
Adhere to the assigned time you bid upon.
For the lees, here are a few ground rules for you:
1. Any medical conditions which could impede your session as a ticklee
must be disclosed to the auctioneer prior to the beginning of bidding on you as a
ticklee (eg. asthma, claustrophobia, etc.). This is a safety issue and you will be
asked if any relevant medical issues exist. A physician will be on hand
throughout the auction process to handle any issues that may arise.
2. You may use your safeword, but barring an injury any recovery time you need
will be added to your tickle time (e.g. you are to be tickled for 15 minutes and 5
minutes in you use your safeword and need a one minute recovery. That
one minute is added on and you are tickled for the remaining 10 minutes after you recover).
3. You get to pick your tickle spot (feet, knees, tummy, underarms, all over, etc.)
4. You get to pick your bondage, if any. With no preference you may defer to your tickler.
5. Bondage or not, you must “allow” your tickler to tickle you as auctioned
6. Please attire yourself as to not obstruct your ticklish spots. For example, do not put your underarms up for bid and then wear a t-shirt, thick turtleneck and wool sweater. A tank top or T-shirt would be more appropriate. I know this is common sense so I apologize for having to mention it.
7. No nudity
8. The tickler may use tickle tools (brushes, feathers, toothbrushes, etc.) at their discretion so long as they are not uncomfortable or you have not excluded certain tools ahead of time at the time of auction. Should they produce discomfort (ie not tickle just hurt), inform them immediately and they are to cease using this tool. The same goes for techniques using the body.
9. You must understand that all tickling sessions are 15 minutes long.
10. You may have a moderator and/or your significant other in the room during the tickling at your discretion. Should you AND your tickler wish to allow the remaining partygoers to witness your tickling then that is fine, otherwise the tickling is private apart from a moderator and/or your significant other (as well as possibly that of the tickler’s significant other should you agree).
Some additional points:
1. The auction moderator will collect and account for all funds.
2. The total funds raised will be announced publicly but who paid what to tickle whom, etc. will be kept confidential.
3. We hope this goes over well, and if it does, perhaps it will be an event at every MTP. We already have both women and at men volunteering to auction off themselves to be tickled.
Any questions email us at
[email protected] and we will see you at the MTP gathering!