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MORE stories of Moms and Aunts...a new thread for 2022.

There's just something about aunts/aunt-like figures.

Here's a belly story.

I had someone who wasn't an actual aunt, but was a close family friend who was an aunt-like figure. I even referred to her as "Aunt" at times. The first time I saw her belly was during a party that someone in the neighborhood was having. They had a big backyard and a pool. So this family friend was there in a bikini top and jean shorts.

My mother always got home from work later in the evening, and my father had a work schedule that alternated. So this family friend for years was who I stayed with after school when neither of my parents were home. There were also some weekends where I'd get to spend a full day with her.

She wasn't super ticklish, but she was a little sensitive on her belly. And there were times where I got to give her belly rubs. Again while not super ticklish, it did make her giggle. She even let me play with her bellybutton and bellybutton ring. She was the first person I ever actually met with a ring. She had one of those plain hoop piercings. You don't see those too often anymore. Today for the most part I hate piercings, but ones like that are an exception. My experience is probably part of the reason why. Plus rings like that don't really block the actual bellybutton.

Hollywood from G.L.O.W (Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling) is one of the few people today who I see still rocking one of those piercings. And I think actress Amanda Seyfried had one as well for a little while.
i was raised by a single working mom at the time so often i was babysat by a relative and most of the time it was my aunt Janet . Janet was late 40s at the time divorced and no kids so i was kind of like a son to her . Seeing i wont be posting a photo of her i will describe her , she looked a bit like that fitness lady that was on tv something austin, except Janet was a bit heavier, wore glasses on occasion and had short hair style i guess they refer to this type style as a "karen " lol . Janet was laid back , great sense of humor, what i would refer to as a cool aunt . At home she was like a typical country girl always dressed in a t shirt , shorts little or no make up and either in flip flops or bare feet .
I have always had a thing for feet and tickling ( not knowing it was a fetish back then ) so i often wondered if aunt Janet's feet were ticklish . At the time my mom was seeing this guy often and things went well and eventually this man became my step dad ( and still my dad to this day happy to say ) so i stayed with my aunt the whole week during their honey moon . Aunt janet and i went on outings together, i helped her around the house and she took me to chucky cheese one time for lunch . I remember sitting at the table while she would be up at the counter waiting for our order and i would see her doing what most woman do without though , shoeplay . We would then go over to the play area and of course Janet would kick off her flip flops and join in the fun . Aunt Janet never knew what i was thinking . The week went on and still i havent got any opportunities to jump on . Two days before my parents would pick me up i finally got it .

We came in from outside one night and Janet kicked off her foot wear at the door , i went into the living room to watch tv while she called in a food delivery order, as she waled into the living room , she started saying " oh ow ow ow " and sat on the sofa and put a bare foot on her knee . I asked what was wrong and she said " sand spur , must have been stuck in carpet " . If you live in the south especially florida , these things are worse than stepping on legos and hurt more when you pull them out than when you get stuck . She pulled one out and said i dont think i got it all i still feel like a sliver is still there . That when i thought to myself " heres your chance " . I said maybe i can find it . Aunt janet said " oh ok your eye sight is probably better than mine " . I sat on the ottoman indian style , she was a bit unsure of where to put her foot so she put it on my knee and told me to be careful not to get stuck and she showed me the area where she still felt it by leaning forward and pointing . Immediately i felt my heart race and had butterflies in my stomach and thought nothing about getting in trouble . I started poking around above the area . Her foot jerked and she scrunched her toes and said "oops" . I said sorry didnt mean to hurt you and she said i didnt hurt her that that was just a tickle spot and it was below that area . In a few seconds , i found part of the spur and seeing i had small fingers i was able to pull it out . She thanked me profusely saying i was a doll and apologizing for me having to do that . Now was my chance i said " no problem Aunt Janet and about that spot " . Before she could put her foot down , i held it to my knee and began tickling her foot and to my relief , she laughed and tried to pull it away but i leaned forward and had my arm around her ankle and continued to tickle . She tried pulling away still laughing , her foot moved side to side and toes wiggled and she kept saying oh no that tickles . This went on for about a minute and i let go .

