Apologies gents, I was certain I’d posted this. It’s my best friend’s mother Helen, and the first time I massaged and tickled her feet. Enjoy!
It was Christmas day 1997, I was 22 years old and it was somewhat of a tradition to visit my best friend on Christmas day. I got there in the early evening, fully prepared for a night of laughter, drinking and fun. My best friend's mother, Helen, is an attractive lady who I think looks a bit like British actress Amanda Redman (albeit a brunette version). I've always got on well with his family, but very rarely got to see Helen's feet. She's quite tall, normal sized and quite funny. As I say she's quite attractive (I've told my friend this, much to his despair!), and I think she enjoys all the 'young men' slightly fancying her. Getting hold of her feet, so to speak, was never really that big a deal, but I'd decided if the chance came, I'd grab it.
The evening was going well, drink and conversation both in full flow. Helen was wearing chunky maroon slippers (closed toe), tan tights, a tweedy brown skirt and pale brown jumper. Her slippers remained firmly on her feet, although I was able to look at heel and instep when she had the odd dangle. It wasn't the end of the world, by any means, as I was having fun regardless. However, a few hours later and during a game of charades it was Helen's turn to perform. She stood in the centre of the room to perform her mime, and realised that she was the centre of attention. I was talking to someone else at the time, and was sat on the opposite side of the room. As she began to perform her mime, I heard Helen say 'I don't feel very sexy up here, these slippers aren't very sexy!' and with one swish of each leg kicked her slippers off. For good effect she then slid them into a corner, and stood there in tan stocking feet. My attention was now fully on her!
She went through the motions of the mime, and I went to grab a drink, purely on the basis of swapping seats to see her legs and feet from behind. She remained quite flat-footed throughout, but once the mime was over she sat down and didn't put her slippers back on. I seem to recall that she remained like that for the rest of the night. As the night wore on (it was a VERY long night!) she eventually flumped onto the sofa, and swung her feet up onto the armrest. I had a hint of stocking sole from my vantage point, but wanted more. I walked past where she sat and gave both soles a quick tickle, which didn't go down too well! Helen grimaced slightly, and didn't seem overly impressed. I got the impression that she wasn't ticklish, but got annoyed at someone tickling her feet. Later on in the night (by now the wee small hours of the next day), I was sitting next to a still shoeless Helen talking about this and that. I can't recall how it happened, but I eventually wound up giving her a foot massage. I think I may have just offered, being in close proximity with her, and she accepted (alcohol and a Christmas atmosphere can have a great affect on people! ). I was chatting away to her as I did it, trying to remain as calm as possible. She's got quite big feet (just more to touch, right?), and I explored every inch, flexing her toes back and forth and working my thumbs along her insteps and caressing the heels and ball of each foot. There was no odour or anything of note about her feet, not much toe wiggling or flexing, so I just continued to massage her feet without letting on exactly how much I was enjoying it! She also seemed to enjoy it, and I could feel her relaxing more, despite it drawing some funny looks from other people in the room.
The whole thing lasted about ten minutes or so, for as usual I didn't want to push my luck (her husband, my best friend's dad is a top guy, and we got on very well; I'd not like to be on the wrong side of him, though!). Interestingly, Helen would often refer to this instance time and time again, especially when introducing me to her friends with 'This is Smash, he massages my feet for me!'
If only...
Cheers, everybody,