Latest clip added, the store is:
So I went for over a week without even taking my camera out, partly because of the usual lawn closures, partly because girls just don't seem to be taking their shoes off in the park as much anymore. Then there's this one day and BAM! four segments, all great, within five hours of each other! My favorite, hands down, is this one, with a tall, sexy Jewish lady in her late 40s to early 50s, and yes, I shot some cupcakes in their 20s that day! But IMO they don't touch this lady with moxy to spare.
I had shot a super-tall blonde with incredibly long legs who gave me quite a little foot show at the end of the clip, and I was just walking away from that, still kind of on a high about it, when I saw her. She's also pretty damn tall, my guess five ten, and she's stretched out on two chairs, a big mane of curly brown hair bunched up in a hair band, her high heeled wedges off, her long shapely feet up! Moment of truth, after I sat down but before I took the camera out, was the callus check -- a quick look over to see what condition her soles are in. I look and the soles look great, just the tiniest bit of callusing around the outer edge of her heels, but that doesn't bother me in the least. (What I'm not so crazy about is callusing on the ball of the foot, which she's totally clear of!) But then I see her giving me this very cold appraisal, like, "what's this character up to?" I think to myself, wow, this lady is overpowering, what should I do? But those soles -- hot damn they are so big, they are so shapely, they are so fucking sexy! I can't not shoot. But I spend a minute checking my phone for e-mail and so on, trying to be nonchalant, the whole time feeling her eyes on me. It felt like an eternity of waiting but it was probably less than 60 seconds.
So then I hold my breath, slip the camera out of my bag, point it at her soles, and open the viewfinder. She is still looking at me. But her expression lightens and she seems to actually smile! She goes back to her magazine and I begin to zoom in. Just a second or two after I finally get her and her gorgeous soles filling the viewfinder I see her laugh to herself, a little delighted giggle, like, "oh that's all? My FEET? Whatever, ha ha." (I'm not a mindreader but this is the impression I got.) She may not be a stranger to attention being paid to her attractive tootsies -- she was wearing a toe ring, a dead giveaway, and she was rocking an awesome pedi.
Then for the next twenty five minutes or so, she wriggled those big gorgeous feet all around, sometimes peeking at the camera to see if I was still at it. She really put me through my paces! I mean, while she was wriggling and waving her feet in my face, sometimes she slid her feet all the way over to the other end of the "foot chair," completely changing the angle, and then I had to scoot my ass along on the grass in order to get that dead on sole angle that I love the most. I could see as I was scooting along on the grass that she was totally smirking, checking me out as I slid along in pursuit of her sexy soles!
I think the very sexiest Jewish ladies are just like this one -- I mean, imagine yourself as a teen, and you have this Jewish friend whose house you love to visit because of that rockin' MOM of his! She's tall and very fit -- she has a sub to SHAPE magazine and not just a hopeful subscription, a subscription because she stays in shape and still has a great figure! She's very sharp and assertive, with a wry sense of humor, maybe even a little intimidating with that powerful personality of hers. And sometimes? ... sometimes she looks at you with a little twinkle in her eye because she can sense how attracted you are to her and she thinks it's cute, who knows, maybe it even turns her on a little to know that she turns you on. You wonder if she knows ... if she suspects ... how you lay in your bed at night, thinking about lightly tracing your fingernails up and down the ample curves on her soft sensitive soles, feeling her twitch because it tickles ... and how those dreams fulfill themselves in less than sixty seconds! But unless you were really lucky, you never actually got a good look at the soles of her feet. Well, HERE THEY ARE! For you to admire and dream about at your leisure, over and over again....
Shooting this was quite a workout but I could not believe my good fortune to have those ample high arched feet filling my viewfinder for so long. I think she had fun with me, like a cat chasing some yarn, until she looked at her phone and with a sigh she got up and left. It was exactly 1:55 and so I think she slipped those wedges on and went back to her office to drive the young guys she works with crazy.