I remember her face was red and she still had a smile as she rubbed her sole and i thought i would be in trouble so i told her i was sorry . She had a look of concern and said " oh no you didnt do anything wrong , i just wasnt expecting that i guess still cursed with ticklish feet " and i asked if she was going to tell my parents and she said " oh no why should i and gave me a hug and assured me it was between me and her and told me just dont tell your parents about how i let you eat what you want when i babysit you . My parents came and got me a few days later and she told them i was well behaved and said anytime she is needed, she would be there .There were many other brief tickling feet encounters with aunt Janet that i will tell about
She sounds like a great person! I'd love to hear more tales about her that you experienced.
thanks bob , yes she was great , she was the type that would slip you a few bucks and tell you not to say anything or ignore bed times rules when she baby sat and let you eat all the sweet stuff you want , ill definitely post more
well here is another brief but memorable experience with aunt Janet but first when I described a bit of what she looked like and compared her to a fitness lady on tv , the woman i was referring to whos name i wasnt sure of , it was denise austin i was referring to with some exceptions . This happened a few weeks after the first one , mom and dad were going out one saturday night so of course Aunt Janet would be watching me , She asked if she could pick me up in the afternoon so i can help her with the grocery shopping and then she suggested that seeing my parents would be out late, that i spend the night and pick me up in the morning and she would make breakfast for all of us . So of course it was a deal ( being i kid i had no say ) . She came over and stayed a bit yakking with my parents and off we went . Went shopping , the park and then her home which she lived a few blocks from us . So typical saturday night was tv . Aunt Janet liked old movies especially horror and sci fi she didnt like anything gory , these were the old fashioned movies where they left to the imagination , we watched a station that every saturday night they would show these films and that night it was one called the triffids , about man eating plants and another one that was similar called creeping terror ( finally found the name after all these years ) . First movie was good , second was really bad and cheesy .

Aunt Janet and i laughed our butts off at the second it was so bad , it looked like a giant shag carpet that ate people and you would just see their legs sticking out of its mouth as it munched and swallowed you and their shoes always came off . When watching tv , i sat on the floor and janet was on her recliner doing a puzzle or needle point she was bare foot of course . For several minutes after the movie we laughed about it and a bit later during the news , we heard a thump above us coming from the attic . Her cats looked up and i asked what was that , she said she didnt know and that she would go up there and see. I stood up and said " i hope its not the monster from that movie" . She was still in her recliner and she played along and with her eyes wide and mouth open in shock , she put her hand against her cheek and said " oh no not that " . I was standing where her bare feet were extended out and noticed when she did the shock look thing , she curled her toes back . Thats when i jumped on this chance and said " oh be careful aunt Janet , it might be a tickle monster kitchy kitchy koo " and leaned down and quickly wiggled my fingers up and down her soles .She let out a laugh saying stop and put her feet down and slid them into her flip flops said i was so silly and went to go check on the sound .

Her attic was those kind with the hatch in the ceiling you pulled down with a cord. There was a small window up there with an old lock that would come open sometimes and she had a problem with squirrels but being an animal lover , she never had the heart to set traps , she would just deal with it . I heard another louder heavier thump and thinking she might have got hurt , i went up there to see what was wrong and to my relief , she was ok , she said she just knocked over some stuff and thank you for checking up on me . Then i kind of drew her into a silly conversation about tickling , i told her i thought you fell through the ceiling and i expected to see you stuck , she laughed and said said well you would either have to pull me up or down to unstick me and i said im just a kid not strong enough and she came back with then you would have to run for help , then i was hoping she wouldnt get mad or look at me like something wasnt right i said " no i would run and try to find a feather " . She gasp and said with a chuckle " you would leave your poor ole aunt stuck and what about if there was monster up here?" . I came back with then i guess you would go out laughing . She was shocked at that and laughed it off . Later she went to bed but let me sleep on the couch with the tv on gave me a peck on the forehead and told me if i needed anything to give a holler and thanked me for the help that day . Next morning we all had breakfast and of course she said i was well behaved and that we had fun . Being a kid , you can say and get away with a lot lol
Thanks for sharing the stories about your Aunt Janet. I wish that I had had an aunt like her! :feets:
been wanting to share for a long while but was a bit afraid to not knowing the reaction i would get but seeing others on here comfortable with it i figured why not and i am enjoying it ty you all for reading and commenting
Great stories Mr Hyde, I enjoyed reading both of them immensely. Thanks for sharing them here.

