Two aliens had landed their flying saucer in the Arizona desert right next to a gas station which was closed for the night. They approached one of the gas pumps and the younger of the two addressed it, stating, "Greetings, Earthling! We come in peace. Please take us to your leader."
The gas pump, of course, said nothing. The young alien, a bit nonplussed by this dismissal, repeated his greeting, to which the pump responded with another round of seeming indifference. Again and again the extraterrestrial ambassador attempted to prompt a reply, but the pump remained quiet and stoic each time. The young alien, however, was becoming quite steamed.
"Easy there," the older alien cajoled. "These primitive natives can be stubborn. Try to be patient with him."
The young alien was no longer in a felicitous mood. He drew out his ray pistol and pointed it directly at the gas pump.
"Greetings Earthling," he hissed through clenched teeth. "Take us to your leader or I'll freakin' incinerate you."
"You don't want to do that," the older alien warned. "I'm sure it will piss him off."
But the younger alien was totally exasperated. He took dead aim and opened fire. The resulting explosion landed him in a smoldering heap 200 yards away.
After half an hour, the poor bruised, burnt youngster finally came somewhat to his senses. He stared blearily up at his older, wiser counterpart, who was sorrowfully shaking his big green head.
"Wow! That guy damn near killed me! How did you know he would be so dangerous?"
"My friend," the older alien replied, "there's one thing I've learned during my I intergalactic travels: never mess with someone who can loop his penis over his shoulder twice and stick it in his ear."