Thanks to everyone who posted condolences since I last posted on this thread. I'll briefly discuss what happened in NY, and at the funeral.
I met my dad in Fort Lee, NJ, where I used to live for 15 years, on Thursday afternoon. I stayed at a hotel from Thursday night to this morning, because my dad's wife is having other issues.
The funeral was Friday at Mount Hebron Cemetery in Queens, NY. My dad, Aunt Renee, first cousin Mike, (Renee's son) friend Barney, and friend Adam and his parents, who I hadnt seen since 1989, attended. My mom's other sister, Eileen, didnt attend. This enraged me. It's not surprising.
I cried bitterly during the service, and saw them lower my mom into the ground. That made it all seem so final.
I had a Passover Seder at my dad's apartment on Friday night, and met his wife, Cheryl, her daughter, Brooke, son in law.Boaz, and two grandkids. The kids call my dad Poppy. When I asked him about this, he said that while he loves them, nothing will be like if I have kids. Everyone was very nice to me.
Yesterday we went to a Passover Seder at my cousin's house in NJ. I hadnt seen any of them since 1988. I saw my great aunt Bea, who is 93, and my grandmother's sister.
A cousin, Sandy, made one disparaging, and untruthful remark, about my mom. She was talking about some guy she knew whose ex drained him for alimony, and called the woman "Another Sheila". It infuriated me, because it isnt true. My mom lived on the same check for 20 plus years, and NEVER asked for more, or took my dad to court. When I toid both my dad, and Sandy this, they said that Sandy always liked my mom. I know I have to drop it. I dont want to start fights, especially now.
I got an email from, and have replied to, my uncle, Ira, who I had not said a word to since Passover 1988. He sent me a very nice email, and told me he hoped we coukd bury the hurts of the past. i replied and thanked him, and told him that any interaction with estranged relatives begins in 2012, and not 1988. My dad and I plan to go visit him in Vegas, once my dad has time in his schedule.
Today I had breakfast with my dad and friend Barney, took the train home, and here I am. The apartment seems very eerie. My dad and maternal aunt want me to move ASAP. I'm going to take this week to rest, and sit unofficial "Shiva", and just do relaxing things, and then discuss when to move. I plan to be out of here by mid June at latest, and maybe before.
I have experienced the worst time of my life, and I extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who posted in this thread to support me. Since I'm home, I will be around again on a regular basis.
I should also post that I now have an official copy of my mom's death certificate. She was pronounced dead at
610am,, Wednesday morning, April 4, 2012, and the listed cause of her death is "Lung Cancer with metastasis to the Brain"