You’re right about being able to get away with things as a kid. As I’ve mentioned on this thread, I don’t think that my aunt saw me tickling her feet as anything other than childish fun. She never made a big deal of it, and when she mentioned it to my parents it was only in passing and with a smile. Much to my relief!

Thanks again for sharing, I look forward to hearing any more tales you may have.

Cheers, everybody,
same here smash it was me being a silly kid but i dont think she ever mentioned it to anyone even in passing plus i never did it in public view or when she was asleep i was always lucky that she had a sense of humor sometimes goofy personality , i dont ever remember her in a bad mood at least not when i was around her
Yes, MrH, great stories about aunt Janet. Thanks for sharing them!
Thanks to everyone for sharing such great stories, and keeping this thread going. I have been racking my (old) brain is search of an experience I have yet to share. I have a lot of short snippets (quick tickles, quotes and things that women have told me about being tickled over the years, etc.), but not a full story. So...I came up with an idea. I am not sure if it's a good one or not, and may end up in the trash...

Some of you may recall, back in the day, that Dear Abby used to post letters from women who complained that they couldn't stand to be tickled. I decided to compose a letter to Dear Abby on behalf of my Aunt Deb. Aunt Deb is/was one of my two "tickle crushes". In this letter, I will combine a bunch of little/short tickle references into one submission. I hope this works to some degree....

PS: I always thought my Aunt Deb looked like the late, great Princess Di. She was tall, blonde, and thin...although she wore her hair longer. Aunt Deb's feet were 10's, in both size and level of ticklishness. Here goes...the first draft. I will return later to tighten it up (unless I'm told it sucks, then I will...come up with something else 🙂)

* * * * * * * * * *

Dear Abby,

I never thought I'd be writing to you, but I have a unique problem I need to solve. I am a 40-year old woman going through a tough divorce. I moved in with my sister's family for emotional and financial support. They have a big house, and it's just my sister, her husband, and her college-aged son who live there. They have made me feel very welcome and treat me very, very well.

My problem is, my nephew loves to tickle me! I am ticklish, and I mean TICKLISH, especially on the bottoms of my feet and my ribs. My siblings used to tickle me to death when we lived together, but that was a long time ago. I haven't been tickled in a long time, and it was never an issue with my nephew for as long as I've known him, but now it seems like once a month he finds a way to tickle the life out of me. I need to get him to stop, but I don't want to mess up what is otherwise a great situation.

It started one day when we were fighting over what to watch on TV. Play-fighting. We've always gotten along more like brother-sister than aunt/nephew. I knelt down in front of the TV, kind of messing with him, and before I knew it he was pulling me away from the TV by my leg. I thought that was it, but he then locked my bare foot between his knees, removed my slipper, and tickled my foot! I was hysterical and called out to my sister for help, but none came. It seemed like he tickled my foot for eternity, I couldn't escape, and he kept tickling my foot with his fingers. It was torture! He eventually tried to get my other foot, but that helped me get away from him. I was hoping/thinking that might be it for the tickling, but...

Last month, we were watching wrestling on TV, and we started shoving each other around in the living room. I saw where this might be going, so I called it quits. But he didn't quit. He pushed me to the sofa, AND SAT ON MY LEGS! He started tickling my feet...I was wearing heavy socks, thank God, and it barely tickled, but in trying to escape he got me in a wrestling hold (I think it's called a half-nelson), and I couldn't move. Then he calls to his my sister "hey Mom, can I borrow your hands?" My sister comes in from the kitchen (I hoped to get him off of me!) and simply says "Sure...". She then snakes her hand into by ribcage and tickles me for all I am worth. It was hell! I was laughing so hard I could not even beg for mercy. She stopped when I let out half a scream...but he didn't let go. She then says "did anyone ever play the 'count the ribs' game with you...?" Holy crap. Shen then tickled my sides and ribs with both hands, teasing me until she was done counting. It was awful. But then...there was nothing even close to tickling for another month, until last night...

