Wielder of 500 Feathers
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I love her great big bare soles! 
Great sole shots!
Thanks for sharing them here. 😀

Great sole shots!

Latest clip, my store is:
Now that the lawn is closed for the year I do more wideranging patrolling in midtown, focusing on areas where I have previously seen women take their shoes off and put their feet up. One such place is the plaza of a big office building which swarms with people in the afternoon, many of them relaxing in an informal way. I was there for a few days and nothing had happened, and on this particular afternoon I went to an Indian fast food booth in the plaza to grab some grub. There was a line so I was near the door, which was propped open, and I saw that a group of people came out of the big Dutch bank branch right next door -- mostly those extremely tall slender blonde Dutch people! (One very pretty girl was short and dark haired.) They stood there basically a few feet from me speaking in Dutch, and then they all left except for a very tall blonde girl who waved as the rest walked away. She went over to the ledge around the edge of the plaza and sat there by herself. I stopped looking as I got closer to the front of the line.
I got my food and left, and as I walked out of the food stand I saw to my considerable astonishment that she was laying along the edge of the ledge, near the glass wall ... and had taken off her white running shoes and propped her feet up on her backpack! Christ: Here almost literally falling into my lap was what I'd been waiting for at the plaza for several days. And there was a place to sit just down the ledge from her. So I scooted over and sat down, my Chicken Tikka Masala now forgotten. lol I put my camera in my lap and pointed it at her. Those feet, FUCK ME! Really beautiful, soft-looking, well taken care of, shapely, and soooo loooong, holy fuck -- definitely WELL ABOVE size 11 but once they get that big it gets sort of hard to estimate exactly what size they are. She is a very, very tall and striking woman -- I think more what's called a "handsome woman" than a beauty. I really loved the vivid contrast between her imposing attractiveness and the vulnerability of her bare soles, so big and tender. (Another thing that humanized her a bit, which I didn't see until I edited the clip, was that she wore a house key around her wrist, which is so cute.)
So I started shooting. No reaction. I had the camera like that on my lap for a few minutes and she seemed either oblivious or stubbornly refusing to look. I think maybe the second case is more likely because I was pretty close, and for a reason I'll mention later. So I thought, ok, well, I might as well try to get an even better angle, and moved the camera off my lap and onto my bag. As I did this she continued to text and wriggle those huge Dutch feet all around, not looking my way or toward the camera at all. The new angle was even better, as I could literally FILL the viewfinder with her big bare soles and still get her face in the frame. Worked perfectly -- I shot this way for minute after minute after minute, all the while wondering if she would notice and then we might have a hot conversation. But the whole time, those feet, which must have been at least a solid 12" long, rubbed gently against each other as focused on her phone, occasionally smiling just a bit. Stoic Dutchness!
Finally she swung her legs over the side and while she did so she gave the one and only look at the camera lens, looking straight at it, a hard appraising glance, with a quizzical look on her face. I later noticed, when I was making the vidcaps, that she looked at the camera one other time as well. I suspect she noticed the camera but had sort of a "live and let live" attitude about it -- "my big feet? LOL really? I guess, knock yourself out, but I'm not going to participate." Anyway, then she put her grey socks and then those white sneakers (which looked like RVs!) back on and continued to text, her legs swung over the edge. It had been amazing, a real adrenaline rush to shoot, but it was over. Amazed at my good fortune, I packed up my camera and went to my Indian food (still yummy) which somehow tasted even better because I was basically ecstatic. After another few minutes an extremely tall, slim guy came over and met her and they went on their way.
Stunning catch, but in the next three weeks I haven't got as single shoot out of that plaza. (I've seen women with their shoes off, but not clipworthy.)
but for the ones that out of the blue ask to speak to you, are they non character about why you were filming their feet?
Not sure what you mean by non character.
It makes her very uncomfortable to have her sensitive soles at the mercy of one of her victims -- it makes her squirm with embarrassment. Which is very cute of course.
Here she is with her feet fidgeting nervously as she waits for her sensitive soles to be tickled by someone she had just tortured. The girl was really gloating to have her in this predicament and Scarlett didn't know what to do. She's the one used to being in charge ....
She had some soup for lunch then settled in to text and relax her feet on a very warm fall day. Haven't had time to put the clip on the store yet but just had to share this. Her footplay was fantastic!!!
Latest clip added, store is:
This was shot on DV tape, around 2008 I think. It was back when they didn't just have the lawn open for corporate-sponsored events and people could just rest and relax on the lawn -- you know, the way people are supposed to be able to do? It was a glorious time for me, soles everywhere, propped up.
Like this little blonde intellectual, who had a beautiful face and a curvy figure, and her little soles were propped up, a pair of old fashioned slingbacks discarded on the grass under her "feet seat." I sat down to shoot her and when I took the camera out to shoot her, she gave me a wide-eyed "what are YOU about to do?' look, but then her face softened and I suspect she put two and two together and realized, based on where I was sitting, what I liked. "Oh he's going to film my naked feetsies lol!" so with a little smirk and some side-eye to me, she went back to her book, holding it up so that her face was hidden.
Well, mostly. 🙂 She did put it down now and then and had a very innocuous "I'm not looking" expression on her face, so you get to see how lovely she is. She was reading a pretty deep book, and in Spanish, so I assume she's foreign and a bit of an intellect. Which is sexy to me -- way sexier than a dumb girl (although I'll admit, there's something sexy about a dumb girl too, lol). She was poicking at her lunch the whole time I shot this, which was in a clear plastic container. After a while she put her feet down and stuck her feet loosely back in her slingbacks (I did not capture that BTW), her heels crushing the sling backs on her shoes. I went on my way because back then there was ALWAYS some other great opportunity to shoot, and a minute or two later I looked over to where she had been sitting and she was gone.
I prefer big feet and her feet were little, maybe size 6 or 6.5, but they were sexy little things with high arches and delicate wrinkles, and of course it's always a thrill to see the bare soles of a beautiful girl. She often wriggled those cute little tootsies around, sometimes scrunching them against each other adorably. As she had her bare feet stuck into slingbacks as she was walking around the city earlier, there was just a little NYC street grime clinging to her feet. Lucky grime! 🙂
I have to admit that the most fun about doing this to me is the initial reaction when the girl realizes that her bare soles are about to be filmed -- that's often before the filming even starts and it's a shame it's so rare. The thing is, almost every girl I sit down to shoot (95 out of 100) just leaves her feet up and lets me get the footage. I really like that. To me it says, "this guy thinks my feet are pretty and I kind of like that. What an unusual experience! I'm just going to leave them up and see what happens." Of course I could be completely wrong, but it is totally within the girl's power to just put her feet down and deny me the exposure of her bare soles, which is why I think that's what most girls think.