Another thing..
As of Monday, my accountability starts. I told my dad that I was going to take a week to do nothing, and sit shiva, even though I hardly have been sitting shiva, with my trip to the casino yesterday. My mom would want me to go on with my life. That being said..
Although I hadnt spoken to my uncle in over 20 years, he hit my emotional state dead on when he said "You've just had the worst experience of your life. You need to take it slow, and do everything at your pace".
Originally, before my mom died, my dad told me that he didnt feel I needed more than 30 days from the time I returned from the funeral. I've been home since.. Monday.. the 9th. "30 days" on my dad's calendar, would mean I'd be moved out, and living in NY by Mother's Day. That wont be happening. I need him to come down here, and take things out for us to sell. He cant do it until the last weekend in April, because of tax season.
I've discussed with him that I feel 60 days after i'm finished with my rest week/unofficial shiva would be a realistic time frame. That is June 15, or just before Father's Day. Both he and my maternal aunt keep asking how I can live here amongst my mom's things, in a place I've lived in for thirteen years, with her being gone. They said if it were them, they would want out ASAP.
I have to be out by Father's Day, period, both because of Father's Day, that it would be long enough, and the fact that my assistant is taking a vacation that would put him out of town for a week, and leave me stuck.
As I usually do.. I'm going to take a "middle of the road" position, and see if I can be out by June 1st, which would be two weeks less than the longest possible time I could stay, but 2-3 weeks longer than my dad's timetable, and would allow me a bit more leisure to pack, sort, toss, sell, etc etc, given my emotional state.
My uncle also explained to me that his personality is more relaxed than my dad's, and that he knows my dad will want me to do everything yesterday. I know that I'm going up to NY on Mother's Day weekend. I wont be moved by then, and I cannot be here alone with no family around, on the first Mother's Day without my mom.
I know it will all fall into place, but right now I feel overwhelemed, and if this wasnt bad enough, i have to meet with my internist next Wednesday, and my lawyer next Tuesday. The internist is because I need to go, and the lawyer because I want to discuss business matters with him. Hopefully everything will turn out okay.
As of Monday, my accountability starts. I told my dad that I was going to take a week to do nothing, and sit shiva, even though I hardly have been sitting shiva, with my trip to the casino yesterday. My mom would want me to go on with my life. That being said..
Although I hadnt spoken to my uncle in over 20 years, he hit my emotional state dead on when he said "You've just had the worst experience of your life. You need to take it slow, and do everything at your pace".
Originally, before my mom died, my dad told me that he didnt feel I needed more than 30 days from the time I returned from the funeral. I've been home since.. Monday.. the 9th. "30 days" on my dad's calendar, would mean I'd be moved out, and living in NY by Mother's Day. That wont be happening. I need him to come down here, and take things out for us to sell. He cant do it until the last weekend in April, because of tax season.
I've discussed with him that I feel 60 days after i'm finished with my rest week/unofficial shiva would be a realistic time frame. That is June 15, or just before Father's Day. Both he and my maternal aunt keep asking how I can live here amongst my mom's things, in a place I've lived in for thirteen years, with her being gone. They said if it were them, they would want out ASAP.
I have to be out by Father's Day, period, both because of Father's Day, that it would be long enough, and the fact that my assistant is taking a vacation that would put him out of town for a week, and leave me stuck.
As I usually do.. I'm going to take a "middle of the road" position, and see if I can be out by June 1st, which would be two weeks less than the longest possible time I could stay, but 2-3 weeks longer than my dad's timetable, and would allow me a bit more leisure to pack, sort, toss, sell, etc etc, given my emotional state.
My uncle also explained to me that his personality is more relaxed than my dad's, and that he knows my dad will want me to do everything yesterday. I know that I'm going up to NY on Mother's Day weekend. I wont be moved by then, and I cannot be here alone with no family around, on the first Mother's Day without my mom.
I know it will all fall into place, but right now I feel overwhelemed, and if this wasnt bad enough, i have to meet with my internist next Wednesday, and my lawyer next Tuesday. The internist is because I need to go, and the lawyer because I want to discuss business matters with him. Hopefully everything will turn out okay.