My sister and husband were out of town. On weekends, I work as a hostess at a very nice restaurant. I came home after work and my nephew was asleep on the sofa. I tried to wake him and send him off to his room. He mumbled something, but didn't budge. He had a blanket over him, but a bare foot was sticking out. I thought (foolishly) that maybe I could wake him and maybe pay him back a bit for tickling me. I scratched his foot a bit, and he was up like a flash and coming towards me. I had my hostess outfit on (dress top, slacks, and pantyhose stockings...and oh my God I think the pantyhose made my feet even more sensitive), and pleaded with him to not mess up my good clothes...but he didn't listen. All he said was "ohh...you want to dish it out, but not take it..." and he tackled me like a footballplayer, sat down on the sofa, and trapped my stockinged feet. He crossed my ankles so he could get at both of them, and started tickling me. AND HE WOULDN'T STOP!. I was laughing so hard, and I was so trapped that it was frustrating. I could not get any leverage to get away. He had me positioned so he could tickle both of my feet at the same time. Torture! At one point I was laughing without making a sound, it was so bad. Every inch of my feet are ticklish...the bottoms, the tops, the toes...and that's what he went for. He finally stopped...my throat was soar from screaming, and my lungs ached.

I need to keep this from happening again. Abby, what would you do to stop it, but still keep peace in the house?


Extremely Ticklish Aunt

Dear Extremely Ticklish,

First of all, let me tell you that I can relate, and I feel for you. I have extremely ticklish feet. My biggest nemesis is my sister, Ann. She is younger than me, and used to be smaller, but she passed me is size while I was in college, and she loves to antagonize me. Tickling me is her main weapon, and once she could pin and hold me down, she loved to torture me. And I believe your are correct; nylons make my feet even more ticklish. One day I came home and I was wearing nylons and a skirt...and my sister was home with one of her friends. They snuck up on me when I went into my bedroom, with my sister making some lame excuse about "my friend says she may have the most ticklish feet in the world, but I told her that maybe you do." I started to protest and jumped across the bed to try to escape, but my sister pulled me down on the bed and pinned my ankles under her arms. Her friend then tickled my stockinged feet as a I laughed and screamed...but the more I did, the more she tickled my feet. In your word, torture...and they didn't stop until I started choking from laughing. I still remember wiping tears from my eyes...it was horrible.

As for your situation, I will need more information before I can comment. My main concern, from what you tell me, is that perhaps your sister is putting your nephew up to this. Do you think that might be the case?


i love it nick reminds me of so much of my quick tickles on Aunt Janet but there was no wrestling and shoving on sofa lol and i dont think anyone else knew her feet were ticklish except me lol
This happened during a thanksgiving holiday , mom, dad and i went to my grandmothers house for thanksgiving , aunt Janet car pooled with us it was a great time with the whole family . On the way back home ,i sat in the front seat with dad, and mom and aunt were in the back and they were talking about the christmas holiday. My parents always decorated the house a few days after halloween but aunt had a tradition that she decorated either the friday or saturday after thanksgiving . Janet planned on decorating that friday so hearing this i offered to come over and help her so of course Janet asked my mom if she could borrow me for the day . Mom had no problem with it of course seeing we had nothing going on the rest of the holiday and mom and dad never let me help with our place because they were very particular about christmas decorating .So on the friday mom dropped me off at aunts .

Didst see my aunt right away so when i called her she called me into the hallway where the hatchway to the attic was , i saw the ladder /steps down and she said " im up here " . I went up and noticed she had boxes along the edge of the hatch and she was further in the attic with a big bulky box which was the tree so we had to push the tree and let it slide down the steps . My aunt was wearing a colored t shirt , these cargo type pants that came to her claves and to my disappointment , deck shoes. We set the tree up and i noticed at some point which i didnt see she had removed the shoes and was barefoot. Next, we went back to the attic and Janet was kneeling on the top step and edge of the hatchway while she was handing me down the smaller boxes . I had a good view of her soles and boy did i have to hold back the temptation to tickle them. Her soles were slightly dusty and had a few of the plastic needles from the tree sticking to them . I wasnt going to chance it because i didnt want to make her jump and possibly lose her balance and fall down the steps so that plan was shot down . She came down and we went back in the living room to unload boxes. We had fun decorating together laughing and joking and i figured i would just have to wait for a chance to pop up . Didnt have to wait to long

