It is literally advertised and sold on pornographic websites what the fuck is the matter with you.
Yeah not giving his high art proper credit is what's gonna "hurt the industry", not lying to young, non-English speaking women about intending to sell videos of them doing a thing he may or may not have explained beforehand on whack-off websites.
Fetish clips are sold where they can be, if you could just open an account to your bank with normal payment rates a lot of producers would not go on mainstream or hardcore fetish platforms being advertised between 2 gang bangs.
I know a lot of producers that do not deny the sexual thing of their content, but do not want to call it porn.
Yes it is sold at the same places, yes people will get sexual pleasure out of it, but you can argue that what is done is not as extreme as regular porn. (at least for most of the productions)
I know a lot of people want to put everything in the same basket, but there is at least a difference in degree. (This is why governements, even in your country, rate media as PG, G, etc ... There are graduations, and definitions )
And of course, this does not mean tickle fetish should be shown to people under age or that you can just say to model that it's "Science". This is not Ok.
Now if you want to call it soft porn, fetish, adult, or whatever, I don't care, but we all have eyes and can recognize a difference between a clip from The Last Laugh and one from (if it still exists)
not lying to young, non-English speaking women about intending to sell videos of them doing a thing he may or may not have explained beforehand on whack-off websites.
So back to the studio talk
Is this weird ? Hell Yeah
Do the model appear to be testifying under Threat ? Highly unlikely to have these many
Do we have proof he lied to these girls ? Not at all, but I could be missing something
Where is the single accusator gone with his claims ? We dont know
Is there any legal procedure ongoing ? I don't think so but I would like to know more
Everything looks suspicious for sure, but a lot of this is because of their marketing angle of "Real tickling torture to innocent girls" that is, purely fake.
It is good to see that the tickling community wants things done ethically, really.
But proof is proof, and with the interviews he released I'm sorry to say that he has more proofs in his favor.
I'm not going to say it's baseless, but not far. Of course if someone brings me additional proof, I will 180 on these words, and I think TMF is on the same position