Oh and this one doesn't apply to me directly but in 8th grad my science teacher was telling us a story about how his wife used to be the American ping pong champion and got to go to China (A la Forrest Gump) to play against the Chinese Ping Pong champion.
ok lol
so my mother up until recently was dating this guy with an AWESOME funny name. i got HOURS of entertainment out of teasing him... Matthew Horny.
yes REALLY. hehe
but while they were together i realized something
my mother rigged it when i was born that her last name and myfaters last name would by hyphenated. so last names, no middle name.
he'd they been married and not met once i was 19...my name...
and i shit you not...
would have been Josie Angle-Horny.
thank fuck that didn't happen
one last story.
he told me this story about when he was in college. first day of classes. the professor was doing roll call. last (,) first.
so he says "um...horny (comma) matthew?"
and he sheepishly stands and says here while i few people snicker.
suddenly, the teacher RUNS over and hugs him. like a full contact HUG and says "you Mr. Horny...are the only one who will get an A in this class.
turned out the teachers name was Clark Kent....LMFAO guess he knew what it was like to be laughed at in public settings like that...WIN
Sorry to bump this thread from a few years ago, but I just found a guy who might have one of the most hilarious names of all times.
There is a man who works at a financial firm in the Midwest. I swear to God, the guy's name is Richard Putz. LOL! OMG, that might be the all time worst name ever.
"Hi, this is Dick Putz, I'd like to help you with your financial portfolio".
DAJT is right, I believe. I think there was a guy named Dick Trickle.
I don't know how Mr Richard aka Dick Putz pronounces his name.. but.. another guy named Putz, Arizona Diamondbacks pitcher JJ Putz.. pronounces his name as "Pootz"
One time I saw a listing in the phone directory, about a girl named Sarah Schmuck.
Baseball fans have probably heard of., and I've posted about.. major league pitcher JJ Putz (Which he pronounces Pootz).
If Ms Schmuck was a guy, and a major league pitcher, and both Schmuck and Putz pitched in the same game.. the pitching matchup would then be.. "Putz Vs Schmuck". OMG I could just see the announcers keeping a straight face while saying that sentence.
Gary Cohen of the Mets: ""The Mets and Braves will play at Citi Field at 110pm tomorrow.. The pitching matchup, ladies and gentlemen, in tomorrow's ball game.. will be.. Putz Vs Schmuck".
OMG if that ever happened in real life, where another major league team got a player named Schmuck,. and he pitched in the same game against JJ Putz, that would be hilarious.
I used to do taxes for a place, and one of our clients was the Hatt family. They also had a young 3 year old son named James... or Jimmy... Jimmy Hatt... they inadvertently named their kid Jimmy Hatt...
And I always loved coming across another file, Tony Sprinkle.