I was on the floor putting those thin hooks on the end of the christmas balls and she was kneeling on the sofa tacking some christmas signs/ prints on the wall the sofa was against , she asked me "sweetie can you hand me those tacks there on the arm rest " . I scooted over , she was holding the sign in place and i handed them to her , after she tacked it she asked how it was looking . It looked good i told her but i was looking at the bottoms of her feet which were hanging off the edge of the sofa i just decided to do it , i reached out and tickled them . Aunt Janet jumped a bit and said " hey no no dont ". She started laughing i remember again wrapping an arm around both ankles as i tickled her soles she continued to laugh trying to turn or pull her feet out , i was saying 'tickle tickle tickle " and she laughed saying " oh no no tickle ". She managed to reach around and get a few jabs at my ribs and i let go . Aunt Janet said " thats the third time you got me " . She grabbed me and gave me a few jabs digging into my sides and i laughed as i fell to the floor . After that we needed a break so Janet sat on the ottoman and asked me to go get her a soda and to get myself one we sat and talked . She was very pleased how well me and my step dad were getting along this being the first holiday as mom and dad a married couple . Aunt Janet said that if ever there is a problem that i feel i cant talk to anyone about , she said she would be here for me in case i ever wanted to talk . I told her how she was the cool aunt which made her smile . She said , i guess so your always picking on me why are you always trying to tickle my feet ? . She asked this not in a put down way or like i was weird , it was a humorous tone . Now i had to tell her a bs answer

I told her how it was fun for me and how seeing and hearing her laugh really brightens the day and cheers me , she fell for it , she gave me a hug and said " awww thats so sweet thank you ( what i said plays into another incident that happened new years eve ). The day ended when my mom came to pick me up a few hours later Janet was on the sofa and mom walked in a said the place looks great mom and i where in the driveway and i said " oh i forgot to give aunt Janet her hug so i went back in and she was still on the sofa , her barefeet still propped on the ottman s, she saw me and i said i forgot to give her a hug , she opened her arms and i hugged her and she said thank you so much for the help and the fun , as i walked away i said i did have fun and i turned and said " kitchy kitchy koo " and gave her feet a two second tickle . She chuckled and said " oh go on now you silly crazy thing
Excellent tale, Mr. H! Thanks for sharing. And cheers to Aunt Janet!
This incident happened new years eve and is sort of tied to previous incident, we all had a great holiday season and for new years eve it was going to be a quiet one just with mom , dad, aunt Janet and my moms friend from work and her husband and their kid over at our house. Dad was working that day so he would be home by early evening , mom had to go out for errands and last minute food shopping so Aunt Janet came over to stay with me . The funny thing was is she didnt driveover but walked instead seeing she only lived a few blocks down the street . Aunt Janet wasnt a drinker and i have never seen her touch the stuff but i found out she basically only partook during the holiday . Being not used to alcohol, i guess her system had a low tolerance she seemed more cheerful than usual and very talkative . Janet loved the cream flavored type drinks so i guess it was the combo of the alcohol and sugar . I remember my mom laughing at her and telling her she should have called and she would have gone to pick her up Janet said the walk did her good so no biggie plus she would be staying for new years eve , she immediatly grabbed a flavored water and went to the living room and she passed me sitting at the table and said hiya kiddo . My mom mentioned that i wasnt myself today and Janet said " oh no '

I always and to this day loved the end of the year with halloween , thanksgiving and christmas so i was a bit down seeing all the good holiday are gone and have to start a year all over again with the crap ones, plus we had taken down the decorations the day before, plus having to go back to school in a few days .Aunt Janet was talking to me from the living room and of course i was answering her, she went to get another water and then sat down at the table with me and asked what was wrong and that my mom told her i wasnt myself and if something was bothering me i could talk to her and it would just be between us . I told her and she was relieved it wasnt serious so she said that before you know it, the holidays would be here again once you get to august and past labor day , it will fly back again . I told her she had a point but she said that she could still tell i was a downer and she didnt like to see me like that. She snapped her fingers and said i got it . I didnt know what was coming and was shocked when it did . I heard the sound of something hitting the floor which was Janet kicking off her whatever she was wearing on her feet . We had roll away chair in the kitchen so she rolled back just a bit and placed her bare feet on the table . She crossed her ankles. I remember her fliching a bit flexed them and i remember having butterflies in my stomach and she said maybe this will work , i hesitated and she said go ahead . I wasnt used to this , i was used to sneaking up on her or waiting for the right time

i smiled and reached out and tickled them , i remember her flinching a bit as she tried to keep her feet still and would flex them every so often she had her arms crossed and tried to hold back a laugh and finally she laughed and her feet twitched , her toes wiggled and i told her that i wish i had a feather and she replied oh no you will kill me. I would say this went on for less than 5 min , i stopped when she said ok no more and how deathly ticklish her feet were . She put her feet down saying she couldnt believe she did that but was glad how i seemed to have broken out of my downer. I got up and hugged her and she said and if i see you being mopey tonight then im going to get you and did a few jabs to my ribs, i pulled away laughing . She had bought me a game for my counsel for christmas so i was showing it to her . Mom came home saw that was myself again and made a comment how she was glad and asked what brought me out of it . Janet piped up and told her why i was down and i was afraid i would be outed but she said " i just had a chat with him and i played a video game with him and he just seemed to come out of it . We all had a good new years and this incident made me feel a bit more bold at times lol and triggered what i didnt know was a fetish lol
Another great story, Mr Hyde. God bless Aunt Janet; it’s always good to read about origins, and your stories resonate with me on lots of levels. Having an understanding aunt certainly helped the development of my nylon feet and tickling kinks, and I’m forever grateful that I was blessed with opportunities like that.

Cheers, everybody,
Last edited:
I dont know if im putting this under the proper section so if i am im sorry . When i was a kid i would have dreams about Aunt Janet , nothing adult oriented , they would be wacky , crazy , cartoonish or comic bookish and she would always get in trouble in these dreams like trapped to where it left her open for feet ticklings . I would write some of these down and hide them in my books or comic books and always kept these dream s to myself, i found a few in my old books that i have kept and forgot about while i was cleaning out my closet . Im sure some of you in this post had had dreams and i thought it would be neat to share as long as they are clean lol
Not a dream dream, but I’ve imagined a scenario where my aunt and I alone, as adults, and I’m able to thank her for being a pivotal part in the development of my nylon feet and tickling kinks. I did sort of have this conversation with her, but not as in depth or as articulately as I’d have liked. I’m sure she knew, but maybe just not how much.

It’s a conversation I’ve played in my head quite a few times.

Cheers, everybody,
same here smash , played many scenarios in my mind like scenes from tv shows and cartoons . One of the dreams i remember , i was staying with her and she was afraid of the older woman that lived next door who in the dream was either a vampire or witch . In real life , this same woman who lived next door to her was very nice and often times during halloween she would have the front of her small house decorated like it was a witches hovel lol . Well in the dream i dont know what Aunt Janet did to tick her off but she was afraid, she was talking about magic and curses while we were walking down a hallway of what looked like my school . Aunt Janet tripped a bit and then leaned against the wall to take off her sandals because they broke .

I could see a figure floating down the hall toward us so i pointed, she looked and her eyes grew big in shock and she and gasped and said oh no . The woman had long white hair , black around the eyes and fangs and a robe . Aunt Janet put me behind her to protect me and then told me to run and dont stop , but when the woman floated closer waving her arms , i couldnt move . The floor was like rubbe rand the ceiling turned into a wavy liquid. Aunt Janet became suspended in the air and went through the ceiling which then became solid again , her legs from just above the knees and down were dangling . This witch/vampire began tickling her feet and it was fast like a movie sped up , aunt Janet laughed and begged and her giggling sounded sped up and then her feet and toes up turned, toes spread the giggling stopped and then they went limp and did a little twitch . The ceiling went liquid again and the witch went up into it and shortly after Janet's feet disappeared up into it and the wall went solid again . I had this dream either before or after one of my experiences where i made a comment to her about being stuck in the ceiling lol , of course i never mentioned this dream to her . I remember feeling a bit guilty for a few days because i couldnt help her after she was trying to protect me and got over it and just enjoyed the memory lol
I dont know if im putting this under the proper section so if i am im sorry . When i was a kid i would have dreams about Aunt Janet , nothing adult oriented , they would be wacky , crazy , cartoonish or comic bookish and she would always get in trouble in these dreams like trapped to where it left her open for feet ticklings . I would write some of these down and hide them in my books or comic books and always kept these dream s to myself, i found a few in my old books that i have kept and forgot about while i was cleaning out my closet . Im sure some of you in this post had had dreams and i thought it would be neat to share as long as they are clean lol

Yep! I can certainly relate!!! While growing up, I had a few dreams about my Mother, and my Grandmother, wherein they would end up in situations where they were foot tickle tortured! Nothing of a sexual nature in any of them, but thoroughly enjoyable from a tickling fantasy standpoint!
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