This video is very graphic, and you will see the shooting as it occurred.
This video is very graphic, and you will see the shooting as it occurred.
he was told to stay still and he rolled over it was justified.. the cop cant take the risk of him trying to pull a gun.. when told dont move dont move i would have done the same thing
when your put into that situation and you have to fear for your life you tell me what you think is justified... i dont see anything wrong with what he did
you gotta remember in that situation you only have a split second to make a decsion and act on it.. he chose to shoot and did it.. we wont know what would have happened had he not shot him but we could be talking about a dead cop instead.. not saying my opinion is better or any more relevant than yours but you wont understand what goes through your mind in that situation unless your put into it
Been there, guy was trying to steal out of a parked car in a parking lot i was patrolling. I was armed with a 38, when I walked up on him he turned around and look me dead in my eyes. We stood there for a few moments which seems like hours.
I had my hand on my gun, however, since I wasn't a police officer; I known I could not shot him unless he had a weapon in his hands, and coming at me; which he didn't. All i could do was to let him run away and called the cops .
also, recently when coming out of my home some young punks was trying to steal my car out of my driveway. I had my 40 cal on me, again, according to the law, unless he made a move toward me I could not shot him.
So, i have some ideal about when you can or can not shoot someone.
yes but your not an officer a person is quicker to shoot someone of the law because they are a threat... being through what i have i understand the not thinking about shooting or not.. i respect his descion and i think that a lot of people need to look into it more or be more educated on how you would feel in that situation before passing judgement on the guy
i have to disagree, studies shows more non-police officers are murdered in greater numbers than police officers. in STL over the last 20 years, there have been a total of 1500 murders of non-police officers, compared to 125 cops murdered in the pass 100 years.
yes but your not an officer a person is quicker to shoot someone of the law because they are a threat... being through what i have i understand the not thinking about shooting or not.. i respect his descion and i think that a lot of people need to look into it more or be more educated on how you would feel in that situation before passing judgement on the guy
i have to disagree, studies shows more non-police officers are murdered in greater numbers than police officers. in STL over the last 20 years, there have been a total of 1500 murders of non-police officers, compared to 125 cops murdered in the pass 100 years.
police are trained to make quick decision under high pressures situations; they are require to do drills simulating many of the things they will encounter on the streets. including this same scenario.
there is nothing in the books which allow an officer to stand over someone with them back facing the pavement and shoot them in the back specially when another officer has his hands and knee on his neck.
still would you say its more dangerous being an officer or a civilian
ok i dont know why u posted it again.. i saw it and i agree with what happened... but i guess we can agree to disagree
when your put into that situation and you have to fear for your life you tell me what you think is justified... i dont see anything wrong with what he did
What happened is sad no matter how you view it. I wish there was better video. There were several things that I thought I saw but can't be sure of, given the picture quality...or lack thereof.
Still, you have a crowd of loud people yelling at the cops, some circling in close until the backup got on scene. (I thought I saw a gun in the hand of one of them...grey sweatshirt, back to the camera...towards the beginning of the video.) Before taking the guy down to the floor, the cops had taken up defensive positions around the group that had been detained. That suggests that they already felt their own safety to be threatened.
It appeared from one angle that the suspect was kicking at the cop sitting on his back, which would explain why he rose and stepped back. When he got kicked again, he likely fired on reflex.
It's difficult for me to hear people being so quick to condemn. I have friends in law enforcement. I pray for their safety every day. After losing two of them while on duty in unrelated incidents, I'm not as quick to judge cops as I once was...or as quick to take them for granted.
My first question is the same as they'll be asking themselves. What the hell just happened?! Unless you have a dirty or just plain evil cop, they won't be taking this lightly. They'll be questioning themselves on every step of what took place, torturing themselves with thoughts of what might have been done differently.
We have the luxury of watching a video over and over to see what else might or might not be there. They have a split second to determine if fluent events pose a risk and if so to react appropriately. I hope that more video turns up. It may help to answer some of the questions that will be flying around. But, if I saw things correctly, I don't believe that charges will be brought. It appeared to be self-defense.
All those involved are in my prayers, either way.