Greetings from the stupid Brit.
I don't normally like to critisise, but regarding the new look I would say in a word, AWFULL!
Why did you have to change it in the first place? The old but BETTER version was fine!
Now that I have made My initial point, Where do I start?
Firstly, as somebody with a Registered Disablity I felt that with the old but Better version, You did an exellent job of making this site acessable to all, but now I would have to say you've made it worse.
As somebody with Eyesight dificulties (though I'm not blind) I find the all white background painfull for my eyes to look at, perhaps a grey background would be nice?
I also find the in the posts there are no visible borders like there was in the old but Better version, even if this is just a think black line, it would help me alot.
In the "Advanced Search" section, the old but Better style of search function (single search) was better and I would prefer to get this version each time.
In the search results itself I prefer not to have to scoll down to see more than 1 result as the box is too big, not all of the text display's in the box and again there is a lack of visible borders.
I prefer to "search all open forums" and see ALL the results rather than just a selection. Previously I would click on "Advanced Search", type into the search box and hit enter and find ALL the results and usually what I wanted. But now when I search a perticular keyword I can't find several threads that I know were in the list on the old but Better version.
In the posts themselves, I find the "Manage Atachments" section of the "Go Advanced" bit was much simpler in the old but Better version.
I'm sure there are plenty of other issues that I would like raise, but right now its 12:45am here in england and I want to go